
shì jià
  • market price
市价 [shì jià]
  • [market price] 市场通行的价格

  • 扰乱市价

市价[shì jià]
  1. 他们以低于市价的价格卖出自行车。

    They are selling the bikes off the market price .

  2. 价格与收益比是12,意味着股票的市价是每股收益的l2倍。

    The price / earnings ratio 12 means the market price is 12 times that of the EPS .

  3. 他必须以目前的市价出售这座房子。

    He must sell the house for the current market value .

  4. 葡萄酒生产过剩及由此造成的市价低迷引起了经济波动。

    Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors .

  5. 这处房产的公平市价增长迅速。

    The fair market value of the property shot up .

  6. 没有装备现代化设施的房地产能够卖到它配置了现代化设施情况下的市价的40%。

    Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value .

  7. 那可按市价随时得到偿付

    That can be liquidated at market value any time .

  8. Punch一方面将酒吧租给特罗,另一方面以高于市价的价格向其独家供应啤酒。

    Punch was both renting the pub to Mr Trow and selling him all his beer at above-market rates .

  9. 但瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)表示,全部资产中仅有五分之一是按市价计值的,有问题的基本面因素仍有待全面暴露。

    But only one fifth of all assets are marked to market , says Credit Suisse , with ailing fundamentals yet to be recognised .

  10. 例如,假定NC公司证券的总成本为4美元,但证券的现行市价只有3美元。

    For example , assume that the total cost of the securities of NC company is $ 4 , but their current market value is only $ 3 .

  11. 就连全美房地产协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)也承认,廉价销售一一包括止赎房和债务减免房销售一一的销售价格比“正常”市价低约20%。

    Even the National Association of Realtors concedes distressed sales including foreclosures and short sales are closing about 20 % below " normal " market rates .

  12. 会计处理方法差别很大——汇丰(HSBC)按成本价计算投资,而经纪商兼交易商高盛(GoldmanSachs)必须按市价来记入其持有的股票头寸。

    Accounting treatments vary - HSBC carries its investments at cost , while broker-dealer Goldman Sachs must mark its position to market .

  13. 根据租金指导委员会(RentGuidelinesBoard)的数据,在过去20年里,纽约市至少有13.3万个单元因这项规定而变成市价房。

    Over the past 20 years , at least 133,000 units in the city have gone market rate because of this rule , according to the Rent Guidelines Board .

  14. iss还将反对折让幅度超过股票市价的10%。

    ISS will also oppose discounts of greater than 10 per cent to the market share price .

  15. 主要证明了期权价格随着风险市价的变化而减小,风险参数决定定价测度的选取,把此定理应用于最小鞅测度和q优测度下的定价。

    The central result is a comparison theorem which proves option prices are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk , the parameter governing the choice of pricing measure .

  16. 惠普表示,它将为每股Palm股票支付5.7美元现金,这个价格比Palm周四收市价高出23%。

    HP said it would pay $ 5.70 a share in cash for the company , representing a 23 per cent premium over its closing stock price on Thursday .

  17. 绝大部分的负面汇兑影响来自资产负债表,以及按市价计算这些航空公司的美元债务,巴克莱(Barclays)的航空业分析师PatrickXu说。

    Most of the negative foreign exchange impact comes from the balance sheet and the mark-to-market of their US dollar debt , says Patrick Xu , aviation analyst at Barclays .

  18. 美国会计师协会(AIA)于1947年颁布了第29号公告&存货计价(InventoryPricing),第一次以规范的方式提出企业计量存货价值的会计方法可以采用成本与市价孰低法。

    AIA promulgated the 29th announcement & inventory pricing in 1947 , firstly come up with accounting methods of enterprise measuring inventory value can use cost and market value which is lower in standardized manner .

  19. 上上周,戴蒙披露称,这笔交易的亏损按市价计算已达20亿美元,而且CIO的一个关键风险管理模型是存在缺陷的。

    Last week , Mr Dimon revealed the $ 2bn mark-to-market loss and said that a key risk management model in the CIO had been inadequate .

  20. Gazprom主席AlexeiMiller表示,年底之前,乌克兰的天然气价格将享受市价基础上20%的折扣。

    Gazprom Chairman Alexei Miller says Ukraine will pay market price for gas with a 20 percent discount , through the end of this year .

  21. 对于零售商来说,售卖二手的《乱世佳人》DVD是合法的,但他们却不能从俄罗斯低价买进这一DVD,进口至美国,再以低于美国市价的价格卖出。

    A retailer could legally sell a second-hand Gone with the Wind DVD , but could not buy it cheaply in Russia , bring it to America and sell it for a low price .

  22. 但与IASB大相径庭的是,FASB建议,贷款和贷款类工具的价值应参照市价进行估值。

    But in a radical departure from the IASB , the FASB proposes valuing loans or loan-like instruments at a snapshot of market prices .

  23. 但惠普愿以高出市价64%的价格购买其股份,似乎是因为,它们相信Autonomy的技术能够成为一个平台,以帮助各企业处理他们日益膨胀的数据库。

    But the main reason HP paid a 64 % premium for its shares seems to be that it believes that Autonomy 's technology could be turned into a platform to help companies make sense of their ever-growing pile of data .

  24. 国际会计准则理事会(iasb)早些时候公布了以市价评估资产的“公允价值”会计规则的改革方案。

    The international accounting standards board earlier published its overhaul of rules on " fair value " accounting , where assets are marked to market prices .

  25. 最终选定六个相关指标作为因变量,以股市收益为自变量作回归分析,从而分析比较EVA、MVA、每股盈余和盈余市价比等指标对股票收益的解释能力。

    At last , six relevant indexes are chosen as variables and stock market return as variable to make linear regression as so as to compare them the power of explanation to stock market return .

  26. 此外,逾100万辆吉普(Jeep)的后置油箱可能容易发生火灾,车主有机会以高于市价的价格卖掉它们。

    Also , owners of more than one million Jeeps with rear-mounted gas tanks that are prone to fires will be given an opportunity to trade in their vehicles at rates above market value .

  27. 恒基董事长李兆基(leeshau-kee)证实,这位买家主确实购买了干德道39号的另外5套公寓,但他否认这些公寓是以低于市价的价格售出的。

    While confirming that the buyer also purchased five other flats at 39 conduit Road , Lee shau-kee , chairman of Henderson , denied that flats were sold at below-market prices .

  28. 除了要求巴克莱基于市价(而非估算借贷成本)提交Libor利率,和解案还要求未来五年设立独立审计人,审查巴克莱提交的利率,并汇报给美国商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFuturesTradingCommission)。

    It not only orders the bank to base its LIBOR submissions on market prices rather than estimates of borrowing costs , but the settlement also calls an independent auditor to scrutinize its submissions for the next five years and report back to the commodity futures trading commission .

  29. iasb的改革将会在决定哪种银行资产必须以市价计值、哪种资产可以根据平滑市场波动性的所谓的摊余成本会计制度进行计值上提供更大的灵活性。

    The IASB reforms will allow more flexibility in determining which bank assets must be marked to market and which can be valued according to so-called amortised cost accounting , which smooths out market volatility .

  30. 对上海证券指数收市价及成交量作了ADF检验,发现指数收市价存在有单位根,价格服从随机行走模型,成交量趋势平稳,市场是有效的。

    ADF test was applied to test Shanghai Stock Index and its transaction volume . It was found that Shanghai Stock Index close value was a unit root process , the transaction volume was a trend stationary process and the market was efficient .