
  • 网络The civic culture;Civil Culture
  1. 其次,以公民文化建设促进现代公民人格培育;最后,以公民教育助推现代公民的塑造。

    Secondly , civic culture is constructed to promote modern civic personality .

  2. 关于公民文化,有两种代表性的定义。

    With regard to civic culture , there are two representative definitions .

  3. 公民文化权利的保护、社会关系的调整、WTO义务的履行以及学习型社会的创建,迫切需要一套行之有效的公共知识管理制度。

    It is urgent to create the valid public knowledge management system , which guarantees the citizen culture rights , adjusts the social relation , implements the WTO s obligation and sets up the study society .

  4. 阐述了我国城市公民文化已有的成就和存在的问题,并针对其不足分析了原因;

    Expounds the achievement and problems , and analyzes the reasons ;

  5. 生态文明:当代公民文化建构的重要领域

    Ecological Civilization : An Important Area in Contemporary Civil Culture Construction

  6. 公民文化在本质上要求公民培养公民意识。

    Gvil will is the inherent requirement of civil culture .

  7. 弘扬社会主义政治文化,培育有益于农民政治参与的公民文化;

    Developing socialist political culture and fostering Chinese citizen culture ;

  8. 文化变迁视野下的公民文化

    The Citizen Culture in the Visual Field of Culture Vicissitudes

  9. 村民自治与公民文化的培育

    Villagers ' Self - government and Cultivation of Citizen Culture

  10. 公民文化建设的价值尺度

    The value scale in the construction of civil culture

  11. 政治共识:中国公民文化建设的症结

    Political Concensus : Crux of Chinese Civil Culture Development

  12. 进而对保障公民文化权利的现实意义进行了归纳整理。

    Then , consolidating the practical significance about protecting cultural rights of citizens .

  13. 当代中国政治发展的实现有赖于公民文化的培育。

    Contemporary China ' spolitical development depends on the cultivation of civic culture .

  14. 美国公民文化视角下我国公民文化的培育

    Cultivation of Chinese Citizen Culture from the Visual Angle of American Citizen Culture

  15. 关键在于全体公民文化素质的提高。

    It mainly depends on enhancing the quality of all the citizens in our country .

  16. 摘要公民文化是成熟的政治文化。

    Citizen culture is mature political culture .

  17. 公民文化与法治秩序

    Civic Culture and Rule of Law Order

  18. 同时,城市公民文化可为城市建设提供精神动力。

    As the same time , urban civil culture can provide spiritual impetus for city building .

  19. 传统公私观念对当代中国公民文化建设的影响

    Influence of Traditional Idea of Public and Private Interest on Culture Construction of Present Chinese Citizen

  20. 这使得美国成为当时公民文化教育程度最高的国家。

    This made the United States have one of the highest literacy rates of the time .

  21. 可以说,她的共和主义政治图景是建立在积极参与这一公民文化基础上的。

    We can say that her republicanism political view is based on civic culture of positive participation .

  22. 可以说公民文化建设是实现政治现代化的主要途径之一,没有现代的公民文化,就没有真正的政治现代化。

    So the construction of citizen 's culture is one of the primary approach to realize political modernization .

  23. 第三节阐述了社会文化转型与公民文化权利的发展。

    To elaborate the socio-cultural transformation and the development of civil social and cultural rights in Section ⅲ .

  24. 文化是不能简单嫁接的,公民文化的培育亦是如此。

    Culture is not simply grafting , and is also the case with the cultivation of civic culture .

  25. 农村经济、政治、文化的健康发展,是农村公民文化正常发育的前提。

    Rural economy , politics , culture and healthy development of Civic Culture is a prerequisite for normal development .

  26. 公民文化能为建设现代政治文明提供合法性解释和合理性证明,加强政治角色对政治系统的认同感。

    The culture of citizen can explain and prove that it is legal and appropriate to construct modern politic civilization .

  27. 培育公民文化,需要有效的途径;分析公民文化,可以有多维视野。

    Cultivating civic culture , need an effective way ; analysis of civic culture , can have a multidimensional perspective .

  28. 美国公民文化比较成熟,其形成是特定的历史背景和社会环境结合的产物。

    American citizen culture , a product of the combination of particular history background and social environment , is comparatively mature .

  29. 公民文化权利与公共文化服务&对构建江苏公共文化服务体系的分析与思考

    Citizen Culture Rights and Public Culture Service & Analysis and Reflection on Constructing the Public Culture Service System in Jiangsu Province

  30. 许多学者认为构建公民文化是面向21世纪中国政治学研究的主题。

    Many scholars believe that the construction of civil culture is the theme of the 21st century-oriented research on Chinese politics .