
  • 网络Structural plane;Make horizons;area definition
  1. 按照主构造面均匀性法则,划分了构造均匀区段,并对其中8个区段(Ⅰ~Ⅷ)进行了详细的SFLπ组构分析。

    The homogeneous domains were divided within the typical area by considering homogenity of the main structural foliation , among these 8 domains (ⅰ~ⅷ) were selected for detailed SFL π fabric analysis .

  2. 结果表明,该矿的黄铜矿化、脉状黄铁矿化、Au-Ag-Cu组合与As-Sb-Hg组合相关,并受主构造面走向波动控制;

    The results show that the mineralization of chalcopyrite and nervate pyrite , associations of Au , Ag , Cu and As , Sb , Hg are related , and are controlled by the lengthways undulation of the main structure surface in this deposit ;

  3. 用钻孔资料求构造面产状

    To extract the occurrence of structural surface by borehole data

  4. 在微分几何原理的基础上导出了构造面主曲率值的计算公式;

    Educes the main curvature value calculation formula based on differential geometry ;

  5. 压性构造面与汞矿化

    Presure Tectonic surface and Mercury ( Hg ) Mineralization

  6. 应用构造面主曲率研究油气藏裂缝问题

    A method for the study of reservoir fracturing based on Structural Principal Curvatures

  7. 构造面最大主曲率;

    Maximum principal curvature of structural plane ;

  8. 对于由地质构造面纵横切割的多裂隙岩石块体的稳定分析,块体理论不失为一种有效的分析手段。

    Block theory is an effective method to analyse stability of rock mass crisscrossed by geologic structure planes .

  9. 华南燕山、印支与加里东构造面及其对油气影响的地球物理研究

    Yanshanian , Indosinian and Caledonian Structure Planes and Geophysical Research on Their Impact to Oil-Gas Reservoir in South China

  10. 构造面主曲率在一定程度上控制了裂缝发育的密度、方向、宽度和深度;

    The density , direction , width , and depth of fracture development are controlled by the principal curvatures of structural surfaces .

  11. 说明了采用4个岩心定向参数由微机求解岩层构造面产状的方法;

    The method of finding the attitude of the rock formation structural plane by the computer through four core orientation parameters is presented .

  12. 区域优势构造面和余震节面库仑应力变化相关性与地震预测意义

    Correlation between the Coulomb stress change on regional dominant faults and that on aftershock nodal planes , and its implication for earthquake prediction

  13. 小秦岭地体中的褶皱包括露头褶皱和宏观褶皱,组成褶皱的面理为次生构造面理。

    The fold in the Xiaoqinling terrane included the outcrop fold and macrofold , and the foliation formed by the fold was the secondary structural foliation .

  14. 因而油层厚度及与之有关的裂缝孔隙体积和渗透率也在一定程度上受到构造面主曲率的影响。

    To certain extent , therefore , the thickness of the oil-bearing interval as well as the volume and permeability of the fracture porosity are also influenced by principal curvatures .

  15. 该构造面在西南海盆下6~15km处形成一个密度界面,此界面可能是西南海盆北西&南东向海底扩张期间地幔上隆所引起的。

    This structure plane forms a density interface 6-15 km below the sea basin , which might be caused by mantle uplift during NW-SE-trending sea floor spreading of the Southwest sea basin .

  16. 介绍一种利用构造面和构造线的空间几何关系,运用矢量代数理论,通过数学计算定量地确定断层位移性质和位移距离的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method for quantitatively determining the feature and displacement of a fault by using the spatial geometric relationship of the structural plans and lines and vector algebra theorem .

  17. 本文利用重力梯度异常对南海西南海盆进行了解释,得到大致以西南海盆北东向扩张轴为对称轴的穹隆状构造面。

    The authors used gravity gradient anomalies to interpret the Southwest sea basin of the South China Sea and obtained the domal structure plane with the NE-trending spreading axis of the sea basin as the symmetric axis .

  18. 第一种劈理分布在主干逆冲断层下盘,受断层控制,为一组压扭性构造面,其产状、变形特征和滑动方向与主干逆冲断层相一致;

    The first group of clea - ( vage ,) being distributed at the footwall of main thrust and controlled by faults , behaves as a set of compressive planes whose occurrence , deformation characteristics and slipping direction are consistent with that of the main thrust .

  19. 得出以下主要结论:(1)浅变质岩风化层边坡岩体的物理力学性质差,强度低,坡体内构造面、小断层发育,风化后形成软弱带,导致浅变质岩风化层边坡自身稳定性差。

    The conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Because of bad physical mechanical property of rock mass , low strength , so many structural planes and minor faults which leads to weak strip after weathered , the homeostasis of the slightly weathered rock slope is serious .

  20. 在此基础上,利用三维数据场可视化原理,采用三维空间数据场构造等值面方法,将MC算法中的体元用灰度值矩阵中的一个元素替代;

    On the basis of the analysis , we replace every solid element of the MC algorithm by one element of gray level matrix ;

  21. 中生代盆地充填序列可按古构造运动面划分为五个构造层序(TS-1~TS-5),分别与盆地构造演化的阶段性相当。

    The Mesozoic stratigraphy can be divided into five tectonic se-quences ( TS ) which coincide with the evolution stages of Ordos basin .

  22. 用一种可生成C1阶连续曲面的插值分割技术&改进蝶形算法,重新构造极限面。

    The limit surface was reconstructed from the mesh using the modified Butterfly scheme , an interpolating subdivision technique yielding a C ~ 1 surface .

  23. 采用Matlab语言构造响应面函数,进行结构可靠度计算,可充分发挥其矩阵运算功能及各种工具箱的作用,使编程效率大大提高,且语法简便,易于掌握。

    The advantages of matrix operation and various toolboxes can be fully used if the response surface function is adopted and programmed in Matlab . It is very efficient and convenient to program in Matlab for the reliability calculation .

  24. 然后分别采用D-Optimal设计、Taguchi设计和均匀设计选择设计点,通过多机并行计算完成高超声速巡航飞行器性能分析。根据分析结果,构造响应面近似模型。

    After employing D-Optimal design , Taguchi design and uniform design methods to select design points respectively , the vehicle performance is analyzed via parallel computation , corresponding response surface approximation models are constructed based on performance analysis results .

  25. 土体新近纪构造结构面特征探讨

    Study on features of Neogene tectonic structure planes of soil mass

  26. 用自适应的三线性逼近方法构造等值面

    Adaptive trilinear approximation to isosurfaces of data sets in 3D space

  27. 广西钦防海槽迁移与沉积-构造转换面

    The migration of the Qinzhou-Fangcheng trough in Guangxi and associated sedimentary-tectonic transform surfaces

  28. 构造趋势面分析在川中及遂南地区的应用

    Application of structural trend - surface analysis to central Sichuan and South Suining areas

  29. 盆地实际的构造顶面特征则由这3种基本类型复合而成。

    The factual structural superface characteristics of the basin were composed of the three types .

  30. 构造结构面、构造应力场与岩土体稳定性的关系;

    The relation of the rock mass stability to the structural interface and tectonic stress field ;