
  • 【人名】Zhendong Ke
  1. 北京的警方在8月从北京的公寓连同台湾影星柯震东一起带走了房祖名并进行拘留。

    Beijing police detained the younger Chan at his Beijing apartment in August along with Taiwanese movie star Ko Kai .

  2. 柯震东说,这件事情我犯错误,没有理由、没有原因,也没有借口,我就是错了。

    I was wrong on this issue . I made a mistake . There is no excuse for it . I was wrong , Kai said .

  3. 在影片中,柯震东饰演阿东,他要去南阳街寻找那个甩掉他去补习班前女友。

    In the film , Kai Ko plays Tung , who goes to Nanyang Street to search for an ex-girlfriend who dumped him to go to cram school .

  4. 柯震东和香港巨星成龙的儿子一起涉毒被捕,拘留两周后已于2014年8月29日出狱。

    Kai Ko arrested on drug charges along with the son of Hong Kong film star Jackie Chan was released on August 29 , 2014 after two weeks in detention .