
  • 网络cohesion;adhesion;Mpa;bond;Cohesive force
  1. 粘结力最好根据图9中剪切应力和法向应力的关系曲线确定。

    Cohesion is best defined in terms of the plot of shear stress versus normal stress given in Figure 9 .

  2. 加入3%~15%左右的脲醛树脂后,可提高其耐水性和粘结力,且大大降低甲醛的残留量,游离甲醛可降低至0.5%以下。

    After joins 3 % ~ 15 % about the urea resin , may enhance its water resistance and the cohesion , also reduces the residual of formaldehyde greatly , free formaldehyde was reduced lower than 0.5 % .

  3. Er,Cr:YSGG激光切割对牙体与充填物粘结力影响的研究

    The Effect of Er , Cr : YSGG Laser on the Shear Bond Strength of Tooth Surface

  4. 同传统的钢筋混凝土结构相似,FRP筋和混凝土之间共同工作的基础是二者之间的粘结力。

    Similar to RC structure , the adhesive property between FRP and concrete is the foundation of their joint work .

  5. 分析了FRP筋与混凝土粘结力的组成、工作原理以及粘结应力沿埋长的分布规律;研究了FRP筋混凝土的粘结试验;

    The bonding behavior , working principle and bonding stress distribution along embedding length of the FRP-rebar-reinforced concrete is studied in this paper .

  6. 聚氨酯灌注XPS复合面板外墙外保温技术是一种新型的外墙外保温系统,其节能效果好,与基层粘结力强,不渗水。

    As a new technology of exterior insulation , polyurethane perfusion XPS compound plate has characteristics of good energy saving effect , large bond force and no seepage .

  7. 开发出一种MJ_3有机粘结剂,其粘结力强,价格不高。

    An organic binder MJ_3 for coal briquette which has strong sticky character and is not expensive was developed in this study .

  8. 通过大量测试表明,用SBS改性的接枝共聚物配制的胶粘剂,具有粘结力大、剥离强度高、使用方便等特点。

    From a great deal measurement , it was indicated that the adhesive made from the graft copolymer modified had high adhesive force strength , and was easy to use .

  9. 通过使用粘FRP板加固法,来克服粘钢加固法中钢板易腐蚀粘结力易降低的缺点。

    The defects of easy corrosion of the steel plate and decrease in bonding strength for the bonded steel strengthening can be overcome by gluing fibreglass reinforced plastics ( FRP ) plates .

  10. 本文主要介绍了劲性旋喷桩抗弯、抗剪强度计算分析,H型钢引拔回收时粘结力的计算以及减磨剂的选择等试验内容。

    In this paper , it were briefly studied about the calculation and analysis of bending strength and shear strength of strengthened rotating jet grouting pile , calculation of friction force in draw-reclaiming , and the test on choosing of antifriction agent .

  11. 在LLDPE的大分子上没有极性基团,它与很多基材如金属、塑料、玻璃和低的粘结力很差。

    There is no polar radical on the macromolecules of LLDPE . It has poor adhesion to many substrates such as metal , plastics , glass and paper .

  12. PG胶和DY胶嵌缝时用打胶枪施工非常方便,粘结力和伸缩率高,耐久性好,具有较好的防渗水功能。

    PC and DY glues , which have good capacity of adhesive and expansion , good durability and anti-leakage function , are easy to use for caulking by glue guns .

  13. 具体讨论了水分,温度,碱性离子,盐渍水作用下,GFRP筋的玻璃转化温度,抗拉强度,粘结力等重要耐久性能指标的变化规律。

    Important performance indicators such as glass transition temperature , tensile strength , bond strength under the action of moisture , temperature , alkaline ion and saline water are discussed .

  14. 结果:发现凝胶剂中加入适量PVP既可增加凝胶的粘结力,又可在一定范围内控制释药速率。

    Results : With the addition and amount of PVP into the gels , the stickiness of gels was increased and the drug releasing rates were controlled over a suitable rate range .

  15. 采用正交实验方法设计计算方案,对影响围岩稳定性的内在物理力学参数(弹性模量E、泊松比μ、粘结力C、密度ρ以及内摩擦角φ)的灵敏度进行了有限元数值模拟分析。

    With mathematical statistics method to design computer model and analyze the results of numerical simulation , the sensitivity of rock mass mechanics parameters ( elastic modulus E , Poisson ratio μ, cohesive force C , density ρ and friction angle φ ) influencing stope stability is studied .

  16. 结果表明,纳米复合材料中SiO2与PP间由于有机中间层和化学键合的作用,SiO2的分散性和相容性好,界面粘结力强,使得复合材料获得优异的综合性能。

    The results showed that the SiO2 in nanocomposites had good dispersion , well compatibility and strong interfacial bonding with the aid of organic interlayer and chemical bonding between SiO2 and PP , making the composites having improved performance .

  17. 分析了DN100以下热镀锌给水钢管热镀锌层与LLDPE涂层粘结力差的原因,比较了热镀锌钢管内壁预处理两种方法的优缺点。

    Analyzed is the cause for the unsatisfactory bonding of the LLDPE coating with the inner galvanized surface of the hot-galvanized steel pipes under DN100 .

  18. 夹层玻璃是在两片或多片玻璃夹层间夹上坚韧、粘结力强的聚乙烯醇缩丁荃(PVB)中间膜,经高温高压牢固粘合而成的安全玻璃。

    Laminated glass is made of two or more pieces of glass between which one layers and multi-layers of PVB with strong cohesion is sandwiched under high temperature and pressure .

  19. 结果表明:H66·W-1涂料光固化速度快,对马口铁及PVC垫片具有优异的粘结力。

    The results shows : the solidification speed of H66 · W-1 is faster and the cohesive force to tinplate and PVC shim is exceedingly hard than the general paint .

  20. 环氧树脂是一种应用广泛的热固性树脂,是ACF胶粘剂重要的基体树脂,环氧树脂型ACF具有粘结力强、固化收缩率小、耐化学介质稳定性好等优点。

    Epoxy resin is a kind of thermosetting resin , which is an important base resin for ACF adhesive . Epoxy-based ACF has many outstanding performances , such as great adhesive stress , chemical resistance and low shrinkage .

  21. 用Tg温度不同的丙烯酸乳液分别作为防水层和反光层的基料,以满足防水涂层的柔韧性和粘结力以及反光涂层的耐候性和自洁性;

    The basic components of waterproof layer and reflecting layer of the coating were acrylic acid latex with different transformation temperature , which met the requirement of flexibility and cohering strength of the waterproof layer , and of anti-weathering and self-cleaning capacity of reflecting layer .

  22. NL-2型粘结力试验仪

    Nl-2 adhesive strength testing instrument

  23. 测试结果表明TiB2-碳胶涂层与碳基底间的粘结力很强,二者的热膨胀系数相差很小,仅为0.05×10~(-5)/℃;

    It reveals that there is a strong boundary between the coated layer and the basement carbon block ; the thermal expansion difference between them is small , only 0.05 × 10 ~ ( - 5 ) / ℃;

  24. 用聚甲醛与马来酸二丁酯(DBM)的接枝物(POM-g-DBM)作相容剂,能改变共混物两相间的粘结力,从而提高了共混物的力学性能。

    The result indicates that the fracture mechanism of POM / EVA blends can be changed from brittle to ductile by addition of POM-graft-DBM ( dibutyl maleate ) as a compatibilizer which can increase the adhesive strength of two phases and so the impact strength of the blend .

  25. 通过乳液接枝法制备的Starch-g-X相容剂能够提高TPS在该共混体系中的分散性,其中淀粉接枝丙烯酸丁酯(Starch-g-BA)作为非反应型增容剂提高E-BA-GMA/TPS的界面粘结力和相分散程度的效果最好。

    Starch-g-X prepared by emulsion grafting method can enhance the dispersion of TPS in blend system , and starch graft butyl acrylate ( Starch-g-BA ) as the non-reactive compatibilizer performed the best in improving the interface bonding strength and phase dispersion .

  26. 应用真空蒸镀处理技术,在金刚石单晶表面蒸镀金属铬层,并在真空高温条件下,部分铬与金刚石键合生成Cr7C3,有效地提高金刚石表面对金属粘结剂的粘结力。

    Vacuum evaporation coating is applied to the surface of diamond monocrystal to form a metallic chrome layer on it and , at high temperature , part of chrome is bonded together with diamond to form Cr_7C_3 , thus improving efficiently the bonding strength of metal bonder to diamond surface .

  27. 新老混凝土界面粘结力形成机理

    The Mechanism Formed the Bonding Force between New and Old Concrete

  28. 进行了砂浆强度、和易性、粘结力的研究;

    Author analyzes the intensity , workability and bonding property .

  29. 提高了叠合面的粘结力和咬合力;

    The strength of felt and occlude on superposition surface are enhanced .

  30. 遮色剂对复合树脂粘结力影响的研究

    The influence of masking agent on adhesion of composite resin