
  1. 她珍视那段快乐时光的记忆。

    She treasures her memories of those joyous days .

  2. 快乐时光的记忆尚在。二十世纪音乐城记之二维也纳音乐城记

    Memories of happy days remain with us . Music Life in Vienna

  3. 包含一些对你们共同度过的特别时光的记忆。

    Include memories of specific times you spent together .

  4. 这张老照片唤起了他对那段时光的记忆。

    The old picture refreshed his memory of the history in those day .

  5. 在时光的记忆中,只有瞬息才是永恒。

    In the memories of time , only that which is ephemeral is lasting .

  6. 有时即使不想怀旧,一些旧时光的记忆依然会死皮赖脸地不请自来。

    Sometimes old memories just keep crawling back even though you don 't want to be nostalgic .

  7. 和你一起度过的所有欢乐时光的记忆如潮水般涌上心头,

    The memory of all the blissful moments I have enjoyed with you come crowding over me ,

  8. (指记忆力)时间短或范围快乐时光的记忆尚在。

    ( of memory ) deficient in retentiveness or range . Memories of happy days remain with us .

  9. 林林总总汇集成对过去时光的美好记忆。

    All this becomes a fond memory of the past .

  10. 林林总总汇集成对过去时光的美好记忆。乡愁是苦涩的,尤其当你置身陌生环境中,面临诸多挑战时。

    All this becomes a fond memory of the past . Homesickness can be a bitter feeling , especially when faced with the challenges of settling into an unfamiliar environment .

  11. 但是人的脑子是会主动联想的。如果你们相约在某个美好的周五晚上外[微博]出约会,那么,那些旧时光里的浪漫记忆都将涌上心头,让你们重温美好。

    But the human mind works on associations , and fixing up a date on a cool Friday evening with your partner will bring all those flutters of your dating days back into your systems 。

  12. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。

    The time we spent together is now a distant memory .

  13. 暑假里的快乐时光仍留在我们的记忆中。

    We have blissful memories of a summer vacation .

  14. 但中暑可以掩盖潜在的药物引起的致命现象暑假里的快乐时光仍留在我们的记忆中。

    But the stroke covered up an underlying medical catastrophe . We have blissful memories of a summer vacation .

  15. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆,然而哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要与你再见一面。

    The time we spent together is now a distant memory , and I 'd go to the ends of the earth to see you again .

  16. 他们喜欢用自己的方式观察一天里的特定时光或一个特定季节,而那些时光的记忆使他们感到愉悦。

    They love the way they look at certain times of day , in a certain season , and a reminder of that moment makes them happy .