
  1. 现代产业组织理论中的企业与市场观及其启示

    Revelations of Modern Industrial Organization Theories on Corporation and Market

  2. 试论房地产开发的市场观和经营战略

    Statement of market viewpoint and management stratagem of realty exploitation

  3. 新制度经济学这种市场观与西方主流经济学的观点有着深刻的差异。

    These conceptions are profoundly different from those of the Western orthodox mainstream economics .

  4. 论体育市场观的哲学思考

    The philosophical ponderation for viewing sport market

  5. 体育市场观的出现是体育制度改革深化的产物。

    The emergence of sport market viewpoint is the product from deepening reform of sport system .

  6. 马克思的市场观

    Marx 's viewpoint on market

  7. 企业市场观:用智慧发现市场,靠速度占领市场,靠科技稳定市场。

    Market concept : Find a market with wisdom , occupy a market with speed , and stabilize the market with science and technology .

  8. 本文从市场观、能力观、名牌观等方面探讨了高专高职发展问题的见解。

    A tentative discussion is made on the development of higher vocational education in the light of notions of market , competency and famous brand .

  9. 统万城旅游开发,应树立新的开发观、资源观和市场观,深挖历史文化内涵,走科学规划、突出特色、有效保护的开发路子。

    In the tourism development of Tong-wan City , firstly , it is necessary to establish new view of development , resource and market . Secondly to dig out the connotation of historical culture , to make a way for scientific planning , manifesting feature , and effective protection .

  10. 冲突与再铸:市场价值观

    Conflicts and Remolding : The Value View of Market

  11. 论市场道德观的两个极端滑坡与爬坡正确理解马克思的历史观与道德观

    Degrade and Upgrade ── Two Extremes of Marketing Ethics ── A Proper understanding of Marxist Historical and Moral Ideas

  12. 服务营销理念是在市场营销观基础上发展而来的新营销观。

    The concept of service and sales , which develops on the basis of the Marketing concept , is a brand new mode of thought .

  13. 提出21世纪市场营销观将聚焦到客户价值;并初步构建出市场营销的目标模型。

    In addition , it is proposed that marketing in the 21st century should focus on the value of customers and the establishment of marketing models .

  14. 还有“权利女性团体”,一个庞大的商业网,核心理念是自由意志主义的政治哲学和公开市场价值观。

    Then there 's the Empowered Women group , a vast , business network with a core belief in political libertarianism and the value of open markets .

  15. 然而,当美国的市场价值观和文化在全世界大获成功,甚至也日渐征服法国时,法国的文化近些年却未能做到这一点。

    But whereas American market values and American culture have triumphed all over the world even , increasingly , in France French culture in recent years has failed to do so .

  16. 西部大开发必须有新观念和新思想,要树立市场经济观、正确的资源优势观和跨跃式发展观。

    The development demands new concepts and ideas , including the establishment of market-economy way of thinking , a correct view of resource advantage , and the view of developing by leap .

  17. 而随着上世纪七十年代对法律服务的需求日益增多,律所开始丢弃“高于市场道德观的服务与职业”这件浪漫主义的外衣。

    Law firms began to shed their romantic cloak of " service and craft above the mores of the marketplace " as demand for legal services accelerated in the 1970s , he adds .

  18. 《地心引力》获得巨大成功的背景是,在今年的电影市场上,观影者通常不会选择多花票价去观看3D电影。

    The success of ' Gravity ' came in a year when audiences often have opted out of paying more to see images pop from the screen .

  19. 在更为成熟的西方市场,一些观影者会抵制票价较高的IMAX影片。盖尔方德说,与西方观众不同的是,中国观众习惯选择不同的观影体验。

    Unlike in more mature Western markets , where some moviegoers resist the higher price for IMAX films , the Chinese audience is used to choosing between different cinema experiences , Mr. Gelfond said .

  20. 社会主义市场经济价值观冲突与建构

    Conflict and Construction of the View of Value in Market Economy of Socialism

  21. 计划经济和市场经济体育观之比较

    The Comparision of the Physical Education Views in the Planned Economy and the Market Economy

  22. 亚太电信市场面面观

    An Overview of Asia-Pacific Telecom Market

  23. 水晶工艺品市场面面观

    Aspects of Crystal Crafts Market

  24. 展望了服饰图案的工艺应用在服装设计市场的发展观和趋势。

    Furthermore , it forecasts the development and trends of costume graphics application in fashion design market .

  25. 日美贸易战的背后&日本企业夺取美国市场面面观

    Behind Japan-America Trade War

  26. 提出了建立具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济道德观的观点。

    Put forward to establish the standpoint that have the characteristic socialism in china market economy morals view .

  27. 这种关乎正确市场的哲学观,体现为我们对所有市场参与者保持公正平等的准则。

    This philosophical view of proper markets is codified in our rules that mandate fair and equal access to all market participants .

  28. 市场对短观调查的反应不那么积极,日经平均指数跌近2%,是两个月内的最大跌幅。

    Markets reacted to the Tankan less positively , with the Nikkei average falling nearly 2 per cent , its biggest drop in two months .

  29. 第三章分析了社会转型期价值观建构的三重维度,主要是对资本主义价值观、中国传统价值观及市场经济价值观的批判与超越。

    Chapter III of the social transition period of three dimensions of building values , mainly the capitalist values , traditional Chinese values and market values of the critical economic and beyond .

  30. 在今天,如果强调理性、成就和普世主义的态度,如果理性导向的市场经济价值观和法治观能占主导地位,那么腐败程度就会降低。

    But corruption could decrease if rationality , achievement and universalism are promoted , and if the market economy value led by reason and value of rule by law occupies a leading position in society .