
  1. 新公有制企业性质的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Nature of New Public-owner Enterprise

  2. 地区间竞争、财政自给率和公有制企业民营化

    The Effects of Interregional Competition and Fiscal Incentives on Privatization in China

  3. 评新公有制企业理论

    Comment on the theory of new public - owned enterprises

  4. 公有制企业生存能力再造的障碍及其对策

    The Barrier Location and Restoration of Survival Capability Reestablishment for Public Enterprise

  5. 我国公有制企业经营者激励&约束机制研究

    Study on Incentive and Bind Mechanism of Executive of Public Ownership Enterprise in China

  6. 这是我国市场化改革中大量公有制企业陷入困境的根源。虽然一些行业的公有制企业仍然存在,但主要是排斥非公有制企业市场准入而形成垄断;

    This is the roots for the dilemma of public enterprises since the market oriented reform .

  7. 公有制企业的性质

    The Nature of Publicly owned Enterprise

  8. 中国公司法是应公有制企业向私有制转化的实际需要而产生的。

    Chinese Company law has been developed to meet the pragmatic need of shifting state ownership to private ownership .

  9. 本文着重就企业文化推动公有制企业的经营绩效作以分析。

    Under such a background , the thesis probes into the enterprise culture of Chinese public-owned enterprises and enterprise performance .

  10. 第四部分通过对信息不对称下激励机制的设计和经营者风险报酬模型的建立,对公有制企业激励机制和约束机制进行了构建。

    In the third part , we design a model in unsymmetrical information and a model of administer risk reward .

  11. 国企改革重头戏:经营者激励问题分权化改革、财政激励和公有制企业改制

    A Crucial Issue in State-Owned Enterprises Reform , Executives ' Stimulation Decentralization , Fiscal Incentive and Privatization of SOEs in China

  12. 第二部分分析了我国公有制企业的历史、现状,并对公有制企业经营者的特点作了进一步剖析,同时比较了中外企业经营者的区别。

    Second part is on the history and nature of the public ownership enterprises , and the distinction between Chinese and foreign enterpriser ;

  13. 公有制企业劳动者的收入中,也包含有按生产要素分配的因素。

    In the public owned enterprises , the factor of distribution according to the elements of production is also included in the income of labourers .

  14. 在现代企业制度下,在非公企业中,产权关系的性质使党组织失去了在公有制企业中对经济资源的支配权和行政处置权。

    Under modern enterprise system , the property relationship character makes the eminent domain and administration that Party organization has lose in the non-public enterprises .

  15. 原先公有制企业实行的职工代表大会制度是具有中国特色的工人参与企业管理的一种形式。

    The workers congress system carried out by the former public ownership enterprises is one kind of form for the workers to participate in the business administration with the Chinese characteristics .

  16. 正如在沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋的其它成员国一样,迪拜的国有机构、半国营机构、公有制企业以及皇室财产之间没有清晰的界线。

    As in Saudi Arabia and the other members of the United Arab Emirates , there is no clear division in Dubai between state institutions , parastatal bodies , publicly owned companies and royal property .

  17. 而发展湖北县域民营经济宜采取三大战略对策:继续深入推进公有制企业的民营化改革,在县域经济总量不变的条件下,提高县域民营经济在全省县域经济总量中的比例;

    To develop the private sector , three viable strategies should be adopted : to continue the privatization of the state-owned enterprises so as to increase the share of the private economy in the provincial aggregate ;

  18. 相对于作为利润最大化工具的资本所有制企业而言,公有制企业则是工业生产阶段的劳动者的主要社会存在方式,这就是公有制企业的性质。

    Related the captial owened enterprise as the tool of pursuing profit , the publicly-owned enterprise is the main social existing pattern in the industrial society . pursuing high profit is the characteristics of merchant capital .

  19. 改革开放以来,随着非公有制经济的快速发展,非公有制企业吸收的就业人数占据了全国就业人数的大部分,远远超过国有企业和集体企业等公有制企业。

    Since the reform and opening up , along with the rapid development of non-public economy , the non-public enterprises absorb employees in the majority of the national employment which is far exceeding the state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises and other public enterprises .

  20. 挪用公款“归个人使用”的立法解释,体现了对公有制和私有制企业平等对待的精神;

    The interpretation of the legislation about appropriating public money " for personal use " expresses the spirit to equally treat publicly owned enterprises and privately owned enterprises .