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shí yùn
  • fortune;luck
时运 [shí yùn]
  • [fortune] 当时的运数;一时的运气

  • 反正是时运,躲也躲不过。--《小二黑结婚》

时运[shí yùn]
  1. 但时运不佳,竟毫无发现。

    But fortune was adverse , nothing was found .

  2. 我想我们的时运将要好转。

    I think our fortune is on the turn .

  3. 此刻该党的时运出现了逆转。

    At this point the party 's fortunes went into reverse .

  4. 可惜他似乎时运不佳。

    Unfortunately for Mr brown , his timing looks poor .

  5. 当然,这个时运大逆转并不令人惊讶。

    Of course , this reversal of fortunes isn 't a surprise .

  6. 这条铁路使城镇的不济时运大有好转。

    The railway revived the flagging fortunes of the town .

  7. 这不正是我们引颈翘望的时运转变吗?

    Was that not the turn of fortune we awaited so anxiously ?

  8. 他时运逆转,丢失了全部钱财。

    He suffered a reversal of fortune and lost all his money .

  9. 现在时运差将来总有好运气。

    The worse luck now the better another time .

  10. 碳氢化合物的改进物。使引擎在高压缩比时运转较为顺畅。

    Cetane improver . Makes the engine run better at higher compression settings .

  11. 如今,随着时运回升,小米的好戏进入下一幕:浴火重生的中国凤凰。

    Now , with fortunes improving , it is staging its next act : Chinese phoenix .

  12. 据说当时时运将至,新昌皇族即将有出头之日。

    It 's said that Yang 's royal family would have it 's time by then .

  13. 其他三国的时运自年初以来急速好转。

    The fortunes of the others mark a sharp rebound since the turn of the year .

  14. 万一时运不继时,可以拿它换命。

    I figured if things got too rough , I could always trade them for my life .

  15. 我曾徒然地呼唤聋耳的苍天,诅咒自己的时运,顾影自怜。

    And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries And look upon myself and curse my fate ,

  16. 再次,宿命化的“时运”观念形成了定向性与突转性的意态化叙事构架。

    Once more , the fate " fortune " idea has formed directing and sharp bend narrative skeleton .

  17. 我们感到她在我们的房里振翅鼓翼的声音。这不正是我们引颈翘望的时运转变吗?

    We felt its wings flutter through the room Was that not the turn of fortune we awaited so anxiously ?

  18. 这故事说明,时运交替变更,强者也会有需要弱者的时候。

    This story to illustrate , fortunes change , the strong alternating there will also be needed when the weak .

  19. 在经历了一些时运不佳、因为一系列原因导致的不幸的比赛后,我们现在走在正确的道路上。

    After a few unlucky races , which went badly for various reasons , we are now on the right road .

  20. 时运交移,其文代变&浩然研究述评争议浩然:文学批评的语言学缺席

    Comments on the study of HaoRan ; Controversies on Hao Ran and His Works : a Linguistic Absence in Literary Criticism

  21. 他提出自乐和乐时与万物之自得两种诗意生存境界,实则是诗人在与时运、与万物、与诗的关系中如何体验和表达快乐的问题。

    In fact , the poet experiences and expresses happiness in the relations between human beings and the world and the poems .

  22. 我曾关照她,要朝那个角落引颈高唱。这不正是我们引颈翘望的时运转变吗?

    I told her to pitch her voice against that corner . Was that not the turn of fortune we awaited so anxiously ?

  23. 无论时运是好是坏,印度都没有在征途上迷失方向,没有遗忘给予她力量的理想。

    Through good and ill fortune alike she has never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals which gave her strength .

  24. 福克斯制作的这一节目将取代时运不佳的夜间节目,该节目始于一年前,由乔安里弗斯主持。

    The Fox show will replace the ill-fated " The Late Show " which started out a year ago with Joan Rivers at the helm .

  25. 这也包含着两层意思,一是人对自然时令、时序的感应,一是社会中人的时运感喟与忧患。

    It also includes two aspects . One is the induction between human and natural season , the other is the human suffering in social community .

  26. 借由有趣的动画让你更加了解鱼尾狮的由来,以及从小鱼尾狮的嘴中解读你的时运。

    Relive the origins of the Merlion in an enchanting animation feature and discover what fortune lies in store for you at the mouth of the Mercubs .

  27. 在这方面,日本芯片制造商“瑞萨”的时运如何或许是未来数月比较值得关注的重要事情之一。

    In this regard , what happens to the fortunes of the Japanese chipmaker Renesas might be one of the more important things to watch in coming months .

  28. 棒的样式是非常普遍在中国建筑学,因为棒的发音分享“时运”或“祝福的”同样发音用中文。

    The pattern of bats is very popular in Chinese architecture , because the pronunciation of bat shares the same pronunciation of " fortune " or " blessing " in Chinese .

  29. 而在此之前的2002年世界杯揭幕大战之上,塞内加尔竟在太岁头上动土,硬生生让卫冕冠军法国在自己的膝下称臣。时运不挤的法国队,两球撞柱,难破城门,让塞队出尽风头。

    Before that , Senegal popped the top on World Cup 2002 with a stunning upset over title-holding France , which nailed the post twice but could never find a way through .

  30. 但你们这些离弃耶和华,忘记我的圣山,给时运摆筵席,(原文作桌子)给天命盛满调和酒的。

    But ye are they that forsake the LORD , that forget my holy mountain , that prepare a table for that troop , and that furnish the drink offering unto that number .