
  • 网络International Office;International Exchange Office;International Relations Office
  1. 在校内张贴告示、通知、广告、散发宣传品、印刷品等,应当征得国际交流处同意。

    To get the permission from the International Office for any action of notifying , advertising , pasting the puff and distributing the publications .

  2. 毕业至今工作于广西师范大学国际交流处,担任越南语翻译,兼任越南语教师。

    Working in the Office of International Exchanges since graduation as interpreter and in charge of filing .

  3. 妥善保管房屋钥匙,一旦遗失须向国际交流处报告并及时换锁,换锁费用由遗失人承担。

    The foreign teachers should keep the keys to the apartment with due care , and inform the International Exchange Division to get a new lock if the keys are lost and to bear the cost .

  4. 申请者按《录取通知书》要求的期限,按时到天福茶学院国际交流与合作处报到注册。

    Applicants will need to register at the International Exchange and Cooperate Centre at the time the Admission Notice stipulates .