
gòu zào wù lǐ xué
  • tectonophysics
构造物理学[gòu zào wù lǐ xué]
  1. 本文的研究结果证明,卫星热红外信息有望成为研究断层相互作用的一个新的独立物理量,并将对地震动力学和构造物理学的发展有重要意义。

    The result of this study shows that satellite infrared information can become a new independent physical parameter for research of fault interaction , and would be of great significance for development of earthquake dynamics and tectonophysics .

  2. 我国实验岩石力学与构造物理学研究的若干新进展

    Recent progress in studies of experimental rock mechanics and Tectonophysics in China

  3. 地震研究中实验构造物理学的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect on experimental Tectonophysics concerning earthquake

  4. 第四届全国构造物理学、第二届全国高温高压岩石力学学术讨论会简讯

    A brief message of the Fourth Symposium of Tectonophysics of China and the second symposium of high-pressure and high-temparature rock mechanics of China

  5. 量子力学是一套构造物理学理论的规则,而量子逻辑是量子力学存在的数学基础。

    It is well-known that quantum mechanics is a set of rules to construct physical theories , and quantum logics is its mathematical foundation .

  6. 简述了近年来我国学者在与地震学和地球内部物理学相关的实验岩石力学和构造物理学研究方面的进展。

    This paper reviews the recent progress in the studies of experimental rock mechanics and tectonophysics concerning seismology and physics of the Earth ′ s interior in China .

  7. 文中用实测资料和构造物理学观点论证了华北中、强地震前孕震形变场(断层活动系统)的存在和它的运动学与力学机制,并用有限元法加以检验;

    Based on the observed data and tectonophysics , the existence of seismogenic deformation field precursor ( the faulting system ) before moderate and strong earthquakes in North China was demonstrated , it 's kinetics and mechanics were proposed and examined by the method of finite element ;

  8. 构造地球物理学在孕震环境研究中的应用及其相关问题

    Application of tectono-geophysics in the study of seismogenic environment and its relative problems

  9. 一门新的交叉学科&构造地球物理学

    A new crossed discipline & tectonogeophysics