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  1. 当郭文珺在陕西西安出生后不久,父母就离异了。她爸爸抚养她长大的,在她14岁的时候,她就被送去训练射击。

    Guo 's parents divorced soon after she was born in Xi'an , Shaanxi province . Guo 's father raised her and introduced her to shooting when she was14 .

  2. 去年产后四个月即返回射击场的郭文珺,在女子10米气步枪的项目上成功卫冕,这是继奥运首金之后中国队在皇家炮兵军营体育场拿到的第二枚金牌。

    Guo Wenjun , who was back to shooting four months after giving birth to a girl last year , retained her women 's 10-meter air pistol title , earning China its second gold at the Royal Artillery Barracks .