
wén xué dà shī
  • master in literature
  1. 这位青年作家从文学大师的作品中学到了许多东西

    The young writer learned a great deal from the works by master in literature

  2. 他是个文学大师。

    He is a master in literature .

  3. B.B.纳博科夫世界级文学大师,号称美国后现代小说的滥觞,然而文学界对纳氏的研究多集中在作家英语作品上,对其俄语作品,尤其作家早期的俄语作品研究的较少。

    Nabokov , a world-class figure of literature , was acclaimed as the originator of the American postmodern fiction . Yet , his works written in Russian , especially those written in the early years of his life were not very much researched as his works written in English .

  4. 马克·吐温是享誉世界的美国文学大师,才华横溢的幽默作家。

    Mark Twain is a world-renowned literary giant and a gifted humorist .

  5. 作为世界上最具影响力的文学大师之一,威廉·福克纳在世界文学界树立起了一座丰碑。

    William Faulkner is one of the most acclaimed literary masters in the world .

  6. 埃德加·爱伦·坡是美国浪漫主义文学大师,也是美国民族文学的奠基人之一。

    Edgar Allan Poe is a Romantic and also a founder of American literature .

  7. 尼扎木丁·艾里希尔·纳瓦依是15世纪维吾尔族的伟大诗人、思想家和文学大师。

    Great thinker and literature in fifteen century .

  8. 约翰·厄普代克(1932-2009)是一位集小说家、诗人、剧作家、散文家和评论家于一体的文学大师,是美国文坛最负盛名的多产作家之一。

    John Hoyer Updike ( 1932-2009 ) is one of the remarkable prolific American writers .

  9. 鲁迅与卡夫卡都是二十世纪举足轻重的文学大师。

    Lu Xun or Franz Kafka were both great masters of modern literature in 20th century .

  10. 谷崎润一郎(1886&1965)是日本的近代文学大师。

    Tanizaki Jun ' ichirou ( 1886 - 1965 ) is a modern literary master in Japan .

  11. 维拉·凯瑟(1873-1947)是美国20世纪杰出的文学大师。

    Willa Cather ( 1873-1947 ) is the most prominent American literary master of the 20th century .

  12. 文学大师陀思妥耶夫斯基和鲁迅是深刻的思想家,是超越时代的天才。

    Both Dostoyevsky and Lu Xun are master writers , deep thinkers , and genius beyond their own ages .

  13. 纳木依与纳之族群关系考略尼扎木丁·艾里希尔·纳瓦依是15世纪维吾尔族的伟大诗人、思想家和文学大师。

    The Ethnic Relationship between the Na Mu Ji and Na ; Great thinker and literature in fifteen century .

  14. 纳博科夫被称为文学大师,赖其拓展了小说发展的无限可能性。

    Nabokov , a great master of literature , is famous for his breakthrough in the possibility of the development of novel .

  15. 俄裔美国文学大师,弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,在二十世纪的美国文学史上是一位与众不同的人物。

    Russian-born American literary master , Vladimir Nabokov , is a unique and distinctive figure in the history of the twentieth-century American literature .

  16. 文学大师川端康成将东方传统美于西方现代派手法相结合,创作了传世之作《雪国》。

    The literary master Kawabata Yasunari completed his great work Snow Country , combining the traditional oriental beauty and the western modern writing skills .

  17. 欧内斯特·海明威是一位在叙事艺术上表现出众的文学大师,其作品中鲜明的影像化因素近来愈发引起人们的关注。

    Ernest Hemingway is a outstanding literature master in the narrative art , much attention has been paid recently in his bright visualization factor .

  18. 可以说,正是他不幸的童年促使他成为文学大师。

    We can say that it 's just his unfortunate experiences of childhood that have made him to have become a great master of literature .

  19. 萧伯纳是一位举世闻名的英国戏剧大师,在现代西方文学大师中,他被公认为思想家和社会改革家。

    George Bernard Shaw who is a well-known modern dramatist has been recognized as a thinker and social reformist by other masters in the west modern literary .

  20. 余华小说所体现的表现主义倾向,正是他不懈的学习和借鉴文学大师经验的结果。

    We can say , the tendency to subjective expression in Yu Hua 's novels is the result of the writer 's continual imitating and learning from the literary masters .

  21. 爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯是世界著名的意识流文学大师,其《尤利西斯》是迄今为止全世界范围内意识流小说的最高成就。

    James Joyce , a famous Irish writer , is considered as a worldwide celebrated stream-of-conscious literature master , Whose Ulysses the supreme achievement in the filed up to now .

  22. 众所周知,几乎所有西方文学大师的作品都受到基督教圣经的影响。

    As we know , the Christian culture is closely related to the western society , and almost all the western literary works are greatly influenced by the Holly Bible .

  23. 这些译著受到了中国读者的欢迎,使他们了解了哈代及其作品,充分感受到了哈代这个文学大师的风采。

    All the translations are popular among Chinese readers , which give them a chance to know Hardy and his works and to experience the presence of Hardy as a master .

  24. 魏晋文学大师刘义庆的笔记小说《世说新语》对后代产生了极大影响。

    New Comprehensive Words to Admonish the World by Liu Yi qing , the great master of literature of Wei and Jing Dynasties , exerts a tremendous influence on later generations .

  25. 作者约翰·斯坦贝克,文学大师的不朽之作,探讨了农工被现代工厂压榨的困境和挣扎。

    By John Steinbeck . A monumental classic by a master , explores the plight of the poor who are exploited by modern corporations in an epic tale of struggling sharecroppers .

  26. 爱丁堡所拥有的文学大师包括亚瑟·柯南·道尔、沃尔特·司各特、罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森和罗伯特·伯恩斯,他们生前都曾在爱丁堡生活和写作。

    The city could point to literary greats including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Sir Walter Scott , Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns , who all lived and wrote in Edinburgh .

  27. 萨特作为存在主义哲学大师和文学大师,其作品包涵的思想及其文艺观对20世纪的世界文学产生了深远的影响。

    As a philosophic master and a literary master , Sartre 's thoughts , his literary and artistic viewpoints reflected in his works have deep effect on world literature of the 20th century .

  28. 第三部分论述了博尔赫斯作为幻想文学大师,在其作品中怎样用匕首意象连接自己的现实与梦幻以及一真一幻两个自我的。

    The third part discusses how Borges , as a master of fancy novel , uses the images of dagger to connect the reality with illusion , the real self with illusory self .

  29. 阿根廷先锋派文学大师博尔赫斯在其小说中所表现的人生哲学与中国古代伟大哲学家庄子的哲学有相似之处。

    The life phelosophy bolhes , master of the pioneer school of Argentine literatune , manifests in his novels has something similar to the phelosophy of Zhuang zi , a great ancient Chinese phelosopher .

  30. 托尼·莫里森在这部小说的创作中充分展现了她在叙事,语言以及主题中的反传统精神,开创了自己独特的手法和风格,成为划时代的文学大师。

    Toni Morrison , the author of the book , exhibits fully her spirit of anti-tradition in narration , language and theme and becomes an epoch-making literary master with her unique technique and style .