
  • 网络Reserve Currency
  1. 中国人民银行(People'sBankofChina)昨日提议,创建一个由国际货币基金组织(IMF)控制的新全球体系,取代以美元作为国际储备货币的现行体系。

    China 's central bank yesterday proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund .

  2. IMF将美元、欧元、日元和英镑支持的SDR作为储备货币。

    The IMF holds SDRs , underpinned by dollar , euro , yen and pound , as its reserve currency .

  3. 然后,利用层次分析法(AHP)管理外汇储备货币结构。

    And then we make use of AHP to manage the currency composition of foreign exchange reserve .

  4. 徐洪才在文章中建议,应建立一个由国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)等类似机构监管的多储备货币体系。

    Xu , for his part , suggests moving toward a system of multiple reserve currencies overseen in part by the likes of the International Monetary Fund .

  5. 联合国大会(unitednationsgeneralassembly)昨日被告知,全球领袖应尽快关注就创建新的全球储备货币体系达成共识,该体系将取代美元作为主要国际货币的地位。

    World leaders should give urgent attention to reaching consensus on creating a global reserve system that would replace the US dollar as the main international currency , the United Nations General Assembly was told yesterday .

  6. MrEichengreen之处说美元在1914年(一战爆发)并未发挥国际化的作用,但在1926年压倒了英镑成为各国政府储备货币。

    Mr Eichengreen points out that the dollar had no international role in1914 but had overtaken sterling in governments'reserves by1925 .

  7. 分析人士表示,放宽对海外金融投资的控制将有助于人民币满足国际货币基金组织(IMF)的要求,即任何官方储备货币都可自由使用。

    Easing controls on outbound financial investment will help the renminbi meet International Monetary Fund requirements that any official reserve currency be freely usable , analysts say .

  8. 主要大国不会接受SDR作为一种新的全球储备货币,也不认可IMF是全球央行。

    Leading powers are not going to accept the SDR as a new global reserve currency , nor the IMF as a global central bank .

  9. 前不久在南京召开的20国集团(g20)会议上,法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)就表示,是时候让人民币成为一种储备货币了。

    At a recent G20 meeting in Nanjing , French President Nicolas Sarkozy said it was time for the renminbi to become a reserve currency .

  10. 然而,重要的是,纳入SDR货币篮子将让人民币绕过储备货币所必须满足的可兑换标准。

    Significantly , however , inclusion in the SDR basket would allow the renminbi to sidestep the convertibility criterion for a reserve currency .

  11. 中国还作出了一个耐人寻味的提议,即扩大国际货币基金组织(IMF)特别提款权(SDR)的角色,使其成为一种能够代替美元的储备货币。

    It also made an intriguing proposal to enlarge the role of special drawing rights so they could become an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency .

  12. 接下来的一年里,IMF在决定是否为人民币的官方储备货币地位背书时,中国金融改革的进展预计将成为一个关键判据。

    Progress on financial reform is expected to be a key criterion for the IMF 's decision within the next year over whether to endorse the renminbi as an official reserve currency .

  13. 对中国和其他国家来说,IMF不认可人民币储备货币地位将凸显它们的担忧,即IMF仍是一个由发达经济体管理并为其利益服务的机构。

    For China and others , a negative ruling on reserve currency status could symbolise their concerns that the IMF remains an institution run by and for the benefit of advanced economies .

  14. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)表示,虽然国际货币基金组织(IMF)还在考虑是否将人民币纳入官方储备货币,但目前已经有超过60家央行投资了人民币资产。

    Even as the International Monetary Fund considers whether to endorse the renminbi as an official reserve currency , more than 60 central banks have already invested in renminbi assets , according to Standard Chartered .

  15. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  16. SDR的使用范围需要拓宽,从而能真正满足各国对储备货币的要求。

    The scope of using the SDR should be broadened , so as to enable it to fully satisfy the member countries'demand for a reserve currency .

  17. 美元投资者能立刻实现储备货币多样化,因为SDR由一篮子货币组成,其中包括美元、欧元、日元和英镑。

    Dollar investors would obtain instant diversification because SDRs are made up of a basket of currencies the dollar , the euro , the yen and sterling .

  18. 中国已呼吁改革全球储备货币体系、创建基于特别提款权(sdr)的新国际储备货币。

    China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .

  19. 然而,随着美国预算赤字突破国内生产总值(gdp)的13%,无资金准备的债务达到gdp的4倍,美国大量开具全球储备货币“欠条”的资金优势如今面临着最重大挑战。

    Yet the funding advantage of issuing copious ious in the global reserve currency now faces its biggest test as the US budget deficit hits 13 per cent of gross domestic product and unfunded liabilities reach four times GDP .

  20. 假如美国政府凭借自己的资产负债表和储备货币美元,获得了盖特纳和美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)所寻求的权力,结果会怎样?

    What if the US government , with its balance sheet and its reserve-currency dollar , gained the powers that Mr Geithner and Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , seek ?

  21. 对于如何能够实现这一目标,人们已提出了一些建议,比如,创造一篮子特别储备货币,或使用国际货币基金组织(IMF)的特别提款权(SDR)。

    Several proposals are floating around for how this could be achieved , for example the creation of special reserve baskets or the use of the International Monetary Fund 's special drawing rights .

  22. IMF数据展现出的另一大显著趋势是,近期澳元以及加拿大元作为储备货币的新选择大受追捧;一些分析师猜测,澳元出人意料的弹性或许正反映了持续买盘的影响。

    Another clear trend in the IMF data is the recent popularity of the Australian and Canadian dollars as alternative reserve currencies , and some analysts speculate that unexpected resilience in the Aussie might reflect continued purchases .

  23. 现在,中国希望国际货币基金组织(IMF)通过将人民币纳入构成其记账单位特别提款权(SDR)的固定货币篮子,使人民币成为一种官方储备货币。

    Now China wants the International Monetary Fund to label the renminbi an official reserve currency by including it in the exclusive group that makes up its unit of account , the Special Drawing Rights .

  24. 面对希望中国能拿出一大笔资金帮助国际货币基金组织(imf)增资的要求,中国转而提出了用一种新国际储备货币取代美元的建议。

    In the face of calls for it to stump up a lot of money to help recapitalise the International Monetary Fund , China has instead launched a proposal to replace the US dollar with a new international reserve currency .

  25. 如果弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)的抱负得以实现,莫斯科将成为与伦敦、纽约齐名的国际金融中心,卢布也将成为一种国际储备货币。

    If President Vladimir Putin realises his ambitions , Moscow will become an international financial hub on a par with London or New York , and the rouble will become an international reserve currency .

  26. 中国利用这次金融危机的契机,以G20峰会为平台,提出新储备货币议题,以此争取更大话语权,是聪明的策略部署。

    It is a smart strategic move for China to seize the opportunity of the financial crisis to put forward the issue of a new reserve currency at the G20 summit with a view to gaining say .

  27. 在今年4月的20国集团(g20)峰会前夕,中国央行行长周小川提议,用国际货币基金组织(imf)管理下的一篮子货币代替美元作为全球储备货币。

    Ahead of the April group of 20 leading nations summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , central bank governor , proposed replacing the dollar as the global reserve currency with a basket of currencies managed by the International Monetary Fund .

  28. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。

    Zhou 's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R. 's , or special drawing rights , in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts .

  29. 例如,瑞士法郎并没有被纳入SDR货币篮子,但它被相当普遍地(当然是相对于瑞士经济规模而言)作为一种储备货币而持有。

    The Swiss franc , for example , is quite widely held as a reserve currency ( certainly relative to the size of the Swiss economy ) without being in the SDR basket .

  30. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .