
  • 网络scientific research consciousness;consciousness of scientific research
  1. 提出护理人员应增强科研意识,提高护理群体的整体素质;

    Suggested that nursing staff set up strong consciousness of scientific research to enhance the whole quality of the nurse group .

  2. 这种教学改革能够提高学生的学习主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新能力和科研意识。

    This teaching reform can help to enhance the activity of students in their study , to inspire their passion to learn , and to cultivate their creativity and consciousness of scientific research .

  3. 3体育教师科研意识不强。

    3 , The gym instructor scientific research is not strong .

  4. 试论现代体育教师的科研意识

    On Modern Physical Education Teachers ' Scientific Research Awareness

  5. 论体育教师科研意识的培养与提高

    On the cultivation and enhancement of scientific research consciousness of physical training teachers

  6. 通过果蝇杂交实验培养学生的科研意识和能力

    Culturing students ' scientific research consciousness and capability through the experiment of drosophila hybridization

  7. 对安徽省高校体育教师科研意识与科研水平的调查研究

    On The Consciousness And Levels Of Researches Of University P.E. Teachers In Anhui Province

  8. 兽医专业学生科研意识和能力的激发与培养

    Training on the Idea and Ability of Scientific Research for the Undergraduate Studying Veterinary Medicine Major

  9. 表现在科研意识方面、科研能力和水平方面以及科研成果方面。

    Reflected awareness of the research , research ability and level as well as scientific research achievements .

  10. 科研意识薄弱,科研能力低下,主要依靠经验选材。

    Sense of weak scientific research , research capacity is low , mainly depend on experience selection .

  11. 目的提高本科护生科研意识和能力。

    Objective To improve the consciousness and ability of scientific research of nursing students in baccalaureate nursing program .

  12. 师资情况较好,但科研意识差,教师培训情况较差。

    There is good teaching staff , but the scientific research consciousness and the training of teachers are weak .

  13. 科研意识与科研能力是体现综合素质与创新能力的重要指标,也是高等护理教育教学改革的目标和方向。

    Research consciousness and research ability were the important indexes to reflect comprehensive quality and creation ability of students .

  14. 它包括教育科研意识、教育科研态度、教育科研理论和教育科研能力。

    It includes educational scientific research consciousness , attitudes towards the research , guiding theories and the research ability .

  15. 激发基层护理人员科研意识促进护理学发展

    To Stimulate Scientific Research Consciousness of Nursing Staffs in Basic Level , to Accelerate the Development of Nursing Science

  16. 从科研意识、科研知识、科研能力和科研精神4个方面指出了研究生科研素质的结构要素;

    These qualities include four elements in structure , namely : scientific research awareness , knowledge , ability and spirits .

  17. 随着新一轮数学课程标准的颁布和实施,数学教育科研意识日益发展,说课越来越凸显其针对性、可行性和实践性。

    Interpreting lesson was important increasingly for developing the research sense of mathematics education according to the new course standard .

  18. 提高生物学教师的教育科研意识,提高科研水平;关注生物学教师的身心健康。

    Adopt the idea of life-long education , enhance biology teachers'awareness of scientific research , pay close attention to teachers ' health .

  19. 本设计是为了培养学生的科研意识,提高学生的实验动手能力。

    The experiment is to training students ' consciousness to design or research and to improve students ' ability to do experiment .

  20. 教练员的科研意识薄弱;彼此间缺乏必要的交流和合作;缺乏实效的复合型教练群体。

    Coaches little awareness of scientific research ; mutual lack of communication and cooperation ; the lack of effective coaching group compound .

  21. 论述了智能型教练员应具备强烈的敬业精神、科研意识和高智力结构,并分析了高智力结构的内涵。

    An intellectual coach should have strong career spirit , scientific research thinking and high-intelligence structure . The inside meaning of high-intelligence structure was analysed .

  22. 分析发现,在教育科研意识方面,大多数人已经认可了教育科研的重要地位。

    The analysis we discovered that most people has already approved the important station of the scientific research of on the consciousness of the scientific research .

  23. 科技期刊编辑在编辑活动中要具备整体意识、质量意识、创新意识、信息意识、科研意识、和效益意识。

    Sci-Tech periodical editor should have whole consciousness , quality consciousness , innovation consciousness , information consciousness , scientific research consciousness and benefit consciousness in editor activity .

  24. 要强化科研意识,在传统生产中注入高新技术,产品不断创新,加强经营管理,保证产品质量。

    High-techs should be applied in traditional production timely . New products should be developed constantly . And scientific management should be practiced to ensure product quality .

  25. 教师的因素主要表现在传统教育观念的影响、缺乏应有的教师素质、因缺乏科研意识而导致的对学生期待的无知等。

    Teacher factors are traditional notion of education , lack of quality and teachers'ignorance of students'expectations which is the result of unawareness of the significance of researches .

  26. 说课对于促进中小学教师的专业发展,尤其是提高中小学教师教学科研意识和能力,提高课堂教学质量具有重要作用。

    Teaching design plays an important role in promoting primary and middle school teacher professional development , especially for improving scientific study realization , ability and teaching quality .

  27. 我们在实践研究中总结出了五点经验:1、更新观念,增强小学教师的教育科研意识;

    We can also get beneficial experience from the practical research : Firstly , renovating the conception by intensifying educational scientific research 's consciousness of primary school teachers .

  28. 但教师的科研意识、科研水平达不到国家要求,且重点中学与非重点中学差异性不大。

    However , awareness of teachers , scientific research and scientific research to meet the national requirements , and key middle school and high school were not significant non-priority .

  29. 切实转变教师的教育观念,培养教师的科研意识和能力,改进教师的教和学生的学,促进教师专业发展。

    Effectively change the concept of teacher education , research and develop awareness and ability of teachers to improve teachers teaching and students learning , and promote professional development of teachers .

  30. 强化科研意识、明确科研工作方向以及加大科研管理力度应成为司法警察类高等职业院校科研工作的重点。

    It 's the main work to strengthen the idea of research , to unequivocal the direction of research work , and to enlarge the management of Judicial Police Vocational College .