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  • conjunctival sac
  1. 目的:探讨白内障术前、术后结膜囊细菌学分布状态,为临床用药提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the condition of bacteriology in the conjunctival sac of cataract patients before and after cataract operation .

  2. 结果21例(22眼)睑球粘连结膜囊重建的效果满意率达818%。

    Results The results of the conjunctival sac reconstruction in 21 symblepharon cases ( 22 eyes ) were favourable in 81.8 % .

  3. II期义眼座直接植入联合新鲜羊膜移植治疗眼窝内陷结膜囊狭窄

    Secondary hydroxyapatite orbital implantation with amnion graft for sunk socket with narrow conjunctival sac

  4. 丝裂霉素C及视网膜色素上皮细胞调理液对人结膜囊成纤维细胞增殖及胶原合成的影响

    Effects of Mitomycin C or Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell-Conditioned Medium on Proliferation and Collagen Synthesis of Human Tenon 's Capsule Fibroblasts

  5. 白内障术前结膜囊带菌相关因素的多因素非条件Logistic回归分析

    Multivariate logistic regression analysis on the bacterial culture result of conjunctival sac before cataract operation

  6. 结果86例HA义眼座置入患者,同期行结膜囊整形术20例,眼睑整形修复术8例,眶骨修复术2例。

    There eyelid plastic surgery was done in 8 cases and orbital plastic surgery in 2 cases .

  7. 近视人群LASIK术前结膜囊和睑缘细菌培养药敏分析

    Conjunctiva sac & palpebral margin bacterial culture and drug sensitive tests before LASIK

  8. 目的观察丝裂霉素C(MMC)对培养人结膜囊成纤维细胞生长及增殖的作用。

    AIM To investigate the effects of mitomycin C ( MMC ) on the growth and proliferation in human Tenon 's capsule fibroblast .

  9. 氧氟沙星点眼及结膜囊冲洗预防LASIK术后感染作用的探讨

    Topical application of 0.3 % Ofloxacin and conjunctival sac washing for the prevention of post-lasik infection

  10. 结论临床使用剂量MMC可使结膜囊成纤维细胞增殖能力下降,处于增殖抑制状态,而不引起明显的细胞死亡。

    CONCLUSION MMC at clinically relevant doses can inhibit the proliferation of human Tenon 's fibroblasts rather than cause the cell death .

  11. 目的观察LASIK术前用药的最低安全时间及清洁结膜囊的临床效果。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the minimum safe times of using topical antibiotics and the sterilization effects in the conjunctival sac before LASIK .

  12. 手术方法为10%水合氯醛3ml/kg腹腔注射麻醉,无菌生理盐水冲洗结膜囊,0.5%盐酸普鲁卡因点眼。

    Conjunctival sac was watered with normal saline under the anesthesia with the injection of chloral hydrate 10 % ( 3ml / kg ) in abdominal cavity .

  13. 目的:分析近视人群结膜囊及睑缘带菌情况,指导LASIK术前抗生素的使用。

    · AIM : To analyze the state of bacterial culture of conjunctiva sac & palpebral margin so as to guide the using of antibiotics before LASIK .

  14. 方法对19例羟基磷灰石眼座植入后结膜囊肉芽组织过度增生的组织切除后采用常规病理检查以及CD20,CD45RO和PCNA的免疫组化及图像定量分析研究。

    Methods 19 granulation tissue from 19 cases of Hydroxyapatite implantation were studied by immunohistochemical staining of SP assay using mono-antibodies CD20.CD45RO and PCNA and Image Analysis .

  15. 方法用MTT比色法、3H-TdR掺入法及流式细胞仪检测细胞增殖周期观察MMC对培养的人结膜囊成纤维细胞生长及增殖的影响。

    METHODS The cultured human Tenon 's fibroblasts were exposed to MMC . Cell growth and proliferation were measured by MTT assay , and 3H thymidine ( 3H TdR ) incorporation and cell cycle was examined by flow cytometry .

  16. 目的:观察人视网膜色素上皮(RPE)细胞调理液(RPE-CM)对人结膜囊成纤维细胞增殖及胶原合成的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of the retinal pigment epithelial ( RPE ) cell-conditioned medium ( RPE-CM ) on the proliferation and collagen synthesis in human Tenon 's capsule fibroblast .

  17. 方法:用荧光光度法分别于5,15,30和60min时测定结膜囊冲洗液中样品和对照的浓度。

    METHODS The sample and the control solution were dropped into rabbits left and right eyes respectively , the concentrations of the drugs in conjunctival sac were determined at 5,15,30 and 60 min respectively with fluorescence spectrophotometer .

  18. 心包膜移植在结膜囊成形术中的应用

    Application of pericardium transplantation in the plastic surgery of conjunctival sac

  19. 眼球摘除术后结膜囊缩窄的病理学研究

    Study on histopathology of conjunctival sac constriction post enucleation of eyeball

  20. 内眼手术眼部消毒前、后睑缘、结膜囊细菌培养分析

    A analysis of bacterial culture preoperative postoperative eyelid and conjunctiva sac

  21. 新鲜人羊膜移植在结膜囊形成术中的应用

    A clinical application of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation for stenosis of cul-desac

  22. 结膜囊正常菌群与眼部细菌性感染的关系

    Relationship between normal flora of conjunctiva and ocular bacterial infection

  23. 中西医结合治疗羟基磷灰石植入后结膜囊裂开

    Treatment of splitting of conjunctiva sac after hydroxyl apatite implanting

  24. 白内障患者术前使用抗生素和结膜囊冲洗的临床研究

    Study of Antibiotics and Conjunctival Sac Wash Before Cataract Surgery

  25. 正常人结膜囊细菌和霉菌调查

    Investigations on the Bacterial and Fungal Flora of the Normal Human Conjunctiva

  26. 结论革兰阳性球菌仍然是结膜囊分离出的主要菌属;

    Conclusion Gram-positive cocci still is the predominant bacteria from the conjunctiva .

  27. 老年人内眼手术前结膜囊细菌培养的分析

    Analysis of bacterial culture of conjunctiva sac before intraocular surgery

  28. 后来在门诊中发现结膜囊里有数只活寄生虫。

    Several live worms were found in his conjunctiva sac .

  29. 羊膜移植治疗结膜囊狭窄24例

    Transplantation of amniotic membrane in treatment of 24 patients with cul-de-sac stenosis

  30. 羟基磷灰石眼座植入后结膜囊肉芽组织增生的形态计量学研究

    Image Analysis Study of the Exuberant Granulation in Conjunctival Sac after Hydroxyapatite Implantation