
  • 网络World Economic System;world economy system
  1. 加入WTO是我国经济融入世界经济体系的关键一步,也是经济全球化的重要进展。

    Entry to WTO is the most key pace for China going to World Economy System , and also is the important progress of Economy Globalization .

  2. 任何一个国家或地区都不可能脱离世界经济体系而独立地发展自己的经济。

    Any country or region cannot develop its own economy independently staying away from the world economy system .

  3. 与此同时,加入WTO的中国正在以前所未有的态势进入世界经济体系。

    At the same time , China has joined the WTO and is entering the worldwide economy system in an unprecedented situation .

  4. 我国已加入WTO,我国经济整体开放度的提高将使我国经济日益融入到世界经济体系之中。

    The improvement of China 's economy as a whole will make our economy flow into the world 's economy , after we become a member of the WTO .

  5. 加入WTO给我国经济全面融入世界经济体系提供了前提和基础,同时也给外语教育带来不可低估的深远影响。

    The entry to WTO brings China 's economy into the world economic system , which at the same time has a far-deep effect on the college foreign language education .

  6. 随着中国经济越来越多地融入世界经济体系,WTO中关于竞争的相关规则已越来越多地影响我国的经济生活。

    Along with the growing Chinese economy integration of into the world economic system , the related rules of WTO concerning competition are increasingly affecting our country 's economy activities .

  7. 自从我国2001年加入WTO以来,国民经济取得了蓬勃的发展,融入世界经济体系的步伐明显加快。

    After entering the World Trade Organization in 2001 , the Chinese national economy has grown quickly , and the process of integrating into the world economy has been speeded up significantly .

  8. 为了使本国经济充分融入世界经济体系,世界各国都纷纷签订各种FTA。

    Lots of countries in the world have been concluding various FTA in order to well make themselves blend into this system .

  9. 富国俱乐部八国集团(groupofeight)的财政部长们表示,世界经济体系中有缺陷的市场和根本性弱点,要求我们对一些规范和原则采用“全球性标准”,在商业中重建道德伦理。

    Flawed markets and fundamental weaknesses in the world economic system demand adoption of a " global standard " of norms and principles and a return to ethics in business , according to finance ministers from the group of eight Club of rich countries .

  10. 世界经济体系中的不平等与不平衡辨析

    On the Inequality and Disequilibrium in World Economic System

  11. 世界经济体系与世界经济格局

    World Economic System and Its Order : A Perspective

  12. 那些现今的大国能接受世界经济体系的改变,

    Will the former rich countries really accept a completely changed world economy ,

  13. 当前国际金融危机对世界经济体系转型的影响

    How the Present International Financial Crisis Affects the Transition of the World Economic System

  14. 第一,建设可持续发展的世界经济体系。

    Firstly , to build up a global economic system that ensures sustainable development .

  15. 对外开放意味着我国经济进入了全球化的世界经济体系中,来自外来的冲击将不可避免地对国内的各个方面都产生深远的影响。

    The opening up means that economy has entered into the globalized world economy .

  16. 在现行世界经济体系中,高技术的高附加值利益将得到更大的强化;

    Under the structure of world economic system , the benefit of value-added from high-tech is enlarging ;

  17. 随着我国加入世贸组织,社会主义市场经济的发展也必将融入世界经济体系。

    Along with China entry into WTO , the development of social market economy will melt into world economic process .

  18. 然而,维持这两个分离的世界经济体系的内在对抗实际是不可能的。

    It was not possible , however , to maintain two separate world economic systems intrinsically antagonistic to one another .

  19. 经济全球化与金融一体化正在广泛推进,中国的经济也必将更快和更广的融入世界经济体系中。

    While economy globalizing and finance incorporating , the Chinese economy will join in the world economy system faster and wider .

  20. 中美双方的诸多行动都会牵动全球的经济,直接影响世界经济体系的稳定。

    The many initiatives the two sides will affect the global economy , directly affecting the stability of the world economic system .

  21. 保税区作为一种特殊的区域经济形式,在世界经济体系中占有非常重要的地位。

    Bonded area , which is a special form of regional economy , takes very important place in economy system of the world .

  22. 随着经济全球化的程度加深,我国在世界经济体系中的作用越来越重要。

    With the development of economic globalization , the role that China plays in the world economic system is becoming more and more important .

  23. 而其在中西商务交往过程中的实践和运作,从经济层面来看,是当时中国被强行融入资本主义世界经济体系过程中华洋市场仇恨的一种表征;

    These practice , looked from the economical angle , was one kind of attribute the market hatred between Chinese businessmen and western traders ;

  24. 一是原计划经济国家从经济体制入手,广泛地实行市场化改革,力图融入以市场经济为核心的世界经济体系。

    One is the far-reaching market reformation the former planned economy countries took in order to enter the global economy system base on planned economy .

  25. 现代世界经济体系中,一国货币会因其综合国力增强而逐步走向国际化;

    In the economic system of present world , a nation 's money will be internationalized because of the nation 's increasing comprehensive national power .

  26. 但是在融入世界经济体系的过程中,市场联结提供的知识和资源在企业经营运作中占主体地位。

    But in the process of integration into the world economy , market ties provide knowledge and resources in the business operation of dominant position .

  27. 国际直接投资“中国热”背后所蕴涵的深刻动机已经表明中国经济在世界经济体系中的地位与作用具有独特的重要性。

    The profound motivation embodied behind this popularity has demonstrated the unique importance of China 's economic role and economic position in the world economic system .

  28. 快速发展的长江三角洲地区正在以前所未有的步伐融入世界经济体系之中,由此促进了作为门户或窗口的港口的快速发展,并对其地域体系的发展提出了新的要求。

    The rapid growth of economies in Yangtze Delta with export orientation development is providing a strong motive power for the development of regional seaport system .

  29. 近年来,世界经济体系开始从中心-边缘结构向板块与网络状并存结构转型。

    During recent years , world economic system has begun to transform from the structure of " Center-Margin " toward that of both plate and network .

  30. 在世界经济体系中,在亚洲和中东地区涌现出的市场还在兴兴向荣,但是分析家们对这些地区未来经济的增长并不抱乐观的态度。

    The economies of emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East are still chugging along , but analysts are cutting growth forecasts for them too .