
diàn shì yǎn yuán
  • television actor
  1. 他无疑是最糟糕的电视演员!

    He has to be the worst actor on TV !

  2. 他们是当今最杰出的电视演员,风格介于毫无章法的即席喜剧和炽烈的安妮·迪佛·史密斯(AnnaDeavereSmith)式感情主义一人多角剧之间。

    They were two of the best actors on television , hailing from somewhere between the lawlessness of improv comedy and the high-impact emotionalism of Anna Deavere Smith 's one-woman , zillion-character plays . "

  3. 辛曾经是收入最高的电视演员,但是在2011年因滥用药物而导致公关危机后,他的私生活就成为了全球媒体的焦点,CBS亦因此被迫暂停了他参演的热门情景喜剧《好汉两个半》(TwoandaHalfMan)。

    Mr. Sheen was once the highest-paid television actor , but his personal life became the focus of global media attention in 2011 after he had a drug-fueled public meltdown , and CBS was forced to temporarily shut down production of his hit sitcom , " Two and a Half Men . "

  4. 高片酬电视演员们的收入状况最近进入了大众视野。

    The salaries of TV 's highest-paid actors have been revealed .

  5. 一群本年度最有名的电视演员。

    A constellation of the most famous television performers of the year .

  6. 一个有名的电视演员在街上被人认出来了。

    A famous TV star was recognized by someone in the street .

  7. 电视演员严泰雄即将捕获日本影迷的心。

    TV actor uhm Tae-woong is set to captivate the hearts of Japanese fans .

  8. 他是大众喜爱的电视演员。

    He 's a popular television entertainer .

  9. 一群本年度最有名的电视演员这个演出阵容是由一群三流演员组成的。

    A constellation of the most famous television performers of the year The cast was an assemblage of hams .

  10. 赫芬顿说,另外两名电视演员也出席了那次晚宴,他们也证实了赫芬顿的说法。

    Huffington says two other guests at the dinner party , both television actors , have confirmed her contention .

  11. 最终,他成功转型,成为电视演员,虽然他承认最开始自己还蛮害怕的。

    Eventually , he made the transition to on-camera acting , although he admits that the prospect initially scared him .

  12. 多才多艺的她,除了是电影和电视演员外,也是一个模特儿,拍过不少广告。

    Apart from being a TV and movie actress , she is also a successful model who has appeared in some commercials .

  13. 据报道称,2014年,斯佩西每集获得50万美元的报酬,成为片酬最高的电视演员之一。

    Mr. Spacey was making $ 500000 per episode in 2014 , according to reports , making him one of the highest-paid actors on TV .

  14. 从2017年6月1日至2018年6月1日收入最高的十位电视演员的总收入为1.81亿美元,低于去年同期水平(1.85亿美元)。

    Together , the world 's 10 highest-paid TV actors earned $ 181 million between June 1 , 2017 , and June 1 , 2018 , down from $ 185 million in the same period last year .

  15. 他认为由于他是电视演员,人们常常将他和剧中人物混淆,也对他本人有更多期待。

    The difficult thing about being a TV actor is that people have a lot of expectations about who you are . Enavitably , I found in social situations , people will confuse me from my character .

  16. 他是观众喜爱的电视喜剧演员。

    He is a popular TV comic .

  17. 她是一位教育家,而且是电视喜剧演员比尔考斯比的妻子。

    She is an educator and wife of television comedian Bill cosby .

  18. 资深舞台、电影和电视剧演员希拉·麦克雷去世。

    Veteran stage , film and TV actress Sheila MacRae has died .

  19. 比分是32比16。另处,电视剧演员罗伯特.Z。约翰逊今天也来到我们的演播室。

    The score is32 to16.And TV actor Robert Z.Johnson is in our studio today .

  20. 她的演技在北京电影学院以及多年的电视剧演员生涯中得到了充分的磨砺。

    Her acting skills were honed at the Beijing Academy as well as through those years of TV .

  21. 2016年,《生活大爆炸》的四位男主都荣登电视剧演员收入榜。

    All four of the leading men from The Big Bang Theory are the highest-paid actors on television in 2016 .

  22. 平民化电视剧演员表演更趋于生活化,创作风格追求写实主义,回归了电视剧的创作本质。

    The actor performs truely , the artistic style pursues realism , return to the television drama , artistic innate character .

  23. 1980年代,以舞台剧演员的身分展开演员生涯,后来成为电影及电视剧演员。

    He began his career as a stage actor during the 1980s , before being cast in supporting roles in film and television .

  24. 电视剧演员通常一季结束后工资会上涨5%,对于有些已经确定有下一季的剧,工资上涨的幅度还不止5%。

    Series cast members normally receive a5 percent salary bump every year , with higher figures sometimes on offer for stars on established shows .

  25. 首先是对一个警察的采访,然后是一个关于烹调节目,接着是对一个从东京来的律师的采访,还有就是对一个电视剧演员的采访。

    There 's an interview with a police officer , a cooking show , a lawyer form Tokyo , and we have a TV actor .

  26. 在获得王斌导演的应允后,王亚东拷贝了那份名单,名单里包括了上百个电视剧演员,电影明星以及节目主持人的联系方式。

    With the consent of the director , he copied the contact list of hundreds of TV drama stars , movie stars and TV hosts , the court reported .

  27. 目标是剧集问世时还未出生的人群,这部狂妄的科幻片摒弃了熟悉的感觉,罔顾电视剧集演员创下的盛名。

    Aimed at an audience that wasn t born when the series originally aired , the sci-fi extravaganza doesn t even require familiarity , despite cameo appearances by several of the TV show s original cast members .

  28. 乔弗瑞·拉什凭借《彼得-塞勒斯的生与死》(THELIFEANDDEATHOFPETERSELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员奖。

    Geoffrey Rush of " The Life and Death of Peter Sellers " accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie .

  29. 奥多姆——NBA著名球星,同时也是电视真人秀演员科勒·卡戴珊的前夫,昨天在内华达州一家妓院失去意识后被送往医院。

    Lamar Odom , NBA star and ex-husband of reality TV fixture Khloe Kardashian , was rushed to the hospital yesterday after losing consciousness at a Nevada brothel .

  30. 同时他还凭借在《借刀杀人》(Collateral)中与汤姆·克鲁斯的对手戏,而被提名为电影类最佳男配角的提名;并因《救赎》(Redemption)入围最佳电视类男演员的角逐。

    Foxx was also nominated as best supporting actor for his role opposite Tom Cruise in Collateral and as best actor in a TV series or miniseries for Redemption .