
  • 网络Market diversification;market diversity;a multi-outlet market
  1. 市场多元化是一个不可逆转的趋势。

    Market diversification is an inevitable trend .

  2. 继续实施市场多元化战略,力争今年外贸出口有所增长。

    We need to continue implementing the strategy of market diversification to increase this year 's exports .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO和电信市场多元化竞争格局的形成,增加了电信企业引入eTOM的紧迫性。

    As the entry to the WTO of China and the forming of the multi-competition patterns of telecommunication market , it has increased the urgency about telecommunication enterprises introducing eTOM .

  4. 我国出口市场多元化战略初探

    An Inquiry into the Pluralistic Strategy of China 's Export Market

  5. 实现出口市场多元化和走出去战略。

    Realizing the pluralism of export market and Go-out policy .

  6. 逐步实现重要战略物资进口市场多元化。

    We will gradually diversify China 's import markets for strategic supplies .

  7. 出口让我们的市场多元化,还可以平摊风险。

    Exporting allows us to diversify our markets and spread our risk .

  8. 面对出口形势的变化,进一步推进市场多元化战略。

    Facing the changing export situation , the strategy of multi-market was further promoted .

  9. 积极推进市场多元化战略,努力优化贸易结构。

    We actively pursued the strategy of diversifying markets and improved the trade mix .

  10. 引力模型在我国农产品出口市场多元化中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Gravity Model in China Agricultural Product Export Market Structure Diversification

  11. 采取市场多元化战略

    Adopt the strategy of a multioutlet market

  12. 实际上,摩根大通全球新兴市场多元化债券指数的收益率本月已跌回5.95%。

    Indeed , the EMBI global diversified index yield has this month fallen back to 5.95 per cent .

  13. 出口市场多元化,香港在中国对外贸易中发挥更大作用。

    The export market diversified , and Hong Kong played a more important role in China 's foreign trade .

  14. 由于不同开始运用相同的技术,所以新技术也有助于公司实现市场多元化。

    New technology is also making it easier for companies to diversify as different industries come to rely on common technologies .

  15. 随着我国保险市场多元化的格局日趋明显,财产保险经营技术也会不断提高。

    Many new property insurance institutes come out constantly and give property insurance market the special insurance products of individuation and specialization .

  16. 我们可以走市场多元化道路,不用铤而走险,专攻房地产。

    We can pursue the strategy of market diversity rather than taking the bear by the tooth into the real estate industry .

  17. 该报告建议亚洲发展中经济体实现出口市场多元化,从欧美转向其它发展中地区。

    The report advised developing Asian economies to diversify their markets away from the US and Europe and towards other developing regions .

  18. 如双方应继续实行出口品种和市场多元化战略;

    Some of these advices are : ( 1 ) the two should implement the tactics of diversification in varieties and markets ;

  19. 实施科教兴贸和市场多元化战略,努力扩大外贸进出口。

    We will use science , technology and education to increase trade and follow a strategy of diversifying markets to increase imports and exports .

  20. 例如必须重视国家产业政策对企业战略选择的影响,重视战略评估与控制以及慎重对待企业海外市场多元化发展的战略选择等。

    The company must attach importance to country policy , and strategy estimate and control , and careful to the oversea development in future .

  21. 随着国际金融市场多元化、自由化、全球化的发展加速,金融衍生产品市场成为金融市场的重要组成部分。

    With the development of the diversification , the liberalization and the globalization of the international financial market , the financial derivatives has become important .

  22. 他补充道,加拿大需要实现资源市场多元化,部分原因在于美国等发达国家市场在长期内都将增长缓慢。

    He added that the country needed to diversify partly because developed markets such as the US were facing a long period of slow growth .

  23. 其次要完善我国的贸易促进服务体系。再者要将我国的出口市场多元化战略和走出去战略结合起来。

    Second , we must Improve our accelerated serving trade system . Third , we must integrate the diversified export market strategies with go out strategies .

  24. 本文从新疆与中亚五国贸易发展规模、发展速度、商品结构和市场多元化几个方面说明了未来新疆与中亚国家贸易发展的趋势和前景。

    The paper clarifies the trade tendency in future Xinjiang and Center-Asia from the perspective of development scale , development speed , commodity structure and diversified market .

  25. 广大发展中国家蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力,是我国实施市场多元化战略和走出去战略的重点。

    The developing countries are blessed with an enormous potential for development and they occupy an important position in China 's market diversification and going global strategies .

  26. 六是在外向型经济发展战略因素方面,经济危机有利于发展中国家调整其发展战略,推进了制成品市场多元化和产品多元化的发展。

    The last one is export-oriented economic strategy for development . These strategies can be adjusted to diversification of products and markets under the background of economic crisis .

  27. 为了满足市场多元化的需求,很多生产型企业正在由传统的大批量生产向多品种小批量的生产方式转型。

    In order to meet the needs of market diversification , many manufacturing companies are changed from the traditional mass production to many varieties and small batch production mode .

  28. 相关性分析的结论为我国实施进出口市场多元化战略,汇率制度的调整等提供理论上的依据。

    , The empirical results provide theory basis to which our country will carry out the strategy of export market diversity and the adjustment of the exchange rate according .

  29. 并从进出口的市场多元化、商品结构层次化、招商引资质量及来源等方面提出政策建议,以期降低中国出口的不稳定性,促进经济的平稳快速发展。

    Policy suggestions are from the perspective of market diversifying , commodity structure adjusting and investment attracting , hopefully to decrease export instability and promote economy to develop smoothly .

  30. 实施市场多元化战略,发挥我国的比较优势,巩固传统市场,开拓新兴市场,努力扩大出口。

    We should implement the strategy of market diversification , bring into play our comparative advantages , consolidate our existing markets and open new ones in an effort to increase exports .