
  • 网络construction method;CSG
  1. 一种新的插值型B样条复杂曲面构造法

    A New Interpolating Construction Method for B-Spline Complex Curved Surface

  2. 最优Fuzzy转换器的存在性与构造法

    The existence and construction of optimum fuzzy transformer

  3. n阶极大外平面图的构造法

    Construction method for all the maximal outerplanar graphs of order n

  4. Sturm&Liouville型边值问题的Green函数构造法

    The Building way of Green Function For Boundary Value Problem of Sturm & Liouville Mode

  5. 基于三维构型的切片体素构造法及其注射模CAD系统

    Slice element construction based on 3D modeling and CAD system of plastic injection mould

  6. AHP法中判断矩阵的比例标度构造法

    Proportion criteria and method for building comparison matrices in the analytic hierarchy process

  7. 该文还给出了广义向量Bent函数的一种递归构造法。

    A method for recursively constructing vector generalized Bent function is presented .

  8. 在Matlab编译环境下,使用Matlab程序设计语言开发编写了有限域构造法的设计软件。

    Under Matlab compile environment , the design software of finite field construction is achieved by Matlab program languages .

  9. 一类不等式的TG构造法

    The TG Structure Method to Inequality

  10. Bent函数的一般构造法

    A general construction of bent functions

  11. 基于NURBS的PDE曲面构造法研究及应用

    The research and applications of PDE surface based on NURBS

  12. Delaunay三角网增点生长构造法研究

    Study of the Point - added Growing Method for Delaunay Triangulation

  13. 探讨了CNN模板设计的学习方法和代数构造法。

    Discuss the study method and algebraic design method of a CNN template .

  14. 生成元为一般图形的线段障碍Voronoi图离散构造法

    On Voronoi diagram with limited linear barriers for general figures by discrete construction

  15. 接受超线性语言的有穷转向的pda构造法和超线性语言秩的性质

    Constructing a finite & turn PDA to accept an ultralinear language and properties for the rank of ultralinear languages

  16. 此外,结合PEG算法和准循环构造法,构造一种基于PEG算法的准循环测量矩阵。

    Meanwhile , combined the PEG algorithm and quasi cyclic extension method , a new algorithm is presented for constructing measurement matrix .

  17. 4K阶强幻方构造法

    A method of structuring strongly magic squares of 4 K orders

  18. 一类偶数(2n)阶幻方的基底构造法

    Construction of even - order magic square

  19. 4k阶幻方的对称交换构造法

    Construction Method of Symmetric Swapping for the Magic Square of Order 4k

  20. Lebesgue不可测集构造法

    Approach of structure of the non Lebesgue measurable set

  21. 4n阶完美幻方的新构造法

    A new structuring method of perfect magic square of 4n orders

  22. 该文在分析以前方法的特点和不足的基础上,提出了异常驱动样本构造法,并用基于RBF神经网络的属性约简方法来处理学习样本。

    This paper presents the method of Exception-Driving to select the samples and uses Attribute Reduction Method Based on RBF Neural Network to process the samples .

  23. 论述了一种由计算机自动生成Voronoi图的增点构造法。

    This paper discusses a method of automatically building the Voronoi figure by computer & the adding-point building method .

  24. 发现了t2阶Kirkman三连系的一种构造法。

    A method of constructing Kirkman triple system of order t ~ 2 is discovered .

  25. 非线性判别函数的基于MDL标准的勒让德多项式构造法

    A Constructing Method of Non-linear Discriminating Function Based on MDL Criterion Using Legendre Polynomials

  26. 灰色GM(1,1)模型中的背景值构造法是影响模型适应性和精度的关键因素。

    The structure method of background value in grey system GM ( 1,1 ) model is considered to have an important influence on the adaptability and precision of GM ( 1,1 ) model .

  27. 3×t阶Kirkman三连系的构造法

    The method of constructing Kirkman triple system of order 3 × t

  28. Gregory-Qu算法与Hermite细分曲线构造法的比较

    Comparison between Gregory-Qu Algorithm and Hermite Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme

  29. (2k-1)阶、4k阶幻方快速构造法

    On Structures of Magic Squares of Orders 2k-1 and 4k

  30. 对于6-PRRS并联机器人的雅可比矩阵,分别使用了基于符号运算的微分构造法和矢量构造法进行求解,并验证了两种方法的正确性。

    The Jacobian matrix of the 6-PRRS parallel robot has been computed by two methods .