
  • 网络Middle reef;Mid Reef;Central R
  1. 川东上二叠统长兴组中礁块储层的测井地质特征

    The LOGGING-GEOLOGIC characteristics of reef reservoirs in Changxing Formation of Upper Permian in eastern Sichuan

  2. 热带风暴过程中珊瑚礁坪示踪砂运移的现场实验研究

    A field experiment of tracer sand movement on coral reef coast during a tropical storm

  3. 塔中地区礁滩储集体形成条件及分布规律

    The Dragon Tower the developmental conditions and distributional rules of the reef-shoal reservoirs in Central Tarim Basin

  4. 东昆仑南坡半局限海中的礁岛及碳酸盐建隆在分布上缺乏明显的规律性,但该区生物礁较发育。

    Although there are many well developed reefs in the southern slope of East Kunlun , the reef islands and carbonate buildups were distributed irregularly in this area .

  5. 本文以大量化石资料为基础,结合生物礁研究成果,重建了东昆仑造山带西段早&中二叠世礁相地层层序,确定了地层时代归属。

    Based on data of reefs and foraminifera fossils , the authors have reconstructed a stratigraphic sequence of the Early-Middle Permian reefs in the western section of the East Kunlun .

  6. 我们之前提到了世界各地热带区域中珊瑚礁的衰落……即自然和人为(造成的)压力是怎样造成珊瑚礁退化的,某些情况下,死亡。

    Professor : We 've been talking about the decline of coral reefs in tropical areas all over the world ... um ... how natural and man-made stresses are causing them to degrade , and in some cases , to die .

  7. 广西隆林祥播中二叠世生物礁的钙藻化石

    Calcareous algae from Permian reefs of longlin , guangxi , China

  8. 东昆仑早&中二叠世生物礁建造特征

    Reef-building Mechanism in the Early-Middle Permian , the East Kunlun

  9. 东昆仑西段早-中二叠世生物礁相地层层序

    Stratigraphic Sequence of the Early-Middle Permian Reef in Western East Kunlun Mountains

  10. 铅直二维定常流中人工鱼礁流场效应的数值实验

    A numerical experiment of the effects of artificial reef on vertical 2-dimensional steady flow field

  11. 塔中奥陶系生物礁地震识别与预测

    The seismic identification and prediction of the reef in the Ordovician of the central Tarim Basin

  12. 刺冠海星生活在太平洋的热带区域中的珊瑚礁里,而且以珊瑚为食。

    The Cot starfish is found on coral reefs in the tropical Pacific Ocean and it eats coral .

  13. 结果表明:水槽中无模型礁的条件下,标志区(模型礁设置区)的许氏平鲉聚集率为0,许氏平鲉选择光线较弱区域栖息;

    The results showed that the juvenile distribution ratio of zero was found in the marked region ( the region where the reef model put in ) when there was no reef model .

  14. 在碳酸盐岩沉积中,生物礁滩储层是理想的油气储集场所,它们有特殊的结构外形,并且孔隙较好,一般比围岩要大许多,有着巨大的含油气潜力。

    Reef and bank reservoirs were perfect reservoirs for oil and gas in carbonate rock . They have a special structure of shape and better pore than surrounding rock . They h - ave widely hydrocarbon potentiality .

  15. 杨作升教授称,300米深地层中的珊瑚礁包含着重要的信息,积累了数千万年,研究人员可以通过这些来探索全球气候和海平面的变化是如何影响当地水域环境的。

    According to Yang , the coral reef in the 300-meter-deep formation contains crucial information , accumulated over tens of thousands of years , that researchers can study to discover how changes in global climate and sea level affect the environment of the local waters .

  16. 南海北部深水区中新世生物礁发育特征

    The Miocene reef development characteristics in northern South China Sea

  17. 西沙晚中新世以来礁相地层中有孔虫动物群的分布及其意义

    Foraminiferal fauna distribution in REEF-FACIES beds since late Miocene in Xisha Islands and its significance

  18. 白礁岛、中岩礁和南礁案的国际法解读

    An Interpretation on the Case of Pedra Branca , Middle Rocks and South Ledge : from the Perspective of International Law

  19. 大堡礁诞生于250万年以前,是世界上唯一可从太空中看见的珊瑚礁,也是世界上最大的由活性生物组成的单一结构。

    The only living thing on Earth visible from space , the Great Barrier Reef was born 25 million years ago .

  20. 而塔北还处于台地-斜坡环境,中、上奥陶统较全,台缘相灰泥丘生油岩分布广,中奥陶统礁滩相层序不整合面岩溶储层发育。

    Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment , Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete , lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed , and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed .