
  • Chinese Partner;American Dreams In China;says;Music Music
  1. 联合利华就被迫与不想合作的中国合伙人合作了好多年。

    Unilever suffered for years because it was forced into shotgun marriages with unsatisfactory Chinese partners .

  2. 一旦这一进程被接受中国合伙人无权收取任何额外的时间。

    Once the process is accepted China Partner shall not have the right to charge for any additional time .

  3. 一方面,一家外资独资公司过去没有中国合伙人不能够拿到融资租赁许可证开展运营。

    For one , a foreign owned company historically wasn 't able to get a license to operate without a Chinese partner .

  4. 在很多情况下,中国合伙人也通过其国外合伙人找寻一条通往全球市场的跨国途径。

    In many cases , the Chinese partners are looking for an international reach into the global markets from their foreign partner .

  5. 我的一位中国合伙人到新加坡来看我,12年前他曾来过新加坡,新加坡发展之快让他感到惊讶。

    My China partner visited me in Singapore and he was amazed by her developments since his last visit some twelve years ago .

  6. 陈可辛执导的电影《中国合伙人》成为2014年中国五大最卖座电影之一,曾创下超过9000万美元的票房纪录。

    Chan 's " American Dreams inChina " ranked amongChina 's top-five grossing films of 2014 and took more than $ 90 million at the box office .

  7. 安拓国际顾问公司中国区合伙人之一MaxPrice说:在中国,平衡工作和生活相对来说是一种新观念。

    Work life balance is a relatively new thing in China said Max Price , a partner at Antal China , an international recruitment firm .

  8. 咨询公司摩立特集团(monitorgroup)驻中国的合伙人唐仕德(torstenstocker)说,拥有品牌组合也使零售商在选择想要进驻的地区时拥有更大的灵活性,允许他们在改变消费者习惯方面进行尝试和学习。

    ' having a portfolio of brands also gives retailers more flexibility for locations they want to enter and allows them to experiment and learn about changing consumer behaviors , ' said Torsten stocker , a China-based partner for consultancy monitor group .

  9. 一份2009年的美国国会报告表明,Pa先生有几位中国方面的合伙人。

    Mr Pa has several Chinese partners , according to a2009 American congressional report .

  10. 红杉中国团队和美国合伙人一样,是生意上的伙伴。

    Group of Chinese larch China and American copartner are same , it is shoppy associate .

  11. 欧阳默说,文化差异经常为中国人与美国合伙人的合作带来挑战。

    Mr. Ozden said cultural differences have often made teaming up with U.S. partners a challenge .

  12. 首先恭喜你在中国有你的合伙人和公司,希望你拿出更多时间参与管理你在中国的公司。

    Congratulate that you will have a copartner and company in China , you will spent more time managing your company .

  13. 法兰克福——德国汽车制造商宝马(BMW)周三表示,将在迅速发展的中国市场大幅度扩大经营规模,把在中国本地生产的车型增加一倍,扩展和中国本地合伙人华晨汽车集团控股有限公司的业务联盟。

    FRANKFURT - The German automaker BMW said Wednesday that it would significantly expand its operations in the fast-growing Chinese market , doubling the number of models it produces there and extending its alliance with a local partner , Brilliance China Automotive Holdings .

  14. 毕竟在中国,对学习英语的渴望已经推动缔造了美国上市的新东方教育科技(集团)公司(NewOrientalEducation&TechnologyGroup)这样的公司,热播电影《中国合伙人》(AmericanDreamsinChina)的灵感就来自于新东方。

    It is , after all , a country where the thirst to learn English has spawned companies such as U.S. - listed New Oriental Education & Technology Group , which inspired the hit movie ' American Dreams in China ' .