
  • 网络cohesive soil;clayey soil;Qel
  1. PHC桩在粘性土中沉桩上浮问题探讨

    Study on Problem of Driven Pile Floating for PHC Pile in Cohesive Soil

  2. 粘性土中土工织物抗拉力可靠度数值模拟计算

    Numerical simulation of tension-resistance reliability of geotextile sheet in cohesive soil

  3. 本文用聚类分析和区间估计的方法,研究了南京区域粘性土贯入阻值Pt分布特征。

    Using the methods of clustering analysis and interval estimation , this paper studies the distribution characteristics of the penetration resistance pt of cohesive soils in Nanjing region .

  4. 武汉地区老粘性土人工挖孔桩q(pa)的确定方法

    Determination of q_ ( pa ) of Manual Dug Pile in ″ Old Clayey Soil ″ in Wuhan Area

  5. 研究分析中,考虑了不同应力状态下大石河尾矿粘性土的动力变形、动孔隙水压力的发展和强度的变化,并且对其动强度应力修正系数Kα和Kσ进行了探讨。

    The deformation , pore water pressure and strength were considered under various stress conditions . Dynamic strength correction factors K α and K σ were discussed .

  6. 介质环境中pH值、阳离子种类、浓度以及阳离子的价电位等因素对粘性土的影响较为明显。

    The dispersive mechanisms of clay has large relationship with PH value , cation type , cation concentration , and cation price in the surrounding environment . 3 .

  7. 室内实验和野外观测研究结果表明,浦东表层粘性土对总铁、Cl-、NH+4、COD等都具有较强的净化能力;

    Investigation results show that clayey soils in Pudong area have quite strong purification ability against Σ Fe , Cl - , NH4 + and COD .

  8. 粘性土P-Y曲线中Y(50)的神经网络预测

    Neural Network Forecasted Y_ ( 50 ) on P-Y Curves in Clayey Soil

  9. 计算粘性土p-y曲线的方法

    A new p-y curve construction method in cohesive soils

  10. 松散、高含水量、饱含重力水的粘性土,其受压变形机理符合Terzaghi渗流固结理论;

    Loose and high water content clayey soils saturated with gravity water , fit Terzaghi consolidation theory .

  11. 长春地区分布着第四纪(Q2&Q3)的黄土状土,一般厚10~20m,主要为粉质粘性土。

    The Quaternary ( Q_2 Q_3 ) loess-like soil is distributed in the Changchun area and its thickness is up to 10 20m , in which the silty clay is dominant .

  12. 本文基于一般粘性土和黄土的压缩试验结果分析,表明通过log(1+e)-logP′曲线可以准确地确定先期固结压力pc′。

    Based on analysis of results from compression tests for ordinary clay and loess , it is known that the preconsolidation force p c ′ can be determined from test curve of log ( 1 + e ) against log p ′ .

  13. 三轴剪切试验结果表明,沙棘、沙柳须根的加筋作用使沙土的粘聚力c值提高了2.5~4.0倍,使粘性土的粘聚力c值及内摩擦角φ值均增加0.25~0.40倍。

    The triaxial shearing test showed that the cohesion of sand reinforced with the fibre of sand thorn or sand willow was increased by 2.5 ~ 4 times ; the cohesion and the angle of internal friction were increased by 0.25 ~ 0.40 times for the reinforced clay soil .

  14. 天然沉积饱和有明粘性土的Burland孔隙指数与归一化含水量的关系

    Relationship between void index and normalized water content for natural sedimentary Ariake clays

  15. 介绍用27m长水泥土桩处理某大型油罐地基(22m厚淤泥质粘性土)的工程实例。

    The treatment of 22m thick silt clayey soil with 27m deep cement soil piles is described in this paper .

  16. 在粘性土填料的情况下,通过8m高加筋土挡墙的土压力、拉筋受力、墙面位移等现场测试,得到了土压力沿墙高的分布为线性的,并出现了土压力零点。

    In this paper , the measured result of earth , pressure and wall displacement etc. for a reinforced earth retaining wall of 8m height with cohesive backfill are presented .

  17. 根据粘性土的达西(Darcy)定律和水流连续性原则,建立起考虑起始水力坡降的粘性土渗透系数公式,并给出了误差分析方法。

    A permeability coefficient formula , in which the initial hydraulic gradient considered , was given according to cohesive soil 's Darcy law and continuity of water flow , and then error analytical methods were given .

  18. 为了研究影响粘性土CBR值的主要因素,结合在建高速公路15组填料进行了物理、力学试验。

    In order to study the main influence factors of the CBR value of clay , the physics and mechanics tests of fifteen groups subgrade materials from the Qing ( Dao ) Yin ( Chuan ) expressway in Hebei province are done .

  19. 基于土体的K0状态条件,给出了一个切线泊松比近似计算公式,对砂性土和粘性土均可适用。

    Furthermore , an approximate formula for determining tangential Poisson ratio , suitable for both sandy and cohesive soils , is given according to the K0 status of soils .

  20. 通过算例,讨论分析了粘性土参数的变化对p-y曲线中土体的极限强度和刚度、桩基水平位移和弯矩分布及最大弯矩和水平荷载关系的影响。

    By a calculation case , the influences of clay soil parameters on the p-y spring ultimate resistance , stiffness , the lateral displacement , distributed moment and the relation between the maximum moment and lateral load are investigated .

  21. 用上面三种模型及邓肯EB模型和线弹性完全塑性KG1模型对具有剪缩性的白河堡击实粘性土和具有明显剪胀性的承德中密砂固结不排水试验作了预测比较。

    The undrained behaviors of a compacted clay with positive dilatancy and a medium sand with negative dilatancy wera predicted using above-mentioned three models , Duncan EB and linear elastic model with parameters determined from the CD test data .

  22. 采用自由活塞薄壁取土器自地表至深度70m取得不扰动原状粉质土样,通过一系列物理力学试验,对比分析了天然沉积粉质土与天然沉积粘性土的异同。

    A free piston thin wall sampler was used to obtain undisturbed specimens of natural sedimentary silty soils from ground surface to the depth of 70 m. A series of tests were performed on both the undisturbed and the remolded / reconstituted samples .

  23. 通过对重塑粘土试样进行一系列的K0固结后卸除围压或轴压剪切试验,探讨并总结了关于卸荷应力路径下粘性土变形过程与强度变化关系,为工程建设提供可靠依据。

    On the basis of plenty of shear tests with clays unloading confining pressure or axial compression after consolidation , the conclusions of the relationship between clay deformation process and the change in strength under unloading stress path are drawn and explored , which provides a reliable basis for projects .

  24. 同时发现在一定临界影响深度范围内(20-30m),桩侧摩阻力随深度的增加而增加,且粘性土的稠度愈硬,临界深度愈浅。

    It is also observed that the pile shaft resistance increases with the increase of depth within a critical affect-depth ranging from 20 to 30 m , and the harder the clayey soil consistency is , the shallower the critical depth is .

  25. 高等级公路粘性土高路基的稳定分析

    Integral Stability Analysis of Clay Soil High Filling Roadbed in Highway

  26. 用液性指数评价粘性土稠度状态的探讨

    Talking About Appraising The State The Clay Stickability By Liquidity Index

  27. 粘土矿物叠片体与粘性土的工程性质

    The Domain of Clay Mineral and Engineering Properties of Clayey Soils

  28. 含碎石粘性土边坡渗流系统的物理模拟试验

    Physical model simulation tests on seepage system in debris-containing clay slopes

  29. 粘性土物理状态与力学特性间的灰色关联度分析

    Grey Correlation Analysis on Clayey Soil Physical State and Mechanics Character

  30. 对粘性土孔隙水渗流规律本质的新认识

    New Understanding of the Regularity of Water Seepage in Cohesive Soil