
  1. 德国大学(Uni)和高等专业学院(Fachhochschule)电气信息类专业的实践性教学包括课程练习、实验、工业实践训练、项目研究、毕业论文等形式,形成了完整的体系。

    In German Universitaet and Fachhochschule , the practice program includes exercise , experiment , industrial practice , project research , graduation thesis , which form a complete system .

  2. 电气信息类专业嵌入式系统课程教学的探讨

    Exploration on the Embedded System Course Teaching for Electric Information Majors

  3. 电气信息类专业基础主干课程教学模式的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Teaching Mode on Electrical Information Basic Professional Courses

  4. 电气信息类专业实践教学的研究与探索

    Research on practice in teaching for electronic information specialty

  5. 信号与系统是电气信息类专业重要的技术基础课程。

    Signals and Systems is an important fundamental course for electrical information specialties .

  6. 电气信息类专业机械课程改革的研究与实践

    Study and Practise on the Reform of mechanical Course for Electronic Information Speciality

  7. 仿真技术在电气信息类专业中的应用

    Application of Simulation Technology in the Teaching Practice of the Electrical Information Specialty

  8. 应用型本科电气信息类专业的实践性教学研究

    A Study of Practice Program of Electrification & Information Engineering Specialty in Applied Science Universities

  9. 加强实践教学环节提高电气信息类专业人才培养质量

    Strengthening the practice teaching Improving the talent training quality of the electrical information class specialized Students

  10. 电气信息类专业两门重要的专业基础课是信号与系统与自动控制原理。

    The major basic courses for electronic information specialty are Signals and Systems and automatic control principle .

  11. 突出创新能力培养创建有特色的电气信息类专业课程体系和实践教学模式

    Protruding the Education of Creative Ability , Establish Distinctive Curriculum System and Teaching Pattern of Electrical Information

  12. 数字电子技术是一门实践性较强的课程,也是电气信息类专业必修的重要课程之一。

    Digital electronic technology is a practice-emphasized curriculum and also is one of the compulsory important curriculums for electrical information specialty .

  13. 《微机原理与接口技术》是高职院校电气信息类专业的一门专业基础课程,其课程实践性很强。

    As a fundamental major course of relative majors of electrical and information in higher vocational colleges , the course Microcomputer Principles and Interface Techniques is of great practice .

  14. 为更好地培养适销对路的人才,高校电气信息类专业课程内容进行适应性调整,增加有关现代电子制造和测试方面的教学内容已是刻不容缓。

    In order to train suitable talents all the better , it brooks no delay that adaptive adjusts should be made in the curriculum of electronic information specialty in universities , increasing content about modern electronic manufacturing and electronic test .

  15. 信号与系统是电气电子信息类专业的一门重要的专业基础课,该课程公式多、概念抽象,因而难学。

    Signal and System is an important basic course for electronic information specialty . It is many formulas , very abstract , hard to learn .

  16. 工程电磁场是电气信息大类及相关专业一门重要的技术基础课,是一门有关麦克斯韦电磁场理论基础的主干课程。

    Electromagnetic Field is an important basic technical course for electric information major , and it is about Maxell 's electromagnetic theory .