
  • 网络international economic integration
  1. 随着国际经济一体化和中国加入WTO,中国企业面临的竞争环境会更加恶化,为迎接挑战,中国企业必须发展自己的核心能力。

    Chinese corporations should develope their strong core competence to meet the challenge of the international economic integration and WTO .

  2. 随着企业信息化发展及Internet等公共网络和国际经济一体化的迅速发展,企业内部及企业间通过网络传递信息的需求越来越多。

    With the developing of enterprise information technology and the rapid development of internet and other public networks and international economic integration , the internal and inter-firm demand for transmission of information through the network become more and more .

  3. 中国加入WTO,将直接融入国际经济一体化的进程中,对会计行业而言,入世就意味着开放会计信息服务市场,WTO关于会计服务贸易的相关规定,要求中国所有的会计服务壁垒都需清除。

    With the membership of the WTO , China is obliged to open up its accounting information services market .

  4. 随着国际经济一体化进程的加快和中国加入WTO,中国最终将开放金融市场,实现汇率自由浮动和利率市场化。

    China will open her financial market and achieve free float of exchange rate and interest liberalization with the quickened integration of international economy and the entry to WTO .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,建筑市场将面临着更加激烈的竞争,作为服务贸易的工程造价管理无疑也将被纳入国际经济一体化的进程中。

    After China joins WTO , The construction market has met the even more intense competition . The management of pro-ject cost , which serves for trade with no doubt , is put into the international process .

  6. 国际经济一体化和区域经济集团化是当前世界经济的重要发展趋势之一,尤其以区域贸易安排(RTA)引人注目,其数量迅速增长。

    International economy unification and regional economy collectivization are the important development trend of current world economy . Especially RTA is conspicuous .

  7. 随着我国加入WTO,国际经济一体化对中药产业提出了现代化、国际化的要求,而中药国际化的关键在于中药的质量评价体系科学化。

    After entering WTO , international economy incorporation bring forward a demand of modernization and internationalization to industry of Traditional Chinese Medicine , however , the key of internationalization to Chinese traditional medicine industry was the scientization of quality appreciation system .

  8. 由于国际经济一体化的深入、资本自由流动导致税收竞争加剧,OECD国家正在进行公司所得税制改革,具体方式是降低税率、拓宽税基;

    With the deeper of global economic integration , and the more capital liquidity , the more tax competition , OECD nations had to perform corporate income tax reforms .

  9. 在加入WTO和全国粮食市场全面放开后,国际经济一体化进程明显加快,我们也可以通过国际贸易形式,部分可全部地获得所需的粮食,分享国际分工带来的好处。

    After relieving completely by addition of WTO and nation-wide food market , the international process of economic integration accelerates obviously , we may also pass through international trading form and part may get needed food completely , share the benefit that international division of labor brings .

  10. 而且随着我国经济的发展,国际经济一体化的不断加强,尤其是我国加入WTO以后,关税的降低,各种贸易壁垒的消除都在一定程度上刺激着平行进口的增长。

    And along with economic development in our country , the international economic integral trend of enhance continuously , particularly with affiliation to WTO hereafter , the reducing of tariff , the elimination of every kind of trade barrier all stimulate the increase of parallel imports on the certain degree .

  11. 随着国际经济一体化的发展和贸易的自由化,在传统的关税和非关税壁垒藩篱不断拆除的同时,TBT已经成为世界各国调整贸易利益的重要手段。

    Along with the international economic integration and liberalization of trade , technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) has become one of the most important instruments to gain trade profits for countries with the decreasing of tariff and other non-tariff barriers .

  12. 它是经济全球化和国际经济一体化发展的产物。

    It 's the outcome of economic globalization and international economic integration .

  13. 我们可以区分四种主要的国际经济一体化。

    We can usefully distinguish between four main kinds of international economic integration .

  14. 国际经济一体化中的金融安全分析

    The Financial Safty Analysis on International Economic Integration

  15. 但自由市场原则和国际经济一体化的效力,在很大程度上仍未引起异议。

    But the virtues of free-market principles and international economic integration remain largely unchallenged .

  16. 建立符合国际经济一体化要求的铁路工程价格体系

    Analysis of Setting up Railway Project Price System in Accordance with Requirements of International Economic Integration

  17. 中印参与国际经济一体化的实践及战略意图探析

    The Practice and Strategic Intention of China and India in Their Participation in International Economy Integration

  18. 随着国际经济一体化程度的提高,经济风险的波及效应也日益显著。

    With the improvement of integration of the international economy , propagation effect of the economic risks becomes increasingly striking .

  19. 国际经济一体化及资本市场全球化使得会计国际化成为大势所趋、流所向。

    Integration of international economics and globalization of capital markets have made the accounting internationalization a general trend of events .

  20. 一是因为,伴随着全球化及国际经济一体化,国际广告将提升到一个新台阶。随之,广告翻译也将得到前所未有的发展,其重要性不言而喻。

    It is firstly because the importance of international advertising and advertising translation is strengthened by globalization and economic integration .

  21. 随着国际经济一体化进程的加快,商业银行面临的竞争压力日益增加。

    As the speeding up of the process of international economic integration , commercial banks have faced more and more competitive pressures .

  22. 在新科技工艺如狂风骤雨般发展和全球化趋势的今天,国际经济一体化已成为必然的趋势。

    Economic integration has become a major and irreversible tendency in the globalization context and the rapid development of the science-technology revolution .

  23. 自从70年代以来,随着国际经济一体化的发展和新技术革命的推动,国际上投资银行业得到了蓬勃的发展。

    Promoted by the economic globalization and the new technology revolution , the investment banking business has developed vigorously ever since the 1970s .

  24. 加强对外汇市场的理论及实务研究,是中国融入世界经济、国际经济一体化进程加快的必然要求。

    As China 's joining into the world economy system , it is required to study foreign exchange market in theory and practice further .

  25. 当今世界,国际经济一体化的特征日益明显,金融渗透的深刻性和广泛性比以往任何时候都更为突出鲜明。

    Today , the characteristics of international economic integration is clearer and clearer , and the financial permeates more deeply and widely than ever before .

  26. 进入21世纪以来,区域经济一体化发展进一步加快,新的一体化组织不断涌现,区域经济一体化成为国际经济一体化的主导形式。

    The 21st century has begun to see the world integration of regional economy in an accelerating process with increasing appearance of new integration organizations .

  27. 本文在引述相关的国际经济一体化理论的基础上,全面分析了中国&东盟自由贸易区产生的动因和该自由贸易区可能为中国和东盟各国带来的收益以及其建立面临的矛盾。

    By quoting the theory of International Economic Integration , this paper analyses thoroughly the motives of building China ASEAN Free Trade Area and later benefits .

  28. 同时针对中国面临国际经济一体化进程的新格局,成品油市场放开在广东市场广东销售分公司面临的严峻形势,提出了自身存在的问题。

    And also it stated the severe situation and the problems faced with the company when China opened the refined oil market after its WTO entry .

  29. 首先,我国经济的发展和国际经济一体化的进程对我国商事调解的发展提出了外部要求。

    Firstly , the development of our economy and the process of unitization of international economy give the external requirements for commercial conciliation of our country .

  30. 在国际经济一体化的深入发展过程中,经济全球化、贸易自由化使贸易与环境的关系更加紧密而微妙。

    In the process of the international economy integration , the economic globalization and trade liberalization make the relationship between international trade and environment closer and more subtle .