
  • 网络associative algebra
  1. 有限维结合代数上的函数的Fréchet微分

    The Frechet differentiae over a finite dimensional associative algebra

  2. x所在的类,且得到了交叉积AσH是一个单位元为1A1H的结合代数的充要条件:1.A是扭H-模。

    A # _ σ H is an associative algebra with identity element 1_A # 1_H if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied : 1 . A is a twisted H-module .

  3. Fuzzy结合代数的外张量积

    The extra tensor products of Fuzzy Associative Algebras

  4. 域Fp上四维结合代数的同构分类

    Classification of Associative Algebras of Dimension 4 Over Field F_p

  5. 在Poisson几何里,由于代数A是指一个Poisson流形上的光滑函数代数,因此作为结合代数,A是可交换的。

    In Poisson geometry , A is commutative in associative sense , because A is the algebra of smooth functions on a Poisson manifold .

  6. 结合代数的Hochschild上同调刻画&进展与问题

    On Hochschild cohomology depiction of associative algebra ─ progress and problems

  7. 本文将复流形和殆复流形理论中某些结果从复数域推广到r维结合代数的情形,所得结论也推广了作者关于Clifford流形的相应结果。

    Some results from the theories of complex and almost complex manifolds are generalized to the case of associative algebras . The obtained results also generalize the corresponding theorems on the Clifford manifolds .

  8. Hochschild引进了有限维结合代数的上同调,今称之为Hochschild上同调。

    Hochschild has introduced the cohomology of finite dimensional associative algebra , which is called Hochschild Cohomology .

  9. 由Gabriel定理,代数闭域上基的,连通的有限维结合代数A同构于一个由连通有限箭图Q确定的路代数的商代数。

    From the famous Gabriel 's theorem , a basic connected finite dimensional associative algebra A over an algebraically closed field can be looked as a quotient of a path algebra decided by a connected finite quiver Q.

  10. 本文在保持Turbo码迭代软解码算法优点的基础上,充分利用Turbo码编码器结构这一确知条件,结合代数解码原理,提出了一种Turbo码概率代数联合解码算法。

    To fully make use of the information on the deterministic structure of turbo constituent encoders according to the algebraic decoding principle in conjunction with the probabilitic decoding algorithm , this paper proposed a joint probability algebra decoding scheme for turbo codes .

  11. 本文在对Novikov代数的研究中,建立了Novikov代数与其他代数如李代数、交换结合代数的关系,并通过此关系进一步建立Novikov代数与常见具体函数的同构,用常见函数对其进行实现。

    In this thesis , we will establish the relation between Novikov algebras and other alge-bras , such as Lie algebra abelian algebra by the study of the Novikov algebra .

  12. 自从Hochschild在1942年研究结合代数的同调群时提出Hochschild同调群的概念和理论以来,它在数学的许多分支均有广泛应用。

    Since Hochschild proposed the concept and theory of Hochschild homology group while researching the homology group of associative algebra in 1942 , it is widely used in many branches of mathematics .

  13. Arad和Blau在1991年从有限群的不可约特征标和共轭类的积的分解中抽象出表代数的概念,它是一类满足特定条件的定义在复数域上的有限维交换结合代数。

    Arad and Blau abstracted the concept of table algebras , which are a class of finite dimensional , associative and commutative algebras over the complex numbers with certain specified properties , from the decompositions of products of either irreducible characters or conjugacy classes of finite groups .

  14. 有限维交换结合代数的σ-半单结构

    σ - semisimple structure of finite dimension commutative associative algebras

  15. 量子环面上一类结合代数的表示

    Representations of a class of associative algebras related to the quantum torus

  16. 给出了这个非结合代数的自同构。

    The forms of any automorphism of the non-associative algebra are also given .

  17. 一类结合代数商模的同构

    Quotient Module Isomorphism of a Class of Associative Algebras

  18. 无零因子四元结合代数的个数

    Amount of Non - Zero Divisor Four Associative Algebra

  19. 有限维结合代数上表示的可约性

    Reducibility of Representation on a Finite Dimensional Associative Algebra

  20. 一类结合代数的表示

    Representations of a Class of Associative Algebras

  21. 纯量结合代数的幂零性

    On the Nilpotency of Scalar Associative Algebras

  22. 由结合代数构造q-李代数及低维q-李代数的分类

    Construction of q-Lie Algebra by association Algebra and the Classification of Low Dimension q-Lie Algebra

  23. 本文研究了一类非结合代数的自同构。

    In this paper , we study the automorphism of a type of non-associative algebra .

  24. 八元数是一种不结合代数,关于它的结合运算性质知之甚少。

    Octonion algebra is a non_associative algebra , and only a few associative calculating properties are known .

  25. 本文研究了纯量结合代数的幂零性:在什么情况下谐零代数是幂零的?

    In this paper the nilpotency of scalar associative algebras is studied : When is a nil algebra nilpotent ?

  26. 此外,结合代数图论和矩阵理论将上述结论推广到连接拓扑为弱连通图的情形。

    Furthermore , the above conclusion is extended to the case of weakly connected digraph by applying algebraic graph theory and matrix theory .

  27. 通过引入有限维交换结合代数的σ_自同态映射,研究了σ_半单代数和σ_幂零代数的结构。

    This paper introduces the σ _automorphism for finite dimensional commutative associative algebras and studies the structure of σ _semisimple algebras and σ _ nilpotent algebras .

  28. 本文研究了与量子环面CQ[x±1,y±1](见[6])有关的一类结合代数的表示.该结合代数的表示与广义仿射李代数(见[1])的表示理论密切相关。

    This paper studies the representations of a class of associative algebras related to the quantum torus CQ [ x ± 1 , y ± 1 ] which is introduced in [ 6 ] to study the extended affine Lie algebras [ 1 ] .

  29. 基于代数观的属性约简方法不适用于不一致决策系统,针对这个问题,本文结合代数观和信息观两种理论思想,提出了基于改进分辨矩阵和信息熵的属性约简算法。

    The attribute reduction method based on algebra view is not applicable to the inconsistency decision system . Regarding this , this paper combines algebra view and information view to put forward the attribute reduction algorithm on the improved discernible matrix and the information entropy .

  30. 结合抽象代数,组合数学,矩阵理论等知识,提出一种有限阿贝尔群上Jacket矩阵的构造方法,扩展了Jacket矩阵家族。

    The combination of abstract algebra , combinatorial mathematics and the matrix theory knowledge , we propose a new construction of Jacket matrix based on finite Abelian group , which expand the Jacket matrix family .