
  • 网络Advertising Material;ADS MATERIAL;advertise material
  1. 与该广告材料或刊载广告材料网站的推广有关的因素;

    Factors relating to the way in which the advertising material is promoted or the website on which the material is posted ;

  2. 正如其他主要金融中心的监管机构一样,金融管理专员的政策是只会规管有关徵求存款而以香港公众人士作为对象的互联网广告材料。

    Like regulators in other major financial centres , the MAS policy is to regulate only Internet advertising material for deposits which is targeted at members of the public in Hong kong .

  3. 被试首先需要完成Stroop任务,然后阅读广告材料并完成相关变量表格的填写。

    First , the subjects should complete the Stroop task , read the narrative material and then complete the relevant forms .

  4. 广告材料必须进行登记,与越南药品管理局(DAV)的,根据卫生部。

    Advertising materials should be registered with the Drug Administration of Vietnam ( DAV ), under the MOH .

  5. 新兴广告材料&柔性灯箱布

    A New and Developing Advertisement Material : Softness Lamp Box Fabric

  6. 国际海关处理样品和广告材料办法公约

    International Convention on Customs Treatment of Samples and Advertising Materia

  7. 我希望贵方通过散发我方的广告材料给我方商品作宣传。

    I 'd like you to advertise our goods by distributing our advertising materials .

  8. 这些广告材料也可以刷在大厦或其它建筑物的侧面。

    These wraps can also be put on the side of buildings and other structures .

  9. 业务涉及印刷设备、广告材料及相关的网络产品。

    The business involves the equipment of printing , the advertisement material and related network products .

  10. 出版人保留在任何时候对所提交的任何文字以及广告材料自行进行编辑、分类或拒收的权利。

    The Publisher may in its sole discretion edit , classify or reject at any time any letter and advertising materials submitted .

  11. 然而,现有广告材料的背胶多为溶剂型压敏胶,对环境存在一定的污染。

    However , the back glue of existing advertising materials bases on solvent-based pressure-sensitive adhesive ( PSA ) and causes environmental pollution to certain extent .

  12. 近年来,数码喷印广告材料获得了突飞猛进的发展,广泛应用于汽车、地铁等流动媒体。

    In recent years , digital jet printing advertising materials have made rapid development and been widely used in bus , subway and other flow media .

  13. 晶彩格亮度是依靠车灯光线直接反射达到高可见度效果,不像普通广告材料需要借助外来照明来提高可见。

    Unlike the normal advertisements materials need extra help to improve the visibility , the height of aveolate depends on direct reflection of car headlights that improve the visibility efforts .

  14. 福起数码科技公司力争做到集研制销售于一体的最优质的广告材料供应商,以高性价比的产品满足不同层次要求的国内国外客户的需要!

    With time passing by , we are striking to build ourself as the first-class supplier of advertising materials , we are trying to satisfy all kinds of requirement from our customer .

  15. 例如:“为活动名称发起并创建了组织机构,召集了35位参与者,为慈善机构筹款达5000英镑。期间参与广告材料准备、与大学工作人员保持联络以及会场安排调度等工作。”

    For example : " Initiated and set up all of the organisation for ( title of event ) for 35 participants , which raised over ? 5000 for charity . Involved preparing advertising materials , liaising with university grounds staff and arranging marshals . "

  16. 报纸、刊物和期刊,不论是否有插图或载有广告宣传材料,一周出版少于四次

    Newspaper , journal and periodical , whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material appearing fewer than four times a week

  17. 因此,在印刷书籍中不应列入广告或促销材料。

    Therefore no advertising or promotional material shall be included in the printed book .

  18. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料中不应当暗示任何非法行为。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not imply illegal activity of any kind .

  19. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料中不应当与违反社会或危险行为相联系。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not be associated with anti-social or dangerous behavior .

  20. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料中的酒产品及饮酒人应当体现出一种负责任的态度。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should portray beverage alcohol products and drinkers in a responsible manner .

  21. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料,目标群体是超过合法买酒年龄的成年人。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials are intended for adults of legal purchase age who choose to drink .

  22. 被许可方可以在获特许的产品的包装,广告以及宣传材料上使用其自有的公司名称。

    The Licensee may use its own trade name on packaging , advertising and promotional materials for the Licensed Products .

  23. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料的内容不应当针对不到合法买酒年龄的人。

    The content of beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not appeal primarily to individuals below the legal purchase age .

  24. 酒饮料的广告及营销材料的内容不应当含有描述儿童或描绘物体、图像或卡通等角色,这些都是主要对不到合法买酒年龄的人具有吸引力。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not depict a child or portray objects , images or cartoon figures that primarily appeal to persons below the legal purchase age .

  25. 被雇来写广告词或宣传材料的人。

    A person employed to write advertising or publicity copy .

  26. 他甚至在当地的一家超市里分发广告(宣传)材料。

    He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket .

  27. 广告审批及备案材料;

    Examine and approve advertisements and archive materials ;

  28. (三)在广告或者其他宣传材料中将非专利技术称为专利技术;

    Passing any non-patented technology off as patented technology in the advertisements or in any other promotional materials ;

  29. 广告员正在把气球作为促销材料。被雇来写广告词或宣传材料的人。

    The admen are using balloons as promotional materials . a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy .