
  1. 在对三种比较流行资源管理模型:层次模型、抽象所有者模型和市场经济模型的思想及实现方式进行了分析与研究之后,提出了P2P-Grid环境下的资源管理系统的构架。

    After discussed the hierarchical , abstract owner , and computational economy models of grid resource management architecture , we put forward architecture of resource management in P2P-Grid environment .

  2. 市场经济模型的集对仿真系统

    Set Pair System Of the Market Model

  3. 关于消费者行为的市场经济模型

    The market economy model on consumer acts

  4. 在上述理论基础上,根据网格资源特征,利用市场经济模型,建立了逆荷兰式拍卖模型,该模型规定了资源的分配策略和初始定价策略。

    Based on such theories , according to charateristic of grid resource , the model of reverse Dutch auction-based algorithm was established by use the concept of market economy , it define the allocated and original price policy of resource .

  5. 品牌区域市场经济行为模型分析

    Model analysis for the regional market behavior of brands

  6. 论文以垃圾焚烧发电为例,构建了垃圾焚烧发电市场可行性经济模型。此模型同样适用于秸秆等可再生能源发电。

    Using the garbage burning generation for example , the dissertation has constructed the market feasible economic mode of garbage burning generation . 4 .

  7. 目前正在进行一场激烈的争论&这是温和的说法,争论的题目是:一个排除金融市场的经济模型是否仍适用于21世纪。

    There is now a lively debate - to put it mildly - about whether an economic model in denial of a financial market can still be useful in the 21st century .

  8. 讨论可中断负荷(IL)市场的经济补偿模型及报价清算规则,指出参与系统备用服务的IL市场与发电侧备用市场之间的协调对于发电充裕性的重要性。

    Economic compensation model and bidding clearing rules for interruptible load ( IL ) market are discussed and coordination between IL and generation-side reserve capacity for generation adequacy is emphasized .

  9. 在网格市场经济资源管理模型的基础上,设计一种基于计算期望的网格资源管理模型。

    A computing expectation based grid resource management model is presented based on the theory of grid economy model .

  10. 然后在定性分析的基础上建立油运市场的计量经济模型,对国际油运市场进行了定量的模拟研究,得到各种影响因素对油运费率影响的准确值。

    In the end we established a econometric model of tanker market , and by this model we have a quantitative study of tanker market .

  11. 给出了网格资源管理的四种模型:分层模型,抽象所有者模型,计算市场(经济)模型和混和模型,并对它们进行了分析。

    Four models of Grid Resource Management , which are Hierarchical Model , Abstract Owner Model , Computational Market / Economy Model , and Mixed Model are given and analyzed .

  12. 数据网格环境下基于市场经济的副本服务模型

    Study on replicate service model in data grids based on economy

  13. 中国劳动力市场非均衡经济计量模型

    Disequilibrium Econometric Model of Labour Market in China

  14. 非完全竞争市场的宏观经济优化模型

    Macroeconomic Optimal Models of Imperfect Competitive Markets

  15. 市场经济下随机经济模型

    Stochastic model of market economy

  16. 第四部分给出了干散货航运市场的经济控制论模型,进行了预测仿真,讨论了系统的稳定性、状态反馈和最优控制等问题。

    An economy control model of the dry bulk cargo market , the forecast simulation , and optimization of the model are given in the fourth part .

  17. 在不完全的实在资产市场的纯交换经济模型中,证明了存在初始持有空间和资产结构空间的乘积空间的稠密开集,在这个开集上,伪拟均衡集是固有的光滑流形。

    In pure exchange economic models of the incomplete market with real assets , we proved that there exists a dense open set in the product space of endowment space and asset structure space such that the pseudo quasi equilibrium set is proper and smooth manifold in the open set .

  18. 在此分析框架下,建立了包含股票价格、股票价格波动性、股票市场交易量、股票流通总市值等要素的股票市场对经济增长影响模型。

    And then established the economic growth impact model including factors such as stock price , stock price volatility , stock market trading volume , and total market value of shares in circulation etc. .