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zhōng fú
  • the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season;the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season (sometimes lasting twenty days instead of ten)
中伏 [zhōng fú]
  • (1) [the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season (sometimes lasting twenty days instead of ten)]

  • (2) 夏至后的第四个庚日,是三伏的第二伏,一般为10天,有的年份为20天

  • (3) 通常也指从夏至后第四个庚日起到立秋后第一个庚日前一天的一段时间

中伏[zhōng fú]
  1. 我比大海中伏在小木排上的遇难者还要孤独得多。

    I was more isolated1 than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean .

  2. 本文给出了主机运行中各线圈电压监测结果;在测出HL-1装置变压器的磁化曲线基础上,从几个不同位置测量了装置在放电过程中伏秒数随时间变化过程的初步结果。

    Measurements of induced voltage on coils , the magnetization curve of the iron-core transformer , voltage-second characteristics at a few positions during HL-1 operation are summarized in this paper .

  3. 林惇又在一阵无能为力的恐惧中伏在地上,我想这是由于他父亲瞅了他一眼的缘故:没有别的可以产生这种屈辱。

    Linton had sunk prostrate again in another paroxysm of helpless fear , caused by his father 's glance towards him , I suppose : there was nothing else to produce such humiliation .

  4. 提示,发育过程中伏隔核神经元的形态和功能成熟密切相关,幼稚与成熟神经元在细胞形态学和电生理学以及突触功能上的显著差异表明幼稚和成熟神经元对信号的输入、输出整合不同。

    These results suggest the close coincidence of the electrophysiological and morphological maturations in nucleus accumbens neurons , and that the differences of characteristics in electrophysiology , morphology and synaptic transmission between immature and mature neurons reflect the different integration modes of input and output .