
  • 网络epistatic effect;epistasis;epistatic recessiveness
  1. 对红卵基因(re)表现隐性上位作用。

    ヽ ompared with the red egg gene , the mutant gene showed recessive epistasis .

  2. 命名其基因符号为ohm。同时发现ohm对中国油(oc)表现上位作用。

    This mutant is now tentatively designated with the gene symbol oh m , and was found to have an epistatic effect over Chinese translucent ( oc ) .

  3. w-3bt对re表现上位作用。

    W-3bt is epistatic to re .

  4. 谈赤蚁(Ch~D)对第二隐性赤蚁(ch-2)有隐性上位作用.SOD,CAT活力的显性方向和显性度因品种而异,推测是支配SOD,CAT活力基因间的上位作用所致。

    The chp is recessive epistatic on ch-2 . The direction and degree of dominance of SOD and CAT activity differed with variety , which is speculated to be attributed to the epistatic action of the genes controlling the activity of the two enzymes .

  5. 统计分析表明:茄子单性结实性状遗传不符合加性-显性遗传模型,存在着非等位基因间的上位作用;

    The results showed that the heredity of parthenocarpy was not correspondent with the additive dominant model .

  6. 对α-淀粉酶活性按配合的二参数、四参数和五参数模型χ2测验,认为α-淀粉酶活性符合加性-显性遗传模型,基因上位作用不明显,并存在超显性遗传现象。

    Test result by two parameter 、 four parameter and five parameter models showed that the activity of α - amylase fit the additive-dominant genetic model , the epistatic-action was not obvious and super-dominant genetic phenomenon was existed . 3 .

  7. 其余2个QTLs分别位于第7、9染色体上。同时检测到有5对位点间存在上位性作用,但相对贡献率较小,表明上位性效应也是影响抽穗期的遗传基础。

    In addition , two QTLs with relatively smaller effects were found to be located on chromosome 7 and 9 . Five pairs of QTLs with epistatic effect minor contributions to heading date were detected , demonstrating the existence of epistasis as a genetic basis of heading date in rice .

  8. 结果表明,这一群体中小麦纹枯病的抗性符合两对连锁主基因遗传模型(B-2-1),主基因间表现为加性&加性×加性上位性作用,重组率为0.1996。

    The results indicated that two linkage major genes with additive - additive additive epistatic effect ( Model B-2-1 ) governed the inheritance of resistance to sharp eyespot in the RILs . The recombinant rate between two major genes is about 0.1996 .

  9. 在非加性方差中,上位性作用比显性作用相对重要些;

    Interaction variance is more important than the dominant variance in non-additive effect ;

  10. 上位性作用,连锁作用及遗传-环境交感作用对一数量性状遗传变异之影响亦曾加讨论。

    The effects of epistasis , linkage , and genotype-environment interaction on the genetic variability of a metric character are briefly discussed .

  11. 因此,发展出合适的统计分析方法在分子层次上剖析细胞质与细胞核基因间的上位性作用是揭开核质互作遗传机理的核心问题。

    Therefore , developing the proper methodology for dissecting the interaction between nuclear and cytoplasmic background was the core to understand the genetic basis of the cytonuclear epistasis .

  12. 上位机的作用主要完成数据的显示、报警、保存和查询功能。

    The host computer mainly achieves the task of data display , alarm , storage and query .

  13. 如果没有显性上位抑制基因的作用,显性核不育基因在不同的遗传背景中都能够稳定表达。

    Without the effect of the dominant epistatic inhibition gene ( Rf ), the dominant male sterile gene ( Ms ) can be stably expressed in different genetic backgrounds .

  14. 在谷粒性状中,谷粒长和谷粒宽受两对主基因控制,主基因作用方式分别为隐性上位连锁和加性上位连锁作用。

    The major genes were recessive-epistatic and complementary effect .