
guǎng chǎng
  • square;plaza;piazza;public square;maidan;esplanade;the multitude
广场 [guǎng chǎng]
  • (1) [square]∶面积很大的场地。又指大建筑前的宽阔空地

  • 天安门广场

  • (2) [the multitude]∶指人多的场合

  • 求之广场,未易多得

广场[guǎng chǎng]
  1. 你能告诉我去莱斯特广场的路吗?

    Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square ?

  2. 年轻人傍晚时经常聚集在大广场上。

    Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings .

  3. 这房子里整个上午都忙乱得像皮卡迪利广场。

    It 's been like Piccadilly Circus in this house all morning .

  4. 大教堂面向城市的主广场。

    The cathedral fronts the city 's main square .

  5. 成群结队的人聚集在特拉法尔加广场周围。

    Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square .

  6. 街道豁然变宽,成为一个小广场。

    The street opened out into a small square .

  7. 有些青少年在购物广场里闲逛。

    Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall .

  8. 设置的路障控制人流涌向广场。

    Barricades funnelled the crowds towards the square .

  9. 他的支持者聚集在主广场上。

    His supporters gathered in the main square .

  10. 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者。

    Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square .

  11. 他们住在拉塞尔广场95号。

    They live at 95 Russell Square .

  12. 汉诺威广场6号

    6 Hanover Sq.

  13. 在城市广场上,霓虹灯依次闪烁。

    In the city squares the neon lights flashed in turn .

  14. 玛丽莲最后一次公开亮相是在麦迪逊广场花园。

    Marilyn made her last public appearance at Madison Square Garden .

  15. 市中心随处都是教堂和被咖啡店包围的广场。

    The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares .

  16. 一大群人聚集在克里姆林宫墙外的广场上。

    A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls

  17. 房子位于皮姆利科最美丽的一个花园广场上。

    The house is located in one of Pimlico 's prettiest garden squares

  18. 特拉维夫的国王广场更名为伊扎克·拉宾广场。

    Tel Aviv 's Kings Square was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square

  19. 他在广场前把车停了下来。

    He brought the car to a stop in front of the square

  20. 市中心是一座接一座古老的广场。

    The core of the city is a series of ancient squares .

  21. 教堂离但丁广场只有几步之遥。

    The church is a short walk from Piazza Dante .

  22. 我们当时还在伊顿广场的公使馆。

    We were still at the legation at Eaton Place .

  23. 广场上驻守着大批警察以防止任何示威活动。

    Large numbers of police were in the square to forestall any demonstrations .

  24. 在大学广场上,工人们正在修建钢栅栏。

    In University Square workmen are building a steel fence

  25. 到广场饭店喝鸡尾酒是他们这个高雅时髦的圈子中的人每晚必做的事情。

    Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual of their sophisticated world .

  26. 我知道在广场上肯定找不到停车位。

    I knew I 'd never find a parking space in the Square .

  27. 在热闹广场的另一边,摊贩叫卖着热狗和羊角三明治。

    Across the busy plaza , vendors sell hot dogs and croissant sandwiches .

  28. 他还设计了爱丁堡大学一座投影于乔治广场的塔楼。

    He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square

  29. 然后他们在广场周围围成了一圈。

    They then formed a ring around the square .

  30. 他们将他拖到村里的广场上,把他的头砍了下来。

    They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off .