
  1. 乞讨儿童开始了他们回家的新生活。

    The child beggars are starting their new lives back home .

  2. 归家之旅&对这些来自贵州的乞讨儿童而言,在南宁的乞讨日子将成为他们记忆的一部分。

    A journey back home-For these child beggars from Guizhou , days of begging in Nanning will become part of their memories .

  3. 警方表示,他们所希望的就是结束城市乞讨儿童的乞讨生活,那么孩子们就可以有时间在家享受他们的童年时光。

    Police say all they hope for is an end to child beggars in the city , so the children are given time to enjoy their childhood at home .

  4. 组织残疾人、未成年人乞讨罪立法问题研究残疾儿童刑事保护之立法完善&以流浪乞讨儿童为中心

    On the Crime of Organizing Disabled Persons and Minors to Beg ; Improvement of Laws about Protection of Disabled Children within Criminal Justice System & Focusing on Vagrant and Beggar