
  • 网络Business area;selling area
  1. 营业面积950平米,大厅餐位138个,包房14间,总餐位244个。

    It has a business area of950 square meters , with a total of244 seats , 138 seats and14 private dinning rooms .

  2. 这种零售商不必为巨大的营业面积支付租金,所以,能够以较低价格出售商品。

    Such retailers don 't have to pay for large shopping spaces and thus are able to sell their goods at lower prices .

  3. 沃尔玛高管今年8月曾说,该公司将减少明年在中国开设的新店数量,新增营业面积将只有原先预测的一半。

    Executives said in August that the retailer would open fewer stores in China next year , halving the square footage that the company originally forecast .

  4. 如果再看看平均门店营业面积,上海比北京小,所以,上海的连锁超市在经营绩效上要比北京好。

    If further look at the average store area , Shanghai is smaller than Beijing ; thus the operating efficiency of chain supermarket in Shanghai is better than the one in Beijing .

  5. 应对经济低迷确实需要一些调整,既涉及营业面积也涉及库存,但中国故事仍是个增长而非崩溃的故事,他说。

    Managing a slowdown does require some adjustments , both in terms of surface area and inventory , but the China story remains one of growth rather than collapse , he says .

  6. 据了解,这家“黑”网吧是该局今年以来查处的营业场所面积最大的一家“黑”网吧。

    It is understood that this " black " Internet cafes this year since it is the investigation of the business premises of the largest area of a " black " Internet cafes .