
  • 网络Cobain;Coburn
  1. 多年来,有些作家看到了这些素材,其中包括《重逾天堂》(HeavierThanHeaven)的作者查尔斯·R·克罗斯(CharlesR.Cross),这本书也被视为为柯本盖棺论定的传记。

    Some of the material had been seen over the years by writers , including Charles R. Cross , whose Heavier Than Heaven is regarded as the definitive Cobain biography .

  2. “我们养女孩就是要互相竞争。”音乐录影带把碧昂斯10岁时在电视才艺表演节目《明日之星》(StarSearch)中的片段与如今的碧昂斯的镜头穿插起来,现在的她穿着科特·柯本(KurtCobain)

    The video intersperses an excerpt from 10-year-old Beyonc é 's appearance on the TV talent show " Star Search " with the current-day Beyonc é , clad in Kurt Cobain flannel , executing a spectacular dance routine in a dank basement surrounded by skinheads .

  3. 各型河流均以W·柯本气候分类的西文字母表示,读其字母便可知各型河流的水文特征。

    The river types are indicated with letters used by W.K oppen in his climate classification , which will render a quick knowledge of their corresponding hydrological features .

  4. 采用相似距离d(ij)表示气候相似程度的新方法,与世界颇有影响的柯本(Koppe·W)气候分类进行对比分析。

    Adopts the similarity distance d_ ( ij ) to represent the climate similarity and compares withKoppen · W 's climate classification .

  5. 几周之前,LikeableLocal的执行总裁戴夫柯本收到了一张明信片,内容是成功人士和碌碌无为的人在个性和行为上的区别。

    A few weeks ago , Dave Kerpen , chief executive of Likeable Local , received a postcard that illustrated the traits and behaviors of successful and unsuccessful people .

  6. 1994年,摇滚音乐家科特·柯本的尸体在其华盛顿的家中被发现。

    1994-Body of Kurt Cobain discovered in his Washington home .

  7. 涅盘乐队主唱科特·柯本通常被认为是他那一代的代表声音。

    Nirvana 's front man Kurt Cobain is often cited as the voice of his generation .

  8. 柯本是个什么东西都不肯扔的人,他死后,人们开始偷窃他的遗物。

    Cobain was a pack rat , and when he died people started stealing his stuff .

  9. 我没开玩笑,我确实曾在一个叫涅盘的摇滚乐队里,是在科特·柯本之前。

    I 'm not kidding . I was in a rock band called Nirvana , before Kurt Cobain 's band was ever known .

  10. 她觉得柯本被严重地神化了,她希望在片中能把他还原为普通人,这对她来说很重要。

    She felt that Kurt had been heavily mythologized , and that it was essential to her that he was humanized in the film .

  11. 科特·柯本同样于27岁殒命,甚至有传言说其死因和他未来的一张专辑封面计划有关。

    Kurt Cobain 's death - also at 27 - is even rumored to have been linked to his plan for a cover on a future album .

  12. 柯本站在厕所的一块毛巾上,脸上还有剃须膏,对拉芙开玩笑,说她在小报上的形象就好像吃男人的怪物。

    Standing in a towel in the bathroom with shaving cream on his face , Cobain teases Ms. Love about her tabloid image as a man-eating monster .

  13. 对柯本影响最大的书,是1985年帕特里克·聚斯金德所著的德国小说《香水:一个谋杀犯的故事》。

    The book that had the biggest influence on Cobain was a 1985 German novel called Perfume : The Story of a Murderer , by Patrick Suskind .

  14. 他交学费学习是为了让我展示用战斗状态,表达自我的艺术。我们的后院永远是个学校,不管是吉姆·柯本,还是史蒂夫麦昆,都好像没什么大不了的。

    He is paying me to show him in combative form the art of expressing the human body.Our back yard was always a back yard school , so for Jim Coburn to come over or Steve McQueen to come over was like not that big a deal .

  15. 新时期,柯族居民对本民族传统体育为适应新环境提出了新要求,即要在保护与保留原始风貌的基础上发展。

    In new times , Kirgiz people think that their national sports should develop on the base of protect-and-reserve way .

  16. 柯陆氏手术是本病的主要治疗选择,而鼻内窥镜手术在清理筛窦或蝶窦病变组织及术后窦腔护理有明显的优点。

    FESS had obvious advantage , such as cleaning of affected tissue in ethmoid sinus or sphenoid sinus with mycosis , postoperative nursing of sinus cavity and so on .