
  • 网络School of Chinese Classics
  1. 尤其是在高校,不断的有学校开始设立国学院,开设国学试验班等等。

    Especially in universities , the Chinese Classics Institutes are established constantly .

  2. 事实上,正是在这种“跨越与回归”的双向活动中,诞生了早期清华国学院的基本精神。

    In fact , it is in such process of " Crossing and Returning " that born the basic spirit of earlier Tsinghua Academy of Chinese Learning .

  3. 他的教育思想、办学理念、美学思想、教学体系也对我国学院美术教育的形成和发展产生了巨大影响。

    His idea of education , education philosophy , aesthetic thought , the teaching system of art education institute of our country the formation and development had a tremendous impact .

  4. 从国学研究会到国学院的短短历程和遭遇,集中地反映了20年代早期南北学术界在整理国故运动中的地缘与派分。

    The short and miserable history from " the Society of Sinology " to " the Academy of Sinology " reflects geographical divisions of southern and northern academia during the Chinese Antiquarian Movement in the early 1920s .

  5. 我国独立学院可持续发展的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Independent College

  6. 关于完善我国独立学院法人治理结构的研究

    On a Completing Corporate Governance Structure of Chinese Independent Colleges

  7. 我国社区学院发展的政策分析

    The Analysis of Policies of Community College in China

  8. 印度附属学院治理模式对我国独立学院发展的启示

    The Enlightenment for China Independent Colleges from Management Model of Indian Subsidiary Institutes

  9. 我国大学学院制的现状及理论分析

    The Present Situation and Theoretical Analysis of the School System in Chinese Universities

  10. 美国凤凰城大学与我国网络学院比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Phoenix University in the US and Online Colleges in China

  11. 现阶段我国高职学院图书馆学教育发展方向的思考

    Considering Of Library Science Education 's Development Direction In Senior Vocational Education Academy In Our Country

  12. 近代英国民间的非国教学院与私立学院教育中,存在着实用职业教育传统。

    There was practical vocational education tradition in nonconformist academy and private academy in modern England .

  13. 第六部分,提出完善和创新我国独立学院内部管理体制建设的对策。

    The sixth part puts forward strategies to perfect and innovate Independent College internal management ststem of our country .

  14. 对我国体育学院现行专修通用《篮球》教材的分析

    Analysis of ' Basketball ' ── Present General Teaching Material for Basketball Speciality in Physical Education Institutes in China

  15. 通过对澳中两种高职学院师资队伍的比较研究得出结论,提出有益于我国高职学院师资队伍建设的启示。

    It concluded that the two vocational faculty , research in Australia and raised some beneficial implications for our country .

  16. 我国独立学院在几年时间里增加至三百余所,在校生人数不断增加。

    And there are more than 300 Independent colleges in few years ; the number of Students is constantly increasing .

  17. 关于我国体育学院铅球技术教学达标考核标准与评分方法的研究

    Research on the Standard and Scoring Method in the Set Standard Examination in Teaching Shot Techniques in China 's PE Institutes

  18. 弗吉尼亚州的乔治梅森大学在哈伊马角的学院正处于关闭状态,一个位于阿拉伯酋长国的学院之一。

    And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah , another of the United Arab Emirates .

  19. 新加坡对高等教育的投资尤为明显该国商学院正以“千万薪水”来吸引顶级教授。

    Financial investment is particularly evident in Singapore , where business schools are paying " telephone number salaries " to lure top professors .

  20. 在我国独立学院从无到有的发展过程中,也出现了一些问题和矛盾,从而限制和约束了独立学院的发展。

    In the development of independent college , there are also some problems and contradictions which limit and restrict the development of independent colleges .

  21. 这些问题极大的影响到我国外语学院学生干部队伍建设,影响到社会稳定和实现高等教育的培养目标,影响到国家所需要培养的全面发展外语人才。

    These problems greatly affect the construction of student cadre troops and social stability , as well as achieving the training goal of higher education .

  22. 主要是通过对美国私立高校学生管理的经验分析,提出可供我国独立学院学生管理借鉴的主要措施。

    Is mainly through the analysis of the American private college student management experience , put forward the main measures of student management reference for independent colleges in china .

  23. 美国部落学院与我国民族学院都是少数民族高等教育的一个重要部分,对促进少数民族地区经济和文化发展起着重要作用。

    Both American Tribal Colleges and Chinese National Colleges are the very important part of minority higher education , and play a vital role in developing the national economy and culture .

  24. 本文在对美国部落学院与我国民族学院进行比较的基础上,试图找出部落学院对我国民族高等教育值得借鉴之处。

    This article tries to find out some good ways of American Tribal Colleges for Chinese National colleges on the basis of comparative study on both colleges at home and abroad .

  25. 分析目前我国高职学院在师资管理工作中存在的主要问题,并就如何完善我国高职学院师资管理制度提出对策。

    After analyzing the conditions of the young teachers in the current higher vocational colleges , this paper studies the fostering model on the young teachers and has obtained research results .

  26. 我国教育学院伴随着中小学教育发展与改革的步伐,共经历了创建阶段、稳步发展和停办阶段、恢复阶段、兴盛阶段、学历补偿阶段这五个发展阶段。

    With the development and reform of the primary and secondary education , educational institutes of China have experienced altogether five stages : foundation , development , closing down , restoration .

  27. 我国社区学院起步较晚,为了更好地发展,应借鉴国外经验,结合我国实际,选择具有自身特色的发展路径。

    Because it started late , in order to further develop it , we should draw on foreign experiences , combine it with our reality and choose the way for our own development .

  28. 进而回顾了我国独立学院的发展历程:由早期二级学院发展为独立学院。

    Recalling further that in the course of development of the Independent Colleges in China : Independent Colleges replace secondary college . Review of Shanxi Province , eight Independent Colleges foundation and the development .

  29. 本文在对我国独立学院的办学情况和办学特点进行梳理和评述的基础上,对独立学院本科毕业论文的开展情况进行调研,确立本科毕业论文的教学目标。

    Based on the classification and evaluation on the situation and the characteristics of schooling , this thesis focuses on establishing the teaching objectives of undergraduate thesis by making investigation and study of its developing conditions .

  30. 该课题在实践中对更新体操教学观念,扭转被动体操状态,促进我国体育学院函授体育教育专业体操教学的发展有着重要意义,对现在与未来的体操课程教学改革具有重要的参考价值。

    By correspondence is of great urgency and a foreseeing and practical task which will refresh our gymnastics teaching ideas , turn the scale of passive gymnastics , promote the development of gymnastics teaching in the major of correspondence P.E.