
  • National Treasure;Book of Secrets;NICOLAS CAGE
  1. 尼古拉斯凯奇是电影导演FrancisFordCoppola的侄子,因主演《抚养亚利桑那》、《致命60秒》、《国家宝藏》等影片而声名大噪。

    Cage , the nephew of film director Francis Ford Coppola , is best known for such films as Raising Arizona , Gone in 60 Seconds and National Treasure .

  2. 他是加拿大的国家宝藏,并以家乡为傲。

    He was a National Treasure who deeply relished his Canadian roots .

  3. 但现在,这份国家宝藏是否能延续要取决于亲眼看到它置身火海的人手中了。

    But now the survival of this national treasure rest with those who would see some of it burned .

  4. 首相最近修书与菲奥纳女士,称英国的风景为“国家宝藏”并要求会谈。

    The prime minister recently wrote to Dame Fiona calling Britain 's landscapes a " national treasure " and urging dialogue .

  5. 下个月,我们将举行一场公开讨论会(有几位活着的国家宝藏会出席),也许会帮助我们找出答案。

    Next month we are holding a public symposium – with several Living National Treasures present – which may help us to find out .

  6. 虽然这听起来像国家宝藏类电影的情节,但中美洲发现迷失古城的消息的确属实。

    It sounds like the plot from a National Treasure movie , but this time , the discovery of an ancient city in Central America is real !

  7. 我也曾为一些影片中的主角配音,比如:《钢铁侠》、《沉默的羔羊》、《灵魂歌王》、《国家宝藏》、《阿甘正传》、《本杰明·巴顿奇事》、《佐罗传奇》等等。

    But I have dubbed the main character in movies such as Iron Man , Silence of the Lambs , Ray , National Treasure , Forrest Gump , The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , The Legend of Zorro and many others .

  8. 24家博物馆的馆长出席了《国家宝藏》第三季的启动仪式。这些文物选自全国各地的博物馆藏品,包括故宫博物院、布达拉宫和莫高窟。

    Curators from 24 museums attended the launch ceremony for season three of " National Treasure . " The relics were selected from museum collections from across the country , including the Palace Museum , the Potala Palace and the Mogao Grottoes .