
  • 网络cotransmission;cotransmitter
  1. 这两种工具共同传递了一个完整的变更解决方案,该方案把变更同触发该变更的需求联系起来。

    Together , these two types of tools deliver a complete solution that relates software changes to requests that triggered them .

  2. 实现了将互联网模块与标准仪器共同作为传递单元,通过互联网在远程主机的监控下完成校准。

    The Internet module and standard instrument are combined to be the transmiting unit . The calibration is conducted under the monitoring by the remote host through Internet .

  3. 这三部分分别起缓冲、减振和导向作用,共同承担传递轮胎与车身之间的各种力和力矩的任务。

    The three parts respectively perform the functions of cushion , damping and orientating , and cooperate with each other to finish the task of transferring all kinds of forces and torques from tires to vehicle body .

  4. 接着论述忠诚力量如何共同为顾客传递一致的优异价值,达到培养顾客忠诚的目的;

    Discussing how the " loyalty power " delivery the core value to customers consistently in order to achieve the goal of customer loyalty .

  5. 联轴器属于机械通用零部件范畴,用来联接不同机构中的两根轴(主动轴和从动轴)使之共同旋转以传递扭矩的机械零件。

    General areas of mechanical coupling components , to join different organizations in the two axis ( axis and slave axis ) so as to transfer torque common rotating mechanical parts .

  6. 它们相互交替、融汇配合共同完成了语言传递信息,交流情感的过程。

    They alternative , blends together with common completed language transfer information , exchange emotions process .

  7. 在交际过程中,副语言和语言相互补充,共同完成信息的传递。

    In the process of communication , paralanguage together with language finishes the information transfer , they complement with each other .

  8. 无数的华夏儿女,承载着共同的文化,传递着一个亘古不变的心愿:炎黄子孙世世代代富庶安康。

    Countless Chinese descendants , bearing common culture , disseminate an invariable wish among all the Chinese people ; hope the rich and healthy life goes on and on .

  9. 而在传媒领域则可理解为将传统媒体与新媒体同时并入一个媒介集团之下,使原本泾渭分明的界限被打破,共同生产新闻,传递讯息。

    In the media sector can be understood and incorporated into the traditional media and new media at the same time under a media group , so that the boundaries that once clearly divided , the joint production of news , message across .