
  • 网络Studies in Science Education;Research in Science Education;Researchin Science Education;Studiesin Science Education
  1. 聋校初中科学教育研究

    A Study of Science Education in Junior Middle Schools for the Deaf

  2. 中国教会大学科学教育研究(1901-1936)

    Research on the Education of Science in the Ecclesiastic Universities in China 1901-1936 ;

  3. 基础科学教育研究与建构主义:中国与西方的差异

    The research of elementary science education and the constructivism : differences between China and Western

  4. 其根本的宗旨,是为正在崛起的教育研究领域中国科学教育研究做些观念层面的基础研究工作。

    The ultimate aim is to do some foundational work in the level of the conception for the Chinese science education , a growing up education research field .

  5. 追溯以往国内外科学教育研究成果和国际重大科学测评项目发现,从学科层面来探讨与测评能力的研究值得开展。

    In retrospect to the domestic and foreign researches in science education and the major international scientific evaluation project , the research about cultivation and evaluation of the students ' CDS from the discipline level is worth carrying out .

  6. 他对用java技术推动科学教育和研究感兴趣。

    He is interested in using Java technology to facilitate science education and research .

  7. 中学物理科学方法教育研究

    Research on Education of Physics Scientific Method in Middle School

  8. 国民政府时期科学教育思想研究(1927-1949)

    Study on Science Education Thought during the Period of Former Kuomintang Government ( 1927-1949 );

  9. 晚清科学教育思想研究(1840-1911)

    Study on the Latter Period of Qing Dynasty s Science Education Thought ( 1840-1911 );

  10. 五四新文化运动时期的科学教育思想研究(1915&1927)

    Study on the Thought of Science Education during the May 4th New Culture Movement ( 1915-1927 );

  11. 英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Science Education in the Junior and Secondary Schools in United Kingdom and Australia

  12. 论证作为一个新兴的研究领域,已经成为现今科学教育及其研究的热点问题。

    Argumentation is just a new research field , but has become prominent in science education literature .

  13. 目前,我国对科学素质教育研究的广度和深度还十分有限,尤其在学科教育领域中的研究则更为缺乏,有待深入的研究。

    At present , the width and depth of study in scientific quality-oriented education are quite limited , especially in that of subject education that deserves further research .

  14. 二是双主模式,既发挥教师主导作用又充分体现学生认知主体作用。本研究采用了文献法、内容分析法、测验研究法、比较研究法等科学的教育研究方法;

    This paper adopts many scientific education research method , such as Literature Method , Content Analytical Method , Test Research Method , Comparative Research Method , and so on .

  15. 美国洛克菲勒基金会在自1913年成立后的近三十年里,投入了大量资金资助中国的医学与科学教育及研究,其活动产生了广泛而深远的影响。

    In the three decades after its establishment in 1913 , the Rockefeller Foundation spent a large amount of money to fund education and research of medicine and science in China .

  16. 但总体而言,我国幼儿园科学教育的研究起步晚,在具体的实践活动中仍然有许多问题。

    Generally speaking , the study of science education in kindergartens of our country began late . There are still many problems in specific theory and practice of science education in kindergartens .

  17. 提倡基于科学的教育研究,规范研究方法,提高研究质量应该成为我们的选择,从而使教育的科学研究真正地科学化,为教育实践和教育政策制订提供真实可靠的依据。

    Our choice should be scientifically-based educational research , standard researching methods and improving researching quality , so that the scientific research in education will be really scientific and provide reliable basis for the educational practice and the educational policy making .

  18. 总之,我国应在科学教育及其研究中取人之长、补己之短,这样才能真正提高我国科学教育研究水平,从而为推动我国中小学科学教育改革与发展提供专业支持。

    I In a word , we should learn from some developed countries , and in course of researching science education , if we do as above , the level of research of science education is really improved to support reforming and developing of science education in China .

  19. 论科学变革与教育研究范式的转换

    On Transform of Science and Conversion of Educational Research Mode

  20. 从复杂科学视角反思教育研究方法

    Reconsideration of Research Methods in Education from the Viewpoint of Complex science

  21. 系统科学对高等教育研究产生了广泛而深刻的影响。

    Systems Science has broad and profound impact on higher , education study .

  22. 中国科学技术教育史研究百年历程及反思

    A centennial retrospect of Chinese educational history

  23. 科学与技术教育研究。

    Research in Science & Technological Education .

  24. 本人选取新西兰的小学科学教育标准为研究对象,将中新两国小学科学课程标准进行了比较分析。

    Its the first science curriculum standards of primary school , and means a bran-new starting for primary science education in China .

  25. 科学技术教育史研究在中国一直没有引起教育史界的充分重视,长期以来,科技教育史的发展在科技史学科中获得了比在教育史学科中更重要的地位。

    As the study of educational history has not attracted enough attention in China , it is more worthwhile to attend to the development achieved in the curriculum of science than in curriculum of educational science .

  26. 来自剑桥大学教育学院和神经科学教育中心的研究人员与英国和意大利的2700名中小学生进行了合作,包括详细的一对一访谈,以探讨数学焦虑及其原因。

    Researchers from the faculty of education and the centre for neuroscience in education at Cambridge University worked with 2700 primary and secondary students in the UK and Italy - including detailed one-to-one interviews - to explore maths anxiety and its causes .

  27. 以第二次世界大战后美国的三次基础科学教育改革为研究背景,以科学过程和科学产品的学习与教学为切入点,考察了渗透在美国基础科学教育中的创造理念。

    Based on the psychological research focusing on the teaching-learning interaction in the educational process of fundamentals of science , how the creative ideas permeated the process in USA is explored , which had been reformed for three times after the World War ⅱ .

  28. 最后,在借鉴科学本质观教育研究中已有的成功模式,提出进行科学本质观教育的模式和方法,并给出具体的操作案例和评价。

    In the end , on the basis of successful mode about the education of the views of nature of science , some specific samples and appraisal have been analyzed after rises the mode and principals to the education of the views of nature of science .

  29. 这就忽视了科学方法在教育学研究中的应用限度:重视了归纳,忽视了演绎;忽视了中国的教育情景:忽视了科学精神和科学态度的内化。

    Scientific approach is the only study approach for education .

  30. 美国科学教育师资培训的研究及启示

    The Study and Reflection on Science Teacher Training in America