
yuè kān
  • monthly;monthly magazine
月刊 [yuè kān]
  • [monthly] 按月印刷发行的杂志

月刊[yuè kān]
  1. 她在英国广播公司主持一个月刊节目。

    She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC .

  2. vt.订购;捐助除了几份日报之外,他们还订了一份月刊。

    subscribe They subscribe to a monthly magazine in addition to several daily newspapers .

  3. 这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。

    His career is profiled in this month 's journal .

  4. 我们出版一份通讯月刊。

    We issue a monthly newsletter .

  5. 他为这些月刊写短评。

    He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines .

  6. 我订两种月刊。

    I take two monthly magazines .

  7. 该研究发表于”Policyjournal,HealthAffairs”杂志十月刊。

    The study appears in the October Issue of Policy journal , Health Affairs .

  8. 此项研究的结果目前可在网上查看,另外也将发布在Intelligence杂志的9月/10月刊上。

    The findings , now online , will be published in the September / October issue of the journal Intelligence .

  9. 基于ASP技术《中学数学》月刊网站的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Monthly Journal Web Site of High School Mathematics based on ASP

  10. 但现在,我有了一个所有普通市民都可以利用的资源:新发行的《红酒经济月刊》(journalofwineeconomics)。

    But I now have a resource unavailable to the ordinary citizen : the newly published journal of wine economics .

  11. 谷歌无人机项目最早是由《大西洋月刊》网站(TheAtlanticOnline》和英国广播公司(BBC)率先报道的。

    News of the drone project was first reported by The Atlantic Online and the BBC .

  12. 本文最初出现在IEEESecurity&Privacy杂志(双月刊)2011年第一期。

    This article first appeared in IEEE Security & Privacy magazine issue Jan / Feb2011 .

  13. 现年40岁的奥斯卡得主朱莉在《服饰与美容》杂志(Vogue)11月刊中谈及他俩的关系。

    The 40-year-old Oscar winner spoke about their relationship in Vogue 's November issue .

  14. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)网站给《纸牌屋》是一部传统的热播剧集这种说法泼了一瓢冷水。

    The Atlantic 's website threw cold water on the idea ofHouse of Cards being a conventional TV hit .

  15. Frame在《美国数学月刊》上提出了一种解决四柱汉诺塔问题的算法,但未给出最终公式的证明。

    Frame gave out an algorithm in American Mathematical Monthly to solve the problem of 4-peg Hanoi Tower , but he did not provide the proof for the final formulae .

  16. 在霍顿为《得州月刊》(TexasMonthly)、《南方生活》(SouthernLiving)等刊物拍摄的作品当中,从山核桃果仁糖到烧烤,各种美食都曾占据中心舞台。

    Items ranging from pecan pralines to barbecue have taken center stage in Mr. Horton 's work for publications such as Texas Monthly and Southern Living .

  17. 科特斯是《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)的记者,这本书以他给儿子的信的形式写成。

    Mr. Coates , a correspondent for The Atlantic , wrote the book in the form of a letter to his son .

  18. 碰巧,在过去几年里,凯里也一直在为《华盛顿月刊》(TheWashingtonMonthly)编辑一份不同的大学排名单。

    As it happens , Carey has been working for a number of years with The Washington Monthly to compile a different kind of college ranking .

  19. Inc:美国一份很棒的月刊杂志,服务于那些雄心勃勃的成长中企业的老板。

    Inc : A great US monthly magazine aimed at ambitious owners of growing companies .

  20. 《华尔街日报》―发表于《生物心理学》(BiologicalPsychology)二月刊的研究论文称,人类大脑对蛇天生的反应就是畏惧,没意识到自己怕蛇的人也包括在内。

    The human brain is wired to react fearfully to snakes , including in people without a conscious fear of snakes , says a study in this month 's issue of Biological Psychology .

  21. 现年31岁的保罗曾在《Glow》杂志2012年12月刊中谈到了和29岁的妻子一起工作的感受。

    Paul , 31 , has previously spoken out about working with his 29-year-old spouse in the December 2012 issue of Glow magazine .

  22. 《心脏医学期刊》(Heart)上月刊登了一项针对24000名德国人的研究,研究发现,每日摄入约820毫克钙的人患心脏病的风险比摄入量少得多的人低31%。

    A study of 24,000 Germans published in the journal Heart last month , found that those who consumed about 820 mg of calcium a day had a 31 % lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed much less .

  23. 《时尚》杂志2010年2月刊的封面上,好莱坞一线红人杰西卡·贝尔身着拉夫·劳伦的牛仔背心,外罩RalphLaurenCollection的牛仔上衣,给杂志添色不少。

    Jessica Biel graces the cover of the February issue of Vogue wearing a denim jacket by Ralph Lauren Collection over a RRL Ralph Lauren denim vest .

  24. 唐·佩克(DonPeck)在《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)中分析了他所谓的“预测性分析的职场应用”,他问道:

    In an Atlantic analysis of what he describes as " the application of predictive analytics to people 's careers , " Don Peck asks :

  25. 詹姆斯·汉布林(JamesHamblin)在《大西洋月刊》(theAtlantic)杂志发表文章称,2012年的一项研究发现,写作的做法提高了乳腺癌患者的生活质量。

    According to James Hamblin at The Atlantic , a 2012 study found that writing improved quality of life for breast cancer patients .

  26. 内容以PVC市场周刊、烧碱市场周刊、电石市场周刊、纯碱市场周刊、原盐市场周刊以及各主要氯碱产品月刊的形式体现。

    Include PVC market weekly report , Caustic soda weekly report , Carbide calcium weekly report , Soda ash weekly report , Industry salt weekly report , and monthly report related with chlor alkali products .

  27. 有关部门悄悄回收了9月份的《中国党政干部论坛》(chinesecadrestribune),代之以新版的9月刊,其中删除了信息产业部副部长娄勤俭撰写的一篇长达5页的文章。

    The September edition of the Chinese Cadres Tribune was recalled quietly from circulation and replaced with a version that did not include the five-page article by Lou Qinjian , Vice-Minister of the information industry .

  28. 接下来的几个月里,不妨去访问下Amr和《敏捷月刊》的站点,看看这些改进能为你带来什么。

    Take time to visit Amr and the Agile Journal in the coming months to see what these improvements can do for you .

  29. 在《名利场》11月刊的访谈中,斯嘉丽·约翰逊开口谈及了FBI调查的不雅照事件。

    In an interview for Vanity Fair 's November issue , Scarlett Johansson opened up about the nude photos that were the subject of an FBI investigation .

  30. 《抗菌化学疗法杂志》(JournalofAntimicrobialChemotherapy)今年7月刊登了一篇研究论文,其中犹他大学(UniversityofUtah)和疾病预防与控制中心的研究人员发现,医师开抗生素时,60%会选择广谱抗生素。

    In a July study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy , researchers from the University of Utah and the CDC found that 60 % of the time physicians prescribe antibiotics , they choose broad-spectrum ones . '