
  • 网络terms
  1. 我国科技名词规范化工作取得重大成就

    Prominent achievements on the standardization of scientific and technological terms in China

  2. 统一科技名词术语,是当前信息时代的紧迫要求。

    Today 's information age is hot for the unity of these terms .

  3. 英语科技名词汉译及其发展初探

    Translation of scientific and technical nouns from English into Chinese

  4. 从一个科技名词看某些图书的编校质量

    The editorial quality of books as illustrated by a science and technology term

  5. 科技名词是科学概念的语言符号。

    Scientific and technical term is the language symbol of the scientific concept .

  6. 烹饪科技名词的厘定

    The Technical Terms of Chinese Cuisine Should be Standardized

  7. 我国心电生理和心脏起搏科技名词汇编(Ⅱ)

    Terminology of Chinese electrophysiology and cardiac pacing terms (ⅱ)

  8. 科技名词与图形符号的标准化规范化问题

    Standardization and normalization of terminologies and graphic symbols

  9. 本文给出了科技名词规范化的定义,对其历史进行了简要回顾;

    The definition of sci-tech terms standardization is given and its significance is discussed .

  10. 中国近代关于如何对待日译科技名词的讨论

    The Discussion on the Translation of Japanese-Interpreted Words of Science and Technology in Modern China

  11. 科技名词定名的规范化称名方法对比&谈词汇领域语际差异研究的功能视点

    On comparison between naming methods : A study on interlingual differences in lexicology with the functional focus

  12. 近代国人对于日译科技名词,总体上是持接受的态度。

    In modern China , people accepted the Japanese-interpreted words of science and technology in a whole .

  13. 关于海峡两岸渔业科技名词术语统一工作若干问题研究的探讨

    A Discussion on Some Problems of Unifying Scientific and Technological Terms in Fisheries on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait

  14. 这里有几个科技名词,都由3个字母组成。你应该还看过更多。

    So here are some of the technical terms , all three-letter things , that you 'll see a lot more of .

  15. 科技名词术语的准确翻译更是个学术问题,也是伴随科技进步需要经常研讨的永恒课题。

    Furthermore , the accurate translation of them is an academic problem , and a timeless topic discussed together with the progress of science and technology .

  16. 要加速科学技术的发展并提高信息流的质量,就必须实现科技名词术语的规范化。

    The conclusion drawn from this study is that to accelerate scientific research and to improve the quality of information flow , sci-tech terms must be standardized .

  17. 英语科技名词汉译是科技文献资料翻译的重要组成部份。

    The noun , quantity of which makes up a large proportion in parts of speech , being polysemous and in wide use , is an important part of the translation from English to Chinese in scientific and technical documents .

  18. 论科技英语名词术语的翻译

    On the Translation of Terminology in Scientific English

  19. 科技英文名词化与汉译

    Nominalization in Scientific English and Its Chinese Translation

  20. 本文从四个方面对科技英语中名词与其后置定语隔位的结构作了较全面的分析。

    The discontinuous modification structure is analyzed rather comprehensively from four aspects .

  21. 科技英语中名词和名词性短语的理解与翻译

    The comprehension and translation of noun and noun phrases in scientific and technical English

  22. 科技英语动词名词化探讨

    The Investigation of the Nominalization for the Verbs in English for Science and Technology

  23. 科技英语中名词化趋势的研究

    The Nominal Trend in Sci - tech English

  24. 这也是为什么科技英语中名词化现象随处可见的原因,它对三大纯理功能的实现有重要作用。

    That is the reason why nominalization prevails . It is related to the features of register and is critical to the realization of the three metafunctions .

  25. 科技英语中的名词化结构及其功能分析

    A Functional Analysis on the Nominalization Structure of EST

  26. 英语科技文体中的名词化动词和翻译

    Nominalized Verbs in Science Texts and Their Translation

  27. 与科技语篇一样名词化是新闻语篇中语法隐喻的主要来源。

    Nominalization is the main source of grammatical metaphor in news discourse as it is in scientific discourse .

  28. 本文介绍了科技英语中的名词化结构、名词术语的归属以及翻译技巧。

    In this paper , the author introduces the belonging and translation skill of noun construction and noun terms '

  29. 此数据库主要提供有关中国大陆所使用的经济、金融、科技等行业的名词解释。

    This database is the news archive of RealTime China , containing the political and economic news released by the Chinese official news agency .

  30. 本文试图对科技英语篇章中名词(或名词短语)的重复现象进行分析并提出以下五种类型的重复:一,完全重复;

    This article makes a tentative study of the repetition of nouns ( or noun phrases ) in the sci-tech text , and provides five types of repetition as follows : 1.full-form repetition ;