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  1. 结论:齐拉西酮用于精神分裂症的治疗是有效而安全的,治疗剂量范围为60-160mg·d-1,起始治疗剂量为20mg·d-1(进餐时服)。

    CONCLUSION : Ziprasidone is effective and safety in the treatment of schizophrenia . The daily dose range is from 60 mg · d-1 to 160 mg · d-1 , po , bid .

  2. 发烧时服一片阿司匹林。

    Take an aspirin when you 've got a fever .

  3. 每天吃饭时服两片药。

    Take two tablets a day , with food .

  4. 感觉痛时服一片。

    Take one tablet when you feel pain .

  5. 每天浴后涂上这个药膏,就寝时服一粒止痒药丸。我拿了两片阿斯匹林,进入浴室,把药片吞服下去。

    Rub this medicine on your skin after your daily shower . Take a pill for itching at bedtime . I took two aspirins , I went into the bathroom to wash them down .

  6. 他19岁时开始服兵役。

    At the age of nineteen he began his duty .

  7. 采用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)法,计算了航天服及飞船处于各种相对位置时,航天服对飞船的红外辐射角系数;航天服相对于地球位于各种位置时,航天服对地球的红外辐射角系数;

    By Monte Carlo method , the reflection and infrared radiation angle factors are calculated between spacesuit and spacecraft or earth when spacesuit is located at any position relative to the spacecraft or the earth .

  8. 治疗组口服洛伐他汀胶囊,每日1粒,晚餐时一次顿服,对照组口服非诺贝特,每次1片(0.1g),每日3次;

    In treating group , patients were given Lovastatin orally 1 tablet a time , once a day and taken after supper . In control group , patients were given Fenofibrate orally 1 tablet a time and 3 times a day .

  9. 因为复活节快到了,参加面试时穿兔子服。

    Arriving at an interview dressed in a bunny suit because it was near Easter .

  10. 他承诺再次见面时,在服完兵役后,一定变得更勇敢和帅气。

    He promised to meet you with more brave and gorgeous looks after military service .

  11. 如果你是一位英语老师,就不能在上课时穿运动服。

    If you are an English teacher , you can 't wearing sport clothes in classes .

  12. 镂冠是正式和庄重场合译经、听法时的首服。

    The hollow crown is for formal and solemn occasions , such as translating scriptures , or listening to dharma .

  13. 我穿上第一次世界大战时的飞行服,罗杰领我过了一遍飞行前的指示,顺着跑道,升向天空。

    After I donned my Red Baron gear , Roger took me through pre-flight instructions , down the runway and up into air .

  14. 研究者把两组受试者分别送入飞行模拟器,要求其中一组受试者设想自己是空军飞行员,并让他们在操纵模拟飞行时穿着飞行服。

    They had two groups of subjects go into a flight simulator . One group was told to think of themselves as Air Force pilots and given flight suits to wear while guiding a simulated flight .

  15. 吃午饭时可以穿休闲服。

    For lunch , dress is informal .

  16. 在大鼠20月龄时开始连续喂服知母或ZMS4个月后,知母组皮质和海马的灰度显著高于老年对照组24%和19%(P值<0.05)。

    Parallel experiments revealed that when aged rats were treated for 4 months by daily oral administration of ZM starting from 20 months old . the M-cholinergic receptor densities of cortex and hippocampus were significantly higher than untreated aged rats ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  17. 外科医生在做手术时穿的手术服通常是绿色的。

    The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green .

  18. 她甚至把高中时的啦啦队长服都翻出来穿上。

    She even puts on her old high-school cheerleader uniform .

  19. 我把跑步时穿的运动服放在袋子里。

    I keep my running clothes in a bag .

  20. 我疲倦时,喜欢舒舒服服地靠在一把高扶手椅子上休息一下。

    When I 'm tired , I like to relax into a deep armchair .

  21. 这也说得通,毕竟在落地时菲利克斯的保护服也没被烤焦嘛。

    This makes sense-after all , Felix 's suit wasn 't scorched when he landed .

  22. 当植物应用了杀虫剂后,做园艺工作时要穿保护服并避免与这些植物接触。

    Wear protective clothing when gardening to prevent contact with plants that have pesticide on them .

  23. 然而宇航员将在太空行走时穿的宇航服还在制作中。

    However , work was still being done on the suit the astronauts would wear on the space walk .

  24. 他们的小儿子一直是个不听话的孩子;可当他上学时,就得服服帖帖,说一不二了。

    Their young son was always a disobedient child but when he went to school he had to kiss the rod and do as he was told .

  25. 她说:“我到酒店时还穿着运动服。那是当天的最后一场比赛,我赢了。真是幸运的一天。”

    I was still wearing my sports clothes when I arrived . It was the last game of the day . And I won . It was really such a lucky day . '