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qǐ shí
  • beg for food
乞食 [qǐ shí]
  • [beg for food] 乞讨食物

乞食[qǐ shí]
  1. 当他老得不能干活的时候,只好乞食度日。

    When he was too old to work , he had to beg for food to stay alive .

  2. 他太懒不能工作,又太傲不能乞食。

    That he is very lazy can not be worked , very proud can not beg for food .

  3. 因为此事,PhraKlairungRujidhammo(Phra是一种宗教头衔)被停职两周,现在他已经复职,每天早上都到附近居民区募化乞食。

    His superiors gave him a two-week suspension , and Phra ( Phra is a religious title ) Klairung is back collecting food offerings and other alms from the local community each morning .

  4. 他非常穷,不得不乞食。

    He was so poor that he had to beg his bread .

  5. 使他的子孙流离失所,沿门乞食,使他由残破的家室里,被人逐离。

    May his children go begging , driven out of their ruined homes .

  6. 男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。

    Man begs , woman sells .

  7. 他们挨家挨户地向人们乞食。

    She was shuttled e.g. They went from house to house , begging the people for bread .

  8. 为了拉拢人民,贵族们把无产阶级的乞食袋当作旗帜来挥舞。

    The aristocracy , in order to rally the people to them , waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner .

  9. 有一天行脚经过一条河流的路边,正计画要到何处托钵乞食时,看到河中从上游飘流一片很新鲜的菜叶。

    One day they came across a river , wondering where to beg for alms , when they caught sight of a fresh leaf of vegetable drifting down the river .

  10. 蓓蒂:不是,是我弟弟。我真希望弟弟没有教。现在每次看见有人伸手进小甜饼罐子里,就会坐起来乞食。

    Betty : no , my brother did but I wish he hadn 't because she sits up and begs every time she sees someone with their hand in the cookie jar .

  11. 很快我就注意到有佛教的僧众和他们的学徒们身穿法袍,每天托钵乞食。

    Shortly after we arrived there , I began to see the Buddhist monks and the apprentices who would wear the saffron robes and would go out each day to ask for their meals .