
wén huà jú
  • Cultural Bureau
  1. 韩佳,这书局的局长和文化局的局长谁官大呀?

    Han Jia , is the chief of a book bureau more high-ranking than a cultural bureau chief ?

  2. 我决心要像文化局的人那样悠闲,所以变成了作家。

    I decided I wanted to be as idle as the workers in the Cultural Bureau and become a writer .

  3. 泽州县教育局及文化局的电话无人接听。

    Calls to Zezhou County 's education and cultural affairs departments were not answered .

  4. 长沙市文化局市场处处长关建之说。

    Chief of Marketing Department of Changsha City Bureau of Culture Guan Jianzhi told the reporter .

  5. 其中“澳门创意馆”为展区之重要组成部份,由澳门特别行政区政府文化局负责组建。

    In particular , the Macau Creative Pavilion forms an integral part of the Pavilion and is organised by the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.

  6. 8月,几所学校向立人表示它们要终止合作。至9月,所有立人图书馆都经历了来自当地文化局、教育局官员或公安局的检查。

    In August , several schools told Liren they were ending the partnership , and by September , all Liren libraries had undergone inspections by officials from the local cultural affairs and education departments or public security bureaus .

  7. 淮滨县民政局一位只透露了自己姓简的官员表示,这种事件由文化局处理。但是文化局一名接听电话的职员表示他不知道这个事件。

    An official who gave only his surname , Jian , at the Huaibin civil affairs department said such matters were handled by the cultural affairs department , but the person who answered the telephone there said he knew nothing about it .

  8. 山西省泽州县一家立人图书馆的负责人翟猛说,当地文化局官员8月对该图书馆实施了两次检查,都“像是冲着境外读物来的”。

    Zhai Meng , who ran a Liren library in Zezhou County , Shanxi Province , said officials from the local cultural affairs department conducted two inspections of the library in August , both " appearing to be targeting foreign publications . "

  9. 苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故对环境及农业的影响比如,过去有人因为苏联是设电影部、文化局,我们是设文化部、电影局,就说我们犯了原则错误。

    For instance , there were people who accused us of making a mistake of principle in setting up a Ministry of Culture and a Bureau of Cinematography rather than a Ministry of Cinematography and a Bureau of Culture , as was the case in the Soviet Union .

  10. 上色的大理石乐者浮雕,后梁(A.D.924)。河北省文化遗产局,石家庄。

    Painted marble relief of musicians , Later Liang Dynasty ( A.D.924 ) . Hebei Provincial Cultural Relics Institute , Shijiazhuang . ( Image courtesy of National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C. )

  11. 但文化广播局表示,列为文化遗产是错误之举。

    But the Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting says that designation was an error .

  12. 柬埔寨民族传统文化保护局

    Cambodian National Heritage Protection Authority

  13. 西九文化管理局拟将三个概念设计图糅合成一个最终方案,您同意吗?

    The West Kowloon Cultural District Authority intends to combine the three conceptual plans into a final program , do you agree ?

  14. 尽管文化广播局也曾承认该地为文化遗产,但认为并不应该受到保护。

    And although the Bureau , too , has recognized it in the past as a cultural relic , they say it is not classified as a site for protection .

  15. 延安市文化和旅游局数据显示,2019年,该市接待游客超7300万人次,带来收入495亿元。

    Figures from Yan'an 's bureau of culture and tourism show it received over 73 million visitors in 2019 , who brought revenue of 49.5 billion yuan ( $ 7.7 billion ) to the city .

  16. 据通州区的文化旅游管理局表示,传统与现代中国文化话元素已纳入计划,从而提升城市对外国游客的吸引力。

    Traditional and modern Chinese culture elements have been incorporated in the planning to boost the city 's tourist appeal to foreign visitors , according to the culture and tourism administration bureau of Tongzhou district .

  17. 有关在澳洲留学时工作的详情,请接洽移民、多元文化及本土事务局网站之常见问题网页。

    For further information on working while studying in Australia go to the Department of immigration and citizenship website frequently asked questions page .

  18. 主办上海国际电影节的是政府机关上海市文化广播影视管理局。局长胡劲军等官员更喜欢强调双方的合作。

    Officials like Hu Jinjun - the director of the Shanghai Administration of Culture , Radio , Film and TV , the government agency that organizes the festival - prefer to emphasize the latter .

  19. “中医文化进校园”是北京市开展中医药文化建设年工作的内容之一,由市中医局、市教委、市文化局、市卫生局等多部门联合举办,旨在在校园内传播中医药传统文化。

    In an aim to popularize TCM culture on campus , this new program is to be carried out as part of the TCM Culture Construction Year and is spearheaded by several municipal government departments including the Beijing TCM Administration Bureau , Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health .