
  • 网络electrical engineer;Motor Engineer
  1. 你做什么工作?我是电机工程师?

    What type of work do you do ? I 'm an electrical engineer .

  2. 作为电机工程师,他曾一同开发了彩色电视机以及用于登月的电脑系统。

    As an electrical engineer , he helped to develop colour television and computers for the moon landings .

  3. 作为电机工程师,我改进了电风扇的装配线。

    I improved our assembly line of the electric fans .

  4. 一辆小汽车上有三个工程师,一个电机工程师,一个化学工程师和一个软件工程师。

    There are three engineers in a car ; an electrical engineer , a chemical engineer and a Microsoft engineer .

  5. 于是,1888年5月,他们安排特士拉到美国电机工程师学会演讲。

    Toward that end , they arranged for Tesla to lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in May 1888 .

  6. 电机工程师建议把汽车的电子器件全部拿下来看看哪里发生了问题。

    The electrical engineer suggests stripping down the electronics of the car and trying to trace where a fault might have occurred .

  7. 所有铺面层,密底花堂及水景的排水施工须参照电机工程师之排水工程图纸。

    Refer to Electrical and Mechanical Engineer 's Drawings for all Paved Deck , Drainage Closed Bottom Planter Drainage and Pool Drainage Works .

  8. 他的父亲是一名电机工程师,母亲是一名老师,他对表演的热爱想必是从他母亲那里继承过来的。

    Since his father was an electrical engineer , he must have inherited his love for acting from his mother , who was a teacher .

  9. 我们现正徵求能在桃园自由贸易区内新成立的台湾办公室负责维修和校准医设备的电机工程师。

    We are seeking an electronic engineer who will repair and calibrate our medical devices at our new Taiwan office in the Taoyuan Free Trade zone .

  10. 图马佐不是皮肤科医生,而是一名科班出身的电机工程师,他为I型糖尿病研发了一种人造胰腺,为失聪儿童研发了一种人造耳朵植入物,还设计了一款无线心脏监测器。

    Dr. Toumazou is not a dermatologist ; he 's an electrical engineer by training , one who has developed an artificial pancreas for Type I diabetes , an artificial ear implant that allows deaf children to hear and a wireless heart monitor .

  11. 2004年6月,美国电机电子工程师协会(IEEE)正式通过了802.11i标准,其设计目的就是要为802.11网络协议提供增强的MAC层安全性。

    IEEE 802.11i , an IEEE standard ratified on June 24 , 2004 , is designed to provide an enhanced security mechanism in the Medium Access Control ( MAC ) layer for 802.11 networks .

  12. 无线局域网标准IEEE802.11协议族提出至今,电机电子工程师协会对协议本身一直在不断扩充。

    IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network protocol family has been expanded by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) all the time .

  13. 电机和电子工程师学会(StdC95.1),2005年。

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Std C95.1 – 2005 .

  14. 研究者在四月份的美国电机及电子工程师学会会刊医学版上对他们的模型进行了描述和分析。

    The researchers describe their model and analysis in the April issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging .