
  • 网络mechanical engineer;Structure Engineer;Structural engineer;Engineer
  1. 与硬件工作师、软件工程师及结构工程师一起协作,分析产品包需求,将需求分解成硬件、软件或结构子系统;

    In collaboration with the electrical engineer , software engineer and mechanical engineer , analyze the offering requirements , partition them into electrical , software or mechanical subsystems ;

  2. 基于结构系统概要设计,提供工艺(外观)设计给结构工程师以维持品牌形象;

    Based on the high level mechanical system design , provide industrial ( appearance ) design input to the mechanical engineer in order to maintain the brand image ;

  3. 在法国,结构工程师R。

    In France , a construction engineer , R.

  4. 最后,提出了合理应用FRP及结构工程师应该做些什么的问题。

    Finally , the proper applications of FRP and what the structure engineers should do are brought forward .

  5. APIRP2A是海工结构工程师设计过程中必备的武器,必须熟练地掌握和运用。滩浅海油气田海工结构型式分析

    Relevant designers are required to be very familiar with API RP 2A . Analysis of Offshore Structure Type for the Oil and Gas Field in Beach and Shallow water

  6. 伴随CAE技术的发展,船舶结构工程师可以在计算中更加全面地考虑不同类型载荷对船舶的影响。

    Accompanying with the development of CAE technology , ship structure engineers can consider the effects of various types of loads on the simulation of ship structures more comprehensively .

  7. ANSYS是一种通用的有限元工具软件,为结构工程师提供了强有力的分析计算工具,以其直观的图形用户界面和强大的二次开发功能逐渐应用于实际工程中。

    ANSYS is a kind of tool software of finite element in common use , offer the powerful analysis computational tool to structure engineer . With its intuitionistic interface and strong secondary development function , it has used in the actual projects gradually .

  8. 这款EOSmartConnecting2电动汽车是由德国不来梅机器人技术创新中心研发的,该团队由软件开发者、设计师、电子和结构工程师组成,他们最近三年都在改进这款智能微型车。

    The EO Smart Connecting Car 2 is an innovative design from DFKI Robotics Innovation Center , based in Bremen , Germany , where a team of software developers and designers , as well as electronics and construction engineers , have been refining the smart micro car project for the last three years .

  9. 这本著作审视的成功人士包括一位全球顶级香水开发商,全球最大建筑物的结构工程师,以及发行过多张白金唱片的摇滚乐队电台司令(Radiohead)的吉他手。

    Some of those Zweig examines in his book include one of the world 's leading perfume developers , the structural engineer of the largest building on earth , and the guitar technician for the multiplatinum rock band Radiohead .

  10. 现代建筑的发展对结构工程师的挑战

    Challenges Faced by Structure Engineers from the Development of Modern Architecture

  11. 认可人士及注册结构工程师纪律委员团

    Authorized Persons ' and Registered Structural Engineers ' Disciplinary Board Pane

  12. 结构工程师;知识结构;能力;个人知识管理。

    Structural Engineer , Knowledge Structure , Capacity , Personal Knowledge Management .

  13. 彼得·莱斯为本世纪最杰出的结构工程师之一。

    Peter Rice is one of the most outstanding engineers of this century .

  14. 本文可供结构工程师在设计中参考。

    This paper may be for structural engineers ' reference in their designing .

  15. 结构工程师是一个安全至上的职业。

    Structural engineering is a safety critical profession .

  16. 在进行建筑设计时,防火问题一般由建筑师考虑,结构工程师考虑的问题不多;

    In general , fireproof design is considered by architects not by structure engineers .

  17. 结构工程师简便语言外观古朴,结构简练。

    Structural engineer easy language Its outer appearance looks simple and its structure concise .

  18. 设计桥梁的结构工程师不会交付真正的桥。

    A structural engineer who designs a bridge doesn 't deliver an actual bridge .

  19. 摘要圣地亚哥?卡拉特拉瓦是集建筑师、结构工程师和雕塑家于一身的大家。

    Santiago Calatrava is a great master of architect , structural engineer and sculptor .

  20. 香港房屋署结构工程师协会

    Hong Kong Housing Department Structural Engineers Association

  21. 彼得·莱斯&天才的结构工程师

    Peter rice ── a talented Structure Engineer

  22. 中级以上专业技术职称,注册一级结构工程师优先考虑。

    To the Analysis of Thesis Quality in Books Intelligence Professional Title of a Technicals Evaluation ;

  23. 我使用这个方法完成抽样,结构工程师认可了。

    I completed the sampling using this method , and the component engineer approved the parts .

  24. 结构工程师与概念设计

    Structure Engineers and Concept Design

  25. 建筑师与结构工程师的关系

    Relationship of architect and engineer

  26. 结构工程师的美学意识

    Esthetic consciousness of structure engineers

  27. 结构工程师考注册岩土工程师应注意的问题

    A structure engineer should pay attention to some questions that take an examination for geotechnical engineer of registration

  28. 地震资料有助结构工程师设计建筑物,本地及海外科学机构也会采用这些资料。

    Seismic data are used by structural engineers in building design , and by local and overseas scientific institutions .

  29. 上周末,加利福尼亚纳帕县发生6.0级地震,目前结构工程师仍然在估算损失。

    Structural engineers continue to assess the damage in Napa California after this past weekend 's magnitude 6.0 earthquake .

  30. 吊车制造厂商一般乐于将他们生产的吊车和桥架的详细尺寸提供给结构工程师。

    Crane makers are usually happy to give details of the dimensions of their cranes and bridges to structural engineers .