
yán chánɡ xiàn
  • extension;extended line
  1. USB延长线必须用密封的胶袋包装。

    USB extension cable to be packed in a closed polybag .

  2. 跟机有火牛、锂电、网络线、USB延长线、说明书及安装程式光碟及一个黑色便携袋。

    Included with the router is a power adapter , Lithium-ion battery , LAN cable , USB extension cable , a CD-ROM that contains the user manual and drivers , and a black carrying bag .

  3. 然后通过叠加给出任意多个线段源(其延长线均通过坐标原点)在xy平面上给出各向异性的瞬时源函数GXY。

    The instantaneous source function G xy of N linear sections , whose extend lines all pass origin of coordinates , are given by means of superposition .

  4. 结论:寰椎椎弓根钉进钉点可用枢椎下关节突中点的矢状延长线来确定,螺钉长度28~30mm。

    Conclusion : The enter point of C_1 pedicle screw could be defined by the central point of C_2 inferior articular process , and the screw length was 28 ~ 30 mm .

  5. 这根线不够长,你有延长线吗?

    This lead isn 't long enough-do you have an extendion ?

  6. 人们只能临时拉了一根200英尺长的延长线

    So they rigged up an extension cord that ran 200 feet

  7. 三通道直总线。可指定均匀线或延长线。

    3-channel straight bus . Even or extended lines can be specified .

  8. 例如我被延长线绊倒了,就是。

    I got tripped up by the extension cord .

  9. 充电器自动补偿低交流线路电压或延长线使用。

    The charger automatically compensates for low AC line voltage or extension cord use .

  10. 用于添加一个尺寸文本位于延长线外部的水平尺寸。

    Use to add a single horizontal dimension with dimension text outside extension lines .

  11. 三通道总线弯线。可调整线间距。可指定延长线。

    3-channel bus elbow . Line spacing is adjustable . Extensions can be specified .

  12. 拖到绘图页上,然后增加高度以显示延长线。

    Drag onto the page , then increase the height to show an extension line .

  13. 选择可见的延长线。

    Choose which extension lines are visible .

  14. 在水平偏振情况下较强回波区域在基线附近和被动雷达一侧的基线延长线周围。

    The stronger echo zone is around the baseline and its extension in receiver side .

  15. 我去找条延长线马上回来

    I 'm gonna go get an extension cord . I 'll be right back .

  16. 广州地铁二、八号线延长线车辆乘客信息系统

    Passenger information system of metro rolling stock for Guangzhou Metro Line 2 & 8 extension

  17. 三通道总线弯线。调整高度手柄可控制线间距。右击指定延长线。

    3-channel bus elbow . Adjust height handle to control line spacing . Right-click for extensions .

  18. 天线延长线用着也挺顺手的

    Extension cord works pretty good .

  19. 蝶骨嵴延长线为鞍底中线。

    The sphenoid crest could be regarded as a landmark to define the midline of sellar floor .

  20. 出口德黑兰地铁1号线北延长线转向架设计与研制

    Design and Development of Bogies Exported to Teheran for the Northern Extension Line of No.1 Metro Line

  21. 他拿起一条橘色的延长线然后指着外面的一辆白色皮卡货车。

    He holds up an orange extension cord and points to a white pick-up truck just outside .

  22. 北京地铁上月开通了4条新线或原有线路的延长线,开通后仅几小时就挤满了乘客。

    Beijing this month opened four new or extended lines , which were brimming with passengers within hours .

  23. 舵机延长线从机翼上面中部的孔中用预留的线绳拉出备用。

    Pull the servo extension cord out of the middle hole above the wing , for later use .

  24. 带自动匹配长度的标签的尺寸线。文本位置和延长线是可调整的。

    Dimension line with label that automatically changes to match length . Text position and extension lines are adjustable .

  25. 用于添加延长线长度不等、尺寸文本位于延长线外部的对齐尺寸。

    Use to add an aligned dimension with unequal length extension lines and dimension text outside the extension lines .

  26. 为延长线,我用罚款衡量,滞留,全双工电,总长度达100英尺。

    For the Extension Wire , I used fine gauge , stranded , duplex wire , having a total length of100 feet .

  27. 在不增加驱动的前提下能有效的延长线体的长度,其传动轴为驱动单根滚筒,从而形成堆积。

    The length of line is prolonged without increasing of driving . Its driving spindle is to drive single roller to form accumulation .

  28. 顶点:轴承中心线和圆锥轴承滚子表面延长线的交点。

    APEX : The common point on the axis of a bearing where angular lines of each of the various tapered roller surfaces meet .

  29. 测量横窦上缘的投影线与颧弓上缘延长线的距离。

    Projection Displays The distance between the superior line of the transverse sinus and the extended line of the superior rim of zygoma arch was measured .

  30. 伊朗德黑兰城郊铁路延长线通信设计与前期工程设计时间相隔已近10年。

    The interval between the design of the communication system of Iran Tehran Railway Extension Line and the previous engineering design has already approached ten years .