
  • 网络Tectonic stress field;structural stress field;stress condition
  1. 在分析深埋隧洞岩爆破坏机制和地应力条件的同时,详细论述了南水北调西线工程主要引水线路区的现代构造应力场特征及主应力的大小、相互关系;

    Current tectonic stress field feature and principal stress relation of main line of west route project of water transfer from south to north are in detail presented , along with analyzing destruction mechanism of the deep tunnel rock blasting and crustal stress condition .

  2. 在裂缝模型的建立中,应在岩心观察、测井识别的基础上,采用构造应力场模拟技术来预测裂缝的分布,建立储集层裂缝模型。

    For a fracture distribution model , structural stress field simulation could be used for fracture prediction on foundation of core observation and logging identification .

  3. 用GPS资料研究华北地区形变场和构造应力场

    Deformation field and tectonic stress field constrained by GPS observations in North China

  4. GIS和RS支持下新构造应力场方向提取

    Extracting direction of Neotectonic stress field via GIS and remote sensing

  5. 其中,假定受统一构造应力场控制的大范围内,C为常数;

    It is assumed that c is a constant for the large region controlled by unified tectonic stress field .

  6. Delaunay三角剖分在构造应力场数值模拟中的应用

    The Application of Delaunay Triangulation to Numerical Simulation for Tectonic Stress Field

  7. 利用GPS实测资料,导出现今中国大陆构造应力场年平均变化的有限元模型位移速率边界条件,进而通过数值模拟研究了中国大陆现今构造应力应变场的年变化图像的基本特征。

    According to the GPS data , the velocity boundary conditions of the numerical model are deduced . Then the annual change patterns of present-day tectonic stress-strain field are simulated .

  8. 利用FMI资料分析塔河油田南部中&下奥陶统储层构造应力场

    Analysis of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Reservoir Tectonic Stress Field Using FMI Data in the South of Tahe Oilfield

  9. 受区域构造应力场控制,裂隙发育表现出明显的方向性,主裂隙发育的NW方向为渗透性优势方位。

    Since controlled by regional tectonic stress field , the development of fissures shows obvious directional property , the main fissure developing NW direction is also the permeability superiority trend .

  10. 结合现代GPS、地震和地质学观测的结果,对比分析了中国大陆在百万年、十万年和十年尺度上的形变和构造应力场的基本格局。

    Combining with GPS surveys , seismological data and geological analysis , we try to probe into the basic patterns of strain and stress field in this area on the time scales of several million years , 0.1 million years and tens of years .

  11. 2印度板块的北推碰撞引起的青藏块体持续NE向挤压运动所产生的构造应力场,是本区构造形变与地震蕴育的主控应力。

    The tectonic stress field generated by the NE-trending continuous compressive movement of Qinghai-Xizang block due to the northward press and collision of India plate is the principal stress for the tectonic deformation and earthquake development in this area .

  12. 根据1992年和1995年两期GPS测量结果所获得的位移场和应变场,结合丰富的地质资料,利用有限元方法对华北地区现今构造应力场进行了数值模拟。

    According to the displacement and strain field obtained by GPS in 1992 and 1995 and combining with the abundant geologic data , the present tectonic stress field in North China , as a plane strain problem , is simulated numerically by means of the finite element method .

  13. 结果表明,整体调整系数、地震时能量的损耗系数、外部构造应力场的驱动力大小都会影响到地震系统中能量积累和释放的状况,影响到G-R关系中b值的大小。

    The results show that the global regulation factor , energy loss factor and driving force of external tectonic stress field have influence energy accumulation and release of seismic system , and also influence on b Value of Gutenberg-Richter relation .

  14. 中侏罗世晚期至晚侏罗世,构造应力场转换为挤压体制,盆地周缘遭受近W-E、NW-SE、NE-SW等多向挤压应力作用。

    The tectonic stress regime had changed to multi-directional ( W-E , NW-SE , NE-SW ) compression during the period from the latest Middle Jurassic to late Jurassic and the peripheral zones of the Ordos Basin submitted to multi-directional shortening deformation .

  15. 华北北部构造应力场局部构造应力场分析

    The Tectonic Stress Field in the Northern Part of North China

  16. 黄骅动陷构造应力场演化光弹模拟实验

    Photoelastic modeling experiment of tectonic stress field evolution in Huanghua Depression

  17. 长江三峡工程构造应力场数值模拟

    Digital modelling of structural stress field of the Three Gorges project

  18. 湖北及邻区现代构造应力场初析

    Recent tectonic stress field of the Hubei Province and its vicinity

  19. 珠江三角洲构造应力场的光弹模拟

    Photoelastic Simulation for Structural Field of Stress in Pearl River Delta

  20. 大地测量反演线弹性构造应力场刀锋在线

    Online the inversion of linear elastic stress field using geodetic data

  21. 构造应力场边界载荷反演的有限元逆逼近法

    Finite element inverse analysis of boundary load for tectonic stress field

  22. 矿井构造应力场和冲击地压

    The tectonic stress field and impact ground pressure in deep mine

  23. 邯郸&峰峰矿区构造应力场分析及其影响

    Tectonic Stress Field Analysis and Its Influence in Handan-Fengfeng Mining Area

  24. 古构造应力场数值模拟及危险性预测研究

    Research on numerical simulation of paleo-tectonic stress fields and hazard prediction

  25. 深圳地区的地震活动与现今构造应力场

    The seismic activity and current tectonic stress field in Shenzhen area

  26. 塔里木盆地构造应力场与油气聚集

    Oil and gas accumulation and structural stress field in Tarim Basin

  27. 昆明盆地及周边地区第四纪构造应力场分析

    Quaternary Tectonic Stress Field in the Region of the Kunming Basin

  28. 广东地区现代构造应力场的模拟计算

    The simulation of the modern geotectonic stress field of Guangdong area

  29. 本文根据25个节理观测点资料,对安徽巢湖地区中生代以来构造应力场进行了恢复。

    On the basis of the data of 25 joint sets .

  30. 巴士系断裂带的构造应力场特征

    The characteristics of tectonic stress field in Bashi system structure zone