
  • 网络settlement currency;Currency of Settlement
  1. 其次,人民币作为结算货币的使用也已放缓。

    Second , the use of the renminbi as a settlement currency has also slowed .

  2. 融资货币既可以是人民币,也可以是出口业务的结算货币,便于企业选择适当货币,以避免汇率风险。

    Either funding currency RMB , may also be the settlement currency of the export business , easy business to choose the appropriate currency to avoid exchange rate risk .

  3. 来自德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)的一项调查显示,在中国设有业务部门的荷兰、英国以及德国企业中,用人民币作为贸易结算货币的企业占到了20%。

    Twenty per cent of Dutch , UK and German companies with operations in China are now invoicing in renminbi , according to a survey by Deutsche Bank .

  4. 但是虽然增势迅猛,但来自全球支付系统swift的数据显示,以人民币作为结算货币的贸易规模在全球贸易总量中所占比重仍然微不足道,仅约为0.45%左右。

    Yet , despite this rapid growth , the currency still accounts for only a tiny fraction of Global trade about 0.45 per cent of all international payments according to swift , the global payments network .

  5. 澳大利亚央行(RBA)副行长菲利普罗伊(PhilipLowe)本周表示,用于对冲人民币汇率风险的工具的可获得性和定价,是阻碍在双边贸易中采用人民币作为结算货币的最重要因素。

    Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Philip Lowe said this week that the availability and pricing of instruments to hedge renminbi currency risk was the most important factor that was slowing the uptake of renminbi invoicing in bilateral trade .

  6. 托运货件的总价值,包括结算货币。

    Total value of the shipment , including currency of settlement .

  7. 碳交易计价结算货币:理论、现实与选择

    The Invoice Currency of Carbon Trading : Theory , Reality and Choices

  8. 人民币越来越多地被用作贸易结算货币;

    the use of the renminbi as a trading currency is growing ;

  9. 投资者或需承受有关结算货币兑换率波动的风险。

    Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate .

  10. 在正常的货币期权交易时,投资者可以将做空其他货币所使用的货币作为结算货币。

    With normal currency options you can choose to collect in whatever currency you are using to bet against another currency .

  11. 汇丰集团预计,在未来五年内人民币将成为三大国际贸易结算货币之一。

    The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years , the HSBC Group estimated .

  12. 我认为,有关国际货币体系改革以及把人民币作为结算货币的说法,大体上是一种政治姿态。

    I think the talk of international monetary regime change and the renminbi as an invoicing currency is largely political posturing .

  13. 中国有很多理由降低对美元的依赖&美元现在是中国几乎所有跨境交易和金融活动的结算货币。

    China has many reasons to reduce its reliance on the dollar , which is used for almost all its cross-border trade and finance .

  14. 本文主要从国际贸易结算货币选择理论、最优货币区理论、国际贸易结算理论和人民币跨境贸易结算等相关理论出发,整理了人民币跨境贸易结算实施的相关背景和目前取得的成果及带来的影响。

    This paper started from the Monetary Competition Theory . Optimal Currency Area Theory , international trade settlement theory and relevant study on RMB cross border trade settlement .

  15. 北京的官员已经表示,将加强与东盟国家的投资联系,推动多个邻近的亚洲经济体采用人民币作为贸易结算货币。

    Officials in Beijing speak of boosting investment ties with countries in ASEAN and promoting the adoption of the renminbi as a hard currency in several Asian neighbour economies .

  16. 现阶段可以运用综合使用多种结算货币、加强风险管理与监测等对策减少不利影响。

    At the present stage , we can implement strategies such as utilizing a variety of settlement currency and strengthening the management and supervision of risks to less the adverse influence .

  17. 可以预见,人民币在东亚的成为地区内主要结算货币的优势地位,将伴随着更加广泛的应用得到巩固。

    Not difficult to see that the advantage of RMB is bigger and bigger and range is further , RMB as the main settlement currency in East Asia becomes more and more consolidated .

  18. 俄罗斯其他能源集团迄今不那么愿意放弃美元作为石油销售结算货币,因为替代货币的较低流动性很可能推高成本。

    Other Russian energy groups have been more reluctant to drop the dollar for settlement of oil sales , because the lower liquidity of alternative currencies is likely to result in higher costs .

  19. 银行家们表示,直接使用人民币进行交易,而不是通过美元之类的第三方结算货币的好处是,这么做能减少不确定性,降低开展业务的成本。

    The main advantage of trading directly in renminbi , rather than through a settlement currency such as the US dollar , was that it cut down uncertainties and the costs of doing business , bankers said .

  20. 近年来,为促进人民币国际化进程,国家大力推动人民币走出去,积极鼓励边境地区边境贸易中使用人民币作为结算货币。

    In recent years , in order to promote the process of RMB internationalization , the countries are vigorously promoting the RMB to go out and actively encourage border trade in the border region to use the RMB as a settlement currency .

  21. 所以,推动将人民币用作亚洲贸易结算货币的计划,其重要战略意义与其说是在投射中国经济实力,不如说是使中国免受外来金融动荡冲击。

    Thus , the project to promote the use of the renminbi as a currency for trade settlement in Asia is of vital strategic importance , not so much as a projection of Chinese economic power but as a protection against imported financial turbulence .

  22. 同时,由于边境贸易和旅游探亲等活动的发展,人民币成为周边国家和地区主要的计价结算货币,为人民币国际化提供了基础。

    At the same time , due to the trade across the border trade and tourism , the surrounding countries and regions recognized RMB as the main currency could be used for buying and selling , which in turn provide the basis for RMB internationalization .

  23. 由于资本管制,同时亚洲货币之间几乎所有的交易都以美元结算,货币在亚洲范围内流动并不容易。

    Money does not flow easily round Asia , due to capital controls and the fact that almost all transactions between Asian currencies are executed in dollars .

  24. 以其它货币结算之货币资产及负债按于结算日之适用.率折算为有关之记账货币。

    Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at the Balance sheet date .

  25. 延期偿清债务的结算单位也是货币。

    The unit of account for deferred payment of debts is also money .

  26. 流通中货币与结算中资金目前货币流通中存在的问题及对策

    Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present

  27. 亚洲市场:中巴拟绕过美元以本币结算两国贸易&货币市场对此反应平淡。

    Asian Session : China and Brazil discuss bypassing the dollar for international trade – currency markets remain slow .

  28. 市场上以特定货币结算的投资包括货币市场基金、债券、按揭、银行存款和其他工具。

    Investments that are denominated in a given currency include money-market funds , bonds , mortgages , bank deposits , and other instruments .

  29. 信息通信技术的发展,催生了新的结算方式&电子货币,而在零售阶段的应用,最能证明电子货币的普及程度。

    With the development of communication technology , electronic money , a new method of settling accounts which is mostly used in retailing comes forth .

  30. 现代财务管理的核心是资金的管理,而高校内部资金结算中心就是以货币资金管理为中心,针对目前高校资金紧张现状,加强资金管理的职能部门。

    The core of modern financial management is the fund management . The centre of settling accounts inside colleges and universities puts focus on managing currency fund and strengthening the role of managing department considering the present situation of fund shortage .