
  1. 事后,郭军向鲍某赔礼道歉,得到了谅解。

    Later , Guo Bao an apology to get an understanding .

  2. 郭军在阻挡民警进店时,卡住其中一名民警的脖子,又撕拽其警服,并威胁、辱骂。

    Guo police into the shop in the block , stuck one of the police 's neck , and pulled their uniforms torn and threats , verbal abuse .

  3. 中华全国总工会官员郭军周三在一次会议上表示,富士康让工人长时间加班,违反了劳动法。

    Guo Jun , an official at the All China Federation of Trade Unions ( ACFTU ), said at a conference on Wednesday that Foxconn was violating the labour law by having its workers do massive overtime .

  4. 河北省廊坊市环保局副局长郭军表示,该局已做好准备,关闭40家水泥厂和修车厂。该局管辖范围内共有大约7000家工厂。

    Guo Jun , deputy director of the environmental protection bureau in the Hebei city of Langfang , said it was ready to shut 40 cement and vehicle repair plants out of the about 7,000 factories under its jurisdiction .