
  • 网络concurrent jurisdiction;joint jurisdiction;Mutual jurisdiction;joint domination
  1. 论涉外海事案件的合并管辖和共同管辖&兼论一起涉外海事案的管辖

    On Amalgamated Jurisdiction and Joint Jurisdiction of Maritime Case

  2. 日本农业教育形成了文部科学省和农林水产省共同管辖下的初等农业教育、中等农业教育和高等农业教育的完善体系。

    Consisted of elementary , secondary and tertiary agriculture education , the Japanese agriculture education system is a fairly sound one .

  3. 将这个地方建设成一个共同管辖的社区由一个以上办公室占用,并由他们共同管辖公共用地的一个地区。

    Developed the site as a community of condominiums . An area planned for occupancy of more than one ( 1 ) office establishment with shared common areas .

  4. 你们是否怀疑一个共同的政府能够管辖这么大的范围?把这个问题留待经验来解决吧。

    Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace so large a sphere ? Let experience solve it .